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/ / / The 16 Types of Christian Believers

The 16 Types of Christian Believers


In my previous article, I enumerated four types of believers in the body of Christ Jesus. You can check out that article for more profound revelations. In this article, I will list and reveal sixteen types of Christian believers in our modern-day churches.

Most often, we become surprised when a Christian believer portrays ungodly behavior or acts contrary to the principles of the Holy Scriptures. By the time you finish reading my article, you will not be surprised when you experience unethical behaviors some Christian believers portray in the church, workplace, and neighborhood.

When I was a baby Christian believer, I became offended when a believer in the body of  Christ acts ungodly or breaks the principles of the Word (Holy Bible). Sometimes, I decided to leave the church because I felt the Christian believers were false.

As I grew in the Lord, I realized that we have levels and types of Christian believers in the body of Christ. Do not feel offended or leave the church when a Christian believer or gospel minister offends you because some are immature in the Spirit.

Invisible and external forces also influence some Christian believers. I encourage you to read this article. In that article, I described the eight types of Christian believers in the temple of God. In this article, I have added some visions the Holy Spirit revealed to me.

Get in touch as I share the sixteen types of Christian believers in our churches with you. You will find most of the Christian believers described in this article in my previous article. The difference is that I have expanded the revelations in this article.

I will use the Word of Life as my foundation to help you understand these Christian believers. Become a blessing by sharing the link to this article on social media, your blog, emails, and any medium available. Sharing the link of this article can save a soul from destruction. Below is the list of Christian believers I have compiled.


1. Christian believers who walk and live in the Spirit

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:1 KJV

I recommend you read the entire chapter of this book to understand the Holy Scriptures better. If you read the text carefully, you will understand that Apostle Paul wrote that we have Christian believers who walk after the Spirit [the Holy Spirit].

The Spirit of God leads these Christians, so the law of sin and death has no power over them. I wrote a book titled how to walk and live in the Spirit. Get that book for more profound revelations.

Christian believers who walk and live in the Spirit allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their lives because they are dead to the desires of the flesh. Their consciousness agrees with the Holy Spirit because they are full of the living Word.

These Christian believers are not under the bondage of sin, death, the flesh, and evil spirits because they have crucified the lustful desires of the flesh and soul and put on the nature of Christ Jesus (Meditate on 2 Corinthians 5:17).

These Christian believers have killed the Adamic nature in their inner man. Most often, these Christian believers hate sin with a passion. Although they are tempted to sin, they have no desire to sin because of the incorruptible seed ruling their spirit and soul (Meditate on 1 John 3:9).

Even if they have the opportunity to do evil, they reject it because the Holy Spirit has total control over their spirit and soul. These Christian believers allow the fruits of the Holy Spirit to grow in their lives in the season of trials and temptation.

These Christian believers desire righteousness with all their hearts, walk-in Christ Jesus's footsteps, and live in the purity of the Holy Spirit to please the Heavenly Father. They dedicate their lives to Christ Jesus and the church because they are called and chosen to labor in the kingdom (the church).

One identifying mark of these Christian believers is that they desire to please the Lord with all their hearts. Holiness, sanctification, righteousness, and purity is their hallmark. These Christian believers are sanctified by the Word because they consistently feed on it and obey it. They constantly renew their soul and revive their spirit with the Word. Humility is the best identifying mark of these Christian believers.


2. Christian believers who are under the law of sin and death.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:1 KJV

Carefully read the holy text, and you will find that Apostle Paul identified Christians who walk and live after the desires of the flesh. These Christian believers are slaves to sin and death because they have not submitted to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

Most often, these Christian believers only think about their needs and wants. All they know is food, water, shelter, and pleasure. They have little or no concern about the kingdom's work because they have allowed the desires of the flesh to dominate the desires of the Spirit in their lives (Meditate on Galatians 5).

It is easy for these Christians to fornicate, insult, gossip, and engage in all kinds of unethical activities because they are under the slavery of the flesh and sin. They often don’t have time to feed on the Word of Life. You will hardly find them fasting and praying. Repent if you belong to this group because you are under the condemnation of the Holy Spirit.


