How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (7)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. In my previous article, I gave out some
holiness keys to help you activate the presence of the Holy Spirit. One
important truth you must know as a Christian believer is that the Holy Spirit
is real.
In my Christian life, I
realized that the more I build myself in the spirit, my spiritual senses
(discernment, visions, trance, perception, and dreams) increases. I can connect
with the voice and leadership of the Holy Spirit because He is my Father, Guide
and Helper.
I remember I met a
friend on the Legon campus (University of Ghana). As I sat with this friend, I
felt a strong resistance in my spirit, soul and body. I felt a magnet pulling
me away from this friend.
The more I tried to get
closer with my friend; a Spiritual force pushes me away. My heart began beating
a little faster as I sat with this friend. I kept listening to this friend and
ignored the Spiritual force pushing me away.
I felt in my body that
the resistance has stopped as I kept listening to my friend. Initially, I did not understand this signal. As
I grew in the Lord, I realized that the Holy Spirit separated me from this
The Holy Spirit said
this brother had a strange atmosphere (spirit) that opposes the church I
fellowshipped with. Because of this strange spirit dominating my friend, the
Holy Spirit was separating me from his influence.
The Holy Spirit knew
the words and presence of this friend could damage my faith and make me weak in
the Spirit, so He pushed me away. Child of God, the Holy Spirit is real. It is
time to build a consistent relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit
because He desires us.
In the spiritual realm,
the devil and his minions consistently monitor and attack Christian believers
who carry greater glory. One vital weapon the enemy uses against strong
Christians is a false accusation and lust of the flesh and eyes.
The devil uses these weapons
to destroy and kill our faith in Christ Jesus. If you don’t build yourself
spiritually, you may give up on the faith and become an unbeliever. Sometimes
the Holy Spirit can reveal a vision to you about a friend or loved one so you
can intercede for the person.
When you build a strong
capacity in Spirit-led fasting and prayers, you will not struggle to operate in
the spiritual realm. That is what I have seen in my spiritual life. The more I
fast and pray; the Holy Spirit reveals mysteries to me.
Intercede for your loved
ones, government, and spiritual leaders because they are the ultimate target of
the enemy (Meditate on 1 Timothy 2:1-4). If the devil can trap your leader,
he can manipulate you.
In some churches,
carnality has taken over. Instead of the Christian believers building
themselves in the Word, prayer and church building, they spend all their
resources (time, money, and energy) on their business, family and body.
Visions about a Church
Some churches are not growing
spiritually because the members have allowed the devil's minions to control
some aspect of their lives. I remember the Lord showed me a vision. In this
vision, I saw myself in an uncompleted church building.
No one was on the
pulpit preaching. Inside the church, I saw the people eating and drinking. The
Lord said to me, my children have forsaken my ways. They have allowed the
spirit of Jezebel to dominate them.
The spirit of lust and
whoredom is ruling the congregation. The congregation is full of dead members.
They cannot hear my voice because the desires of the flesh and evil spirits
have dominated them.
They have eyes that
cannot differentiate my works and the devil’s work because they are
spiritually blind. This congregation have sacked the Spirit-filled members and
leaders from my house and made my house a den of thieves and gluttons.
They appoint leaders
without my leadership and serve me in ignorance. These people are full of
themselves. Because of their carnality and hardened heart, I have forsaken
them. They think they are serving me.
They have rejected my
path and chosen the system of the devil and the world. The light on them is weak because they know
not my ways. They teach to satisfy their greed and corruption. The Holy Spirit
kept speaking unto me.
He said, come out from
them. Don't dine with them, for they have corrupted my house and forsaken my chosen
ones. Because of their evil deeds, many have backslidden. Many have become
unbelievers because of their evil deeds and corrupt habits.
My judgment is in the
house. I have separated the sheep from the goats. The true sheep will hear my
voice and escape for their lives. If the church fails to repent, I will allow
the devil to break in. The unbelievers will fight the church because the church
has forsaken me.
In the vision, I was disturbed because I didn't understand the mindset of the church members.
It looks like the people within the church were comfortable in their blindness
and carnality.
Everything in the
church looked gracious, but their spiritual gates, altar, and armour were weak
and exposed in the spirit. The devil and his minions could break in to attack
the church any moment because there was no covering.
The Holy Spirit has
left the church making the place corrupt. I believe the Holy Spirit showed me
this vision because the church is imitating the world's system. The church has
allowed the spirit of the world to dominate the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
The church must repent
from dead works because it produces conflict within the body of Christ Jesus. From
my spiritual experience, your environment becomes dark if the devil and his
agents are present.
When you find yourself
in darkness in the spiritual realm, the enemy has set a conspiracy to terminate
your blessings. Repent, fast and pray for God's intervention because prayer is
one of the best spiritual weapons to break the enemy's walls. You can read my series of books for
more profound revelation.
Knowing the systems of
the Holy Spirit and the devil will help you walk in victory. In this article, I
will briefly share with you how to activate the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Activating the presence of the Holy Spirit will sharpen your spirit and soul to
understand the systems of the kingdom.
If you want to
experience the supernatural and operate in the prophetic realm, develop a
consistent relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. You can read my series of books and previous articles (Spiritual warfare label) more profound
with the Brethren
One crucial truth you
must know as a Christian believer is that Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit. You
can study the personality of Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit and read the book
of John chapter seventeen for more profound revelation.
In the book of
Corinthians, Apostle Paul made a powerful statement.
Examine yourselves,
whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves,
how that Jesus Christ is in you,
except ye be reprobates?
Corinthians 13:5 KJV
Apostle Paul declared
that Christ Jesus lives in us, which means Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit. In
his letters to the church in Rome, Apostle Paul wrote that Christ Jesus lives
in us.
if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but
the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
8:10 KJV
In the book of
Galatians, Paul emphasized that Christ Jesus lives in him (includes every
Christian believer).
I am crucified with
Christ: neverthless I live; yet not I, but Christ
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the
faith of the Son of
5:20 KJV
There are numerous verses
in the Holy Scriptures that indicate Christ Jesus lives in us. I gave these
scriptures to establish a point I am about to share with you. In Matthew
chapter eighteen, verses twenty, Christ Jesus made a profound statement.
where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of
18:20 KJV
From the Holy Scriptures,
we know that Christ Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and He declared that “where two or three are gathered together in
my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
This means if you want
to activate the presence of the Holy Spirit, you must find a brethren
(Christian believer) and fellowship with him in the Spirit. When two or more
Christian believers join in one heart and calls on the name of Christ Jesus,
the Holy Spirit reveals Himself.
In the book of Acts,
the Holy Spirit descended from Heaven and filled the disciples of Christ Jesus
with spiritual power and anointing when they came together. If you want the
Holy Spirit to dominate your presence, find a Christian believer or some
Christian believers and fellowship with them.
Through the fellowship,
you will experience the Holy Spirit. When your heart and the heart of the
brethren is right with God, the Holy Spirit will dominate that place. If you
are married, pray in unity, and the Holy Spirit will dominate the marriage and
If you want the Holy
Spirit to dominate the workplace, home, lecture hall, car, hospital, bank, and
the place you live in, connect with the people through prayers, bible
discussion, spiritual songs and anything that concerns Christ Jesus. When the
gathering is about Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit will dominate that place with
His presence.
To be continued…
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