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/ / / The Heartbeat of God (Soul Winning and Evangelism)

The Heartbeat of God (Soul Winning and Evangelism)


soul winning, evangelism, why preach the gospel,

Soul winning is one of the greatest works Christ Jesus values in his kingdom. If you studied the word “soul winning,” you would be surprised that it differs from evangelism. Evangelism gives a platform to soul winning.

Soul winning means saving the soul of humankind from eternal destruction. As doctors use medicine to save the body, we save the soul of humankind through soul winning. To save a soul from destruction is one of the most outstanding seeds you can sow in God's kingdom because man's soul can live forever if Christ Jesus does not destroy it.

Doctors cannot save the human soul from destruction, but Christian believers can save the human soul from destruction. I started soul winning when I was in Senior High School. I stammer a little, but when it comes to soul winning, I speak perfectly with the help of the Holy Spirit.

When I entered the University, I preached at lecture halls, hostels, and apartments. I even preached the Word of God to those pursuing their masters on campus (University of Professional Studies, Accra).

After preaching, I open the portal for those who don’t know Christ Jesus (unbelievers) and churchgoers (religious unbelievers) to surrender their lives to Christ Jesus through a prayer of salvation.

Before the lecture starts in the morning (around 7:20 am) on campus, I will be checking various lecture halls to evangelize. Because of my radical evangelism on campus, most of my mates at the University called me a pastor.

Sometimes, I move out of campus to preach to people on public buses. As I write this article, I occasionally preach to people on public buses and at tertiary institutions. After preaching to the people in the public buses and tertiary institutions, I pray a prayer of salvation so that people can surrender their lives to Christ Jesus.

I have bought a megaphone where I occasionally preach at dawn. When I preach the Word of God, people often sow seed offerings and tithes to support me in the ministry. Currently, I preach to the tertiary students at Koforidua Technical University, people in public buses, wherever the Holy Spirit leads me, and online.

After preaching, people sow seeds (offerings and tithes) to me. Sometimes, I return the seed offering because the Holy Spirit tells me to give it back to the students so they can use the money to support the class.

Other times too, I sow all the offerings and tithes received at the University to a gospel minister the Holy Spirit leads me. In public buses, people sow seed (offering and tithes) to me after preaching the gospel.

Soul winning is one of my greatest passions besides writing articles and books. I even started a church with the students at Koforidua Technical University, where I led them in group evangelism, prayer meetings, and Bible studies.

However, the church fellowship is no longer working because that is not what the Holy Spirit is leading me to do. From my experience, I realize that Christian believers do not evangelize and follow up on the souls they win into the kingdom of God.

I have also realized that many Christian believers need encouragement. Because of this issue, I want to focus more on evangelism (soul winning). If you call yourself a Christian believer and ignore soul winning, you are either not born again or a baby Christian believer.

Evangelism has become part of me. Wherever I go and every chance I get, I use that opportunity to share the gospel because the kingdom of darkness will increase without evangelism. When the kingdom of darkness increases, the devil will use the unbelievers to attack us (Christian believers).

The more we preach the gospel and check on the saved souls, the more we establish God's kingdom on earth. After preaching the gospel and winning souls into the kingdom of God, I intercede for them because the devil can steal the Word from their hearts.

Most Christian believers feel shy to preach the gospel because of the tags people will place on them. If the unbelievers are not ashamed of their evil activities, why should we feel shy about preaching the gospel (good news)?

Unbelievers can dance in seductive dresses in nightclubs, smoke and drink alcohol in public places, and fornicate, yet they don’t feel ashamed. Why should I be ashamed of the gospel? Why should I be ashamed of exposing the light of Christ Jesus to the world?

Most unbelievers don’t feel shy or embarrassed about exposing their evil deeds; why should I keep silent regarding the gospel. When I was doing my internship in a college in Accra, the chief accountant and some officers did not like me because I read my Holy Bible in the office.