3. Christian believers who are led by the Holy Spirit 

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Romans 8:14 KJV

To be led by Spirit, filled with the Spirit, and walk in the Spirit is a level every Christian believer must attain. A Christian believer can walk in the Spirit and ignore the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For example, the Holy Spirit can influence a Christian believer to fast and pray on a specific day, but the Christian believer will not fast. In such a case, the Christian believer is not led by the Holy Spirit because he did not submit his will to Him.

One important truth you must know about the Christian life is that every believer in Christ Jesus has the Holy Spirit living in him. However, it is the responsibility of the Christian believer to submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

To be led by Holy Spirit and be full of the Holy Spirit is a level you must attain in your Christian journey. For more profound revelations, check out my series of articles titled, how to activate the presence of the Holy Spirit.

They are in eight series. You can also read my series of books for more profound revelations. So, what is the key point here? We have Christians who obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. That is, they do not ignore the inner witness.

They often have a sharp discernment of the Holy Spirit and other external influences. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not enough; you must move to the next stage in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit must lead you.

Are you ignoring the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life? Are you led by the Holy Spirit or by the flesh? Are you guided by your soul or external voices (evil spirits, friends, families, and enemies)? Check out my series of articles for more profound revelations.


4. Spirit gifted Christian believers

We have Christian believers who only operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will often find these Christian believers chasing anointed ministers of God and famous preachers. These Christian believers have no time to build their relationship with the Holy Spirit.

They only desire to see miracles, hear prophecies and operate in a higher dimension of the Holy Spirit. These Christian believers do not dedicate time to feed on the Oracles of God in most cases.

They have no time to build the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives because they are not ready to pay the price. These Christian believers can operate in secret sins and spiritual gifts because they are gifted.

Most often, they receive impartation from anointed gospel ministers. In real life, they have not repented. These Christian believers easily give up when the storms of life arise. They are unable to stand trials and temptations because their foundations are weak.

Demas and Alexander, the coppersmith, best describe these Christians. I have realized about these Christian believers that they can seek strange powers when the power of the Holy Spirit falls in their lives.

If they enter the ministry of God, their followers or members become carnal because they cannot preach the pure truth. They are only concerned about mysteries, miracles, and temporal assets. Repent if you belong to this group (Meditate on 1 Corinthians 12:1-31).


5. Christian believers who only follow anointed gospel ministers

We have Christian believers who only chase after gospel ministers. These Christian believers don’t care whether the gospel minister is genuinely called, chosen, and sent by God or not. They don’t care whether the gospel minister deviates from the path of Christ Jesus. They follow “Christian ministers” blindly. In the book of Corinth, Apostle Paul described these kinds of Christian believers.


Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:12 KJV


And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?

For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?

Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

1 Corinthians 3:1-6 KJV

In the church of Corinth, the Christian believers were creating division. Some said they belonged to Paul; others claimed to be disciples of Apollos, Cephas, and Christ Jesus. This is not new in our modern-day churches.

We have Christian believers that follow the pattern of the Corinth church. It doesn’t matter what their pastor says; they follow blindly without comparing the church teachings with the Word of Truth.

These Christian believers often become slaves to the gospel minister they have submitted to because of ignorance. It is good to follow a minister of God but don’t follow blindly. If that gospel minister deviates from the path of light (the Word), fast and pray or apply wisdom.

Do you know that some “gospel ministers” are wolves in sheep clothing? Be still; I will publish some of the visions the Holy Spirit revealed to me when I get clearance from Him. You will be surprised when I publish most of these visions.

Most of the gospel ministers you see and hear on the internet and in churches are false (Meditate on Matthew 7:15-20, Matthew 24:11,24). One of the ways to detect these wolves in sheep clothing is to check followers.

Some gospel ministers operate with the jezebel spirit. Some, too, are wicked to the highest degree. Their wives are witches, yet these gospel ministers cannot detect them. Some gospel ministers, too, use strange powers to control the church.