Because of the Holy Bible, I was denied access to vital data and information in the accounting office. I felt the chief accountant and some officers felt guilty for their evil deeds, or maybe evil spirits were manipulating them to stop me from exposing the light of Christ Jesus.

Maybe people don't like the Word of God in your workplace, school, and home. Anytime you talk about the Bible, they become angry. It is a sign of spiritual blindness and death. People who hate the gospel and the Holy Bible are dead and blind in the spiritual realm.

It takes the gospel to set them free from the bondage of the wicked one. Our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus stated that we should know the truth, and the truth shall set us free (see John 8:32). Without the Word of God in your heart, deliverance cannot occur.

When we preach the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit, the evil forces and demonic philosophies dominating the mind of the unbelievers will break. When we preach the gospel from our hearts, the Holy Spirit will work in the heart of the unbelievers leading to salvation.

When the unbelievers see the nature of Christ Jesus in us, they will turn to Christ Jesus. Sometimes the unbelievers will oppose you while preaching the gospel because demons control them.

I remember entering one of the lecture halls in a university to preach the gospel. The lecturer did not allow me to preach the Word of God. Although the students were on break, I wanted to use that time to win souls for Christ Jesus.

Satan used that lecturer to stop me from preaching the gospel (meditate on 1 Thessalonians 2:18). There was another time I was preaching the gospel on a university campus; the lecturer entered the lecture hall and told me to get out.

I thanked the lecturer and went out of the lecture hall. I have preached in several lecture halls where the lecturers waited for me to finish the gospel so they could lecture the students. Some lecturers even sow seed offerings and encourage me to preach the gospel.

However, some lecturers don’t want the gospel preached to their students. In one of my sermons on a university campus, a student took the microphone from my hands while praying. I told the students in the lecture hall to pray for the student who took the microphone from me.

After the short prayers, I left the lecture hall. Another time, a lady used abusive words to me while preaching and teaching the Word to the students in the lecture hall. I believe the lady attacked me with those offensive words because I preached hard against the sin of fornication, prostitution, and abortion.

I felt the sermon hit her heart so hard that the spirit in her did not accept the Word of God. Like the Pharisees and other religious unbelievers, they opposed Christ Jesus to his face because He preached the truth.

There are several encounters I have had while preaching the gospel. In most lecture halls, the students receive the Word with all their hearts. Some students in different lecture halls sow huge offerings to me after preaching and teaching the Word of God.

In some lecture halls, too, there is absolute silence when I enter the room to preach and teach the Word. I believe the people in those lecture halls respect the anointing in my life and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In other lecture halls, the students ignore my sermon by making noise while preaching. Like the parable of Christ Jesus, when the Sower (the Christian believer) sowed the seed (the gospel), some fell on the wayside, some fell on thorns, and some fell on good grounds.

In the same way, not everybody will receive the gospel. Don’t assume that everybody will accept the gospel when you preach it from your heart. You have to preach the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit will do His work after you preach and teach the Word from your heart. The Holy Spirit will not force people to accept the gospel when you preach it because they have their free will.

Some people will even resent you for preaching the gospel. Some will issue insults and curses at you spiritually and physically. Some people will fight you because the spirit in them does not agree with the Spirit coming from the Word. Also, note that there is a great difference between mind evangelism and heart evangelism. Know these truths.

  • People can detect when you preach and teach the Word from your heart.
  • People can detect when you are preaching and teaching the Word from your mind.
  • People can detect when you preach out of hypocrisy (when you are guilty of your sermon).
  • People can detect when you are preaching for fun.
  • People can detect when you are preaching and teaching the Word with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • People can detect when you preach the Word for money and other temporal things.
  • People can detect when you are a carnal preacher.
  • People can weigh your spirit whiles preaching the gospel.
  • People can attack you with evil powers when preaching the gospel.
  • People can detect whether you are from God or the devil.  

Like some of my encounters in the lecture halls, some people rejected the gospel, while others accepted the Word. In the same way, when you preach the gospel, some will accept it whiles some will reject it.

Some people will become your friends while others will become your enemies. Light and darkness do not meet. You are the light of the world. The darkness in the unbelievers and the world will not agree with you.

If the light in you is weak, the darkness in the world will dominate you. If the light in you is powerful, no darkness can overpower you. You have power over the devil and unbelievers if the Holy Spirit lives in you.

The more you fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the greater and sharper your light. The more you feed and act on the Word of God, the greater light. The more you fast and pray, the light in you becomes powerful.

The more you yield yourself as a living sacrifice unto the Lord, the greater the light in you shines. The light in you corresponds to the level of your sanctification, purity, and closeness to the Holy Spirit. When the light in you becomes unquenchable, your zeal for soul winning increases. You must preach and teach the gospel because Christ Jesus commanded us to do it


Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.

And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Matthew 28:16-20 KJV

Do you think Christianity will spread to other parts of the world if evangelists, Christian missionaries, and dedicated Christian believers sit in their comfort zone? Some Christian believers died in strange lands because of the gospel.

Some were maltreated and fed to strange animals because of the gospel. Check out these books Fox’s Book of Martyrs, Jesus Freaks Martyrs Stories, and God’s Generals for more profound revelation.

If you read the book of Acts in the Holy Bible, you will realize that Christian believers preach the gospel with all their hearts (see Acts 2:1-41; 4:1-4; 21:21). The disciples of Christ Jesus won thousands of souls into the kingdom of God through radical evangelism.

At that time, the population was not huge, so you could imagine the impact the Christian believers made. The early Christian believers did not have internet, yet they won numerous souls into God's kingdom.

The first-century Christian believers did not have cars, trains, airplanes, and advanced transport systems. Yet, they won numerous souls and established them in the kingdom of God. You cannot sit idle and expect the church to grow because laziness freezes the growth of the church.

You have a role to play. Build yourself in the chambers. I mean, build your spiritual muscles through prayer, fasting, and the Word of God because you will encounter people with strange spirits and unethical philosophies.

Some of them will attack you spiritually with evil powers. Some of them will attack you emotionally, verbally, and physically. Many people are perishing because you are not preaching and teaching the gospel (the good news).

People are committing suicide because they don’t know Christ Jesus. Ungodly people are taking vital leadership positions because you are not preaching and teaching the gospel. Evil activities are increasing daily because Christian believers are not preaching and teaching the true Word.

Some people are depressed because the Holy Spirit has not taken absolute control over their lives. Some people are into the “business” of prostitution, arm robbery, murder, fraud, and great evils because they don’t know Christ Jesus.

The Holy Spirit needs you in the vineyard because the harvest is exceedingly large. There are several places the gospel has not reached because you are lazy in evangelism and intercession. Some people have not heard the name of Christ Jesus because you are not preaching the gospel.

People enter the lake of fire because you are not preaching and teaching the Word. The devil oppresses numerous people because you have kept the gospel to yourself. Your comfort zone has become a barrier to your fruitfulness.

I have had some visions about the harvest. Christ Jesus is calling you to enter the rural areas, urban centers, and several “forbidden territories” because they need the gospel. The gospel can set them free from the bondage of the devil. The gospel can set people free from the lust of the flesh and pride of life. We have several ways of preaching the gospel.