Some, too, have good hearts, but their carnal wives are not allowing them to exhibit the teachings of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit has revealed numerous visions about some heads of state and gospel ministers in Nigeria, Ghana, the USA, and different parts of the world to me.

I was astonished by some of these visions because the “gospel ministers” are famous. They have big churches and a large following on the internet, but they are not born again. If you play with your Christian life, these wolves in sheep clothing can bewitch you and turn you into an enslaved soul in the spiritual realm.

I know what I am writing to you because the Holy Spirit has revealed them to me. I have encountered most of these wolves in sheep clothing in the Spiritual realm and real life. Be sensitive in the Spirit when listening to a specific gospel minister because there are spiritual repercussions.

The words people speak into your life have a great impact, especially if you accept them. The minister of God you submit to has a great spiritual implication. You can lose your ministry if you choose the wrong spiritual leader.

You can even lose your life if you fall prey to the wolves in sheep clothing. Child of God, I have had some experience with these wolves in sheep clothing so watch and pray. I don’t want you to become a victim of these wolves in sheep clothing.

Some people have lost their lives because they were ignorant. I believe God showed me mercy. The Holy Spirit helped me escape from these wolves in sheep clothing. Although I have honored some wolves in sheep clothing in my books and articles, I pray for divine mercies.

The wolves in sheep clothing often use fear, total dominance, false teachings, and curses to manipulate their church members. The Holy Spirit has revealed several visions of famous gospel ministers to me, so I know what I am writing to you.

Most of these “gospel ministers” have large churches in various parts of the world. Most genuine Christian believers are like lions in the Spirit (strong leadership). They are smart and sensitive in the spirit.

Some “gospel ministers” are like chameleons in the spiritual realm. They give authority to people who have not paid the spiritual price. I am writing from the experiences of the Holy Spirit, and He (the Holy Spirit) is my witness.

Keep calm. I will reveal their names and publish some of the visions when the Holy Spirit authorizes me. Some gospel ministers look holy outward, but they are ravening wolves and full of dead bones!

They are full of hypocrisy! Some, too, sit on horses of judgment and death in the spiritual realm. Some church leaders, too, think they have sanctified members; if the Holy Spirit should open the eyes of their spirit, they will realize that their so-called holy church members are the greatest sinners on earth.

It is not enough to preach the Word to your church members; you must also pray for them consistently. Some church leaders, too, are genuine in the Spirit. Some prominent world leaders engage in immoral practices with strange women.

As a result of their evil deeds, they lead the nation outside the will of God. Pray and intercede for governmental leaders because the enemy uses them to destroy innocent souls. If you know what goes on in the world of sports, you will not give all your heart to these activities.

Giving all your heart to sports drains you spiritually. I write from my spiritual experiences. Most of the football stars you admire and follow with your all heart are sexually immoral! One reason Ghana (the black stars) could not perform well in the 2022 African nations cup is because of sexual immorality within the players.

Pray that the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of your spirit. I recommend you read my article, how to see visions. Loved one in Christ Jesus; always remember me in prayers because there are some visions I am about to publish in these last days (if the Holy Spirit authorizes me).

These visions will drive you to tighten your spiritual armor. There is a great shaking coming to the earth. I mean those in the foreign continents (especially America and Europe and some parts of the world).

The judgment of God is coming upon some countries, and the only way to escape this coming divine wrath is to get to the bridge. The safest place is to abide under the shadows of the almighty.

Decide to remain under the umbrella of Christ Jesus. The true churches of Christ Jesus on earth are the only place of covering. I write this article by the authority of the Holy Spirit and by the visions received from the Holy Spirit.

Take these words seriously, fast, and pray for divine mercies because the devil has captured most of the citizens in the developed countries. Pray for grace and divine escape because the devil has set numerous traps and monitoring spirits to cage us.

However, with Christ Jesus on our side and watchfulness, the enemy can never destroy us! Share the link to this article with others so that they can escape the wrath of God, the traps of the enemy, and wolves in sheep clothing.

Remember that Christ Jesus is the ultimate light (role model) of the Church. God calls a gospel minister to help you on your Christian journey. Follow the inspired teachings of your church leader but don’t allow him to become your Holy Spirit.