  • You can preach the gospel online through social media, youtube, writing Christian articles, books, and blogs related to the Bible, and promoting them. You can also share these materials by printing and distributing them to people who don’t have money.
  • You can promote Christian eBooks and articles digitally so people in different parts of the world can access the materials.
  • You can evangelize on television and radio stations.
  • You can win souls into the kingdom of God through dawn broadcasting.
  • You can win souls into the kingdom of God by preaching the gospel in the workplace during break hours.
  • You can preach the gospel in public buses, schools, and social gatherings.
  • You can move from house to house and share the gospel.
  • You can buy a megaphone or large speakers and preach the gospel at dawn.
  • You can preach the gospel at information centers in your jurisdiction.
  • You can preach the gospel in market centers.
  • You can find a dedicated Christian believer of the same gender and preach in groups.
  • You can join the evangelism team in your church and embark on soul winning.
  • You can join the prayer team and pray for kingdom laborers.
  • You can sow seed offerings and tithes to Christian believers ready to preach the gospel in the rural and urban centers. You become a shareholder in the celestial city.
  • You can build churches for missionaries in villages. You become a shareholder in the souls the preacher wins for Christ Jesus through your seed (money).
  • You can sow seed offerings and tithes to Christian believers to preach the gospel online (on radio stations, television stations, and Christian blog promotion). You become a shareholder in the kingdom of God.
  • You can preach the gospel to those in hospitals, prisons, and deprived areas.
  • You can win souls by earnestly interceding for kingdom workers. Pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the heart of people to go out and preach the gospel.
  • You can win souls by building libraries purposely for free Holy Bibles and Christian books. When people freely read the Holy Bible and the Christian books, the Holy Spirit can help them to become born again.
  • You can win and establish souls into the kingdom of God by starting a family church and cell (group) meeting with the people in your area.
  • You can buy land, build a church and start a fellowship in your jurisdiction as led by the Holy Spirit.
  • You can win and establish souls into the kingdom of God by starting a prayer meeting with the people in your area.
  • You can establish souls into the kingdom by starting a live online prayer meeting (zoom and any online live video application).

People in rural areas earnestly desire to hear the gospel, but no one is coming to them. I remember in one of our evangelism whiles in Deeper Life church as the evangelism coordinator; we went to several villages and schools, and the people received us with great joy and sorrow.

I will never forget that experience. There was also a time; we entered a village to preach the gospel while in Senior High School. It was such a blissful experience. The people received the gospel!

There was only one church in the village. The church building was old and impoverished. After preaching the gospel with my mates, I felt we needed to preach more. As we returned to school, I couldn’t forget the experience.

As I write this article, my experience in that village reflects in my heart. I felt we did something great for God. You will not understand the impact of soul winning until you sacrifice your comfort zone.

After preaching the gospel, reach out to the people who received the Word through phone calls, text messages, and emails. It will cost you money, time, and energy but do it from your heart. If you can visit the people that gave their lives to Christ Jesus, follow up on them.

If you follow up on the baby Christian believers, it builds their faith. Also, intercede for the souls you won into the kingdom of God because Satan will tempt them. Some of them, too, will backslide if you don’t intercede and follow up on them.

Sometimes you may feel empty and useless while winning souls into God's kingdom. Don’t allow the devil and his minions to use the things of this world to crash your faith. Be faithful in your work (soul-winning and intercession).

Do the work (soul winning and intercession) from your heart. Christ Jesus will reward you in the celestial city at the appointed time. The Holy Spirit can touch the heart of somebody to support you.

Download my free book, Spiritual Keys for life. I have listed forty biblical reasons you should win souls into the kingdom of God. Also, check out my book, a soul is soul, for more profound revelation.

You can buy the books on amazon if you want to support the work of God. As stated, evangelism is not an option. It is a necessity in the kingdom of God. If you are a Christian believer, then evangelism must be your primary job.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you enjoyed reading Duodu Henry Appiah-korang's article and you want more of Duodu Henry Appiah-korang’s free books, download and read them on this website. All his works are copyrighted. Click on this link to download some of his free books. Sharing the link of this article to twitter, telegram, reedit, LinkedIn, Pin interest, whatsapp and other social media handles may save a soul from destruction. Heaven’s Gate, the best website that writes and publishes life transforming books and articles: Click on this link to read Duodu Henry Appiahkorang books on Amazon.


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