Build a consistent relationship with the Holy Spirit because He is the perfect guide in your life (Meditate on John 16:12-13). Do not fall into the prison of Christian believers who chase anointed and famous “gospel ministers” because it is an invisible trap to hinder your spiritual growth and salvation.


6. Baby Christian believers

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

1 Peter 2:2 KJV

We have Christian believers who are new in the faith. That is newly converted Christian believers who just gave their life to Christ Jesus. Most often, these Christian believers are weak in the faith.

They need encouragement and love from the brethren because they are not rooted in the Word of God. These Christian believers easily backslide when the storms of life arise because they don’t have the spiritual muscles to walk through them.

In most cases, the spiritual growth of these Christian believers depends on their pastor and mature Christian believers. These Christian believers depend on their pastors for spiritual guidance because they don’t have a stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit and a deeper understanding of the Word (Holy Scriptures).


And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

1 Corinthians 3:1-2 KJV

These Christian believers often do not accept the hard truth or mysteries of the kingdom because they are babies in the Spirit. These Christian believers often create division and fight the brethren in the church and unbelievers in their neighborhood because of immaturity.

They are like the Christian believers that only follow gospel ministers. Do not be offended when you encounter these Christian believers in the church because they are babies in the Spirit. They may misbehave and offend you because they are not mature in the Spirit.


7. Spiritual Christian believers

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:1 KJV

These Christian believers have a deeper understanding of the Word because they meditate daily. These Christian believers can download profound truth from the Word during quiet time.

They can download mysteries from the Holy Spirit and interpret the language of the Spirit to the brethren. These Christian believers can easily discern the presence of the Holy Spirit and evil spirits because they have trained their spirit and soul with Spirit-led fasting and prayers.

One identifying mark of these Christian believers is that they are full of divine love. These Christian believers don’t struggle to fast and pray because the presence of the Holy Spirit is active in their lives.

It is often scarce to find these Christians fighting the brethren because they understand the laws of the Spirit. Spiritual Christian believers know certain mysteries and truths most believers do not know.

They know how to commune with the Holy Spirit. You can feel their presence when they come to your arena because they carry a notable divine presence and spiritual power. Spiritual Christian believers know how to operate in the realms of the prophet and seer because their spirit and soul are one with the Holy Spirit. They have a strong foundation in the Oracles of God and can easily catch the anointing of gospel ministers. 


8. Carnal Christian believers

Carnal vessels are the most annoying of all Christian believers because they are like unbelievers. If you are not sensitive in the Spirit, you might call them sinners because they exhibit the evil attitudes of the unbelievers.

One identifying mark of these Christian believers is that they are full of the flesh. These Christian believers have fed to their flesh to the extent that the Holy Spirit struggles to lead them in their endeavors of life.


Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5:19-21 KJV

You are likely to see the fruits of the flesh in the lives of these Christian believers because the desires of the flesh have dominated them. Anytime you see a Christian believer practicing magic, sorcery, and exhibiting jealousy, strife, hatred, conflicts, and contentions, understand that this vessel is carnal.

Most often, these Christian believers are weak in fasting and prayers. Leaders in these churches do not preach the Word with the power of the Holy Spirit. The church leaders rarely or do not exhibit the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

As a result of this weakness, the souls of the Christian believers and the spiritual atmosphere of the church becomes vulnerable to demonic attacks. Christian believers in this group will not inherit the kingdom of God because they have not submitted to their spirit and soul to the Holy Spirit. Repent if you belong to this group. For more profound revelations, check out my series of articles.


9. Work in Progress Christian believers

…In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

2 Timothy 2:20-21 KJV

From the Holy Scriptures, Apostle Paul lists six types of Christian believers.

  • Vessels of gold
  • Vessels of silver
  • Vessels of wood
  • Vessels of earth
  • Honorable vessels
  • Dishonorable vessels


Vessels of gold

Vessels of gold are Christian believers who have yielded to the Holy Spirit. These vessels are royals and nobles in the Spirit. They have great spiritual authority and recognition in the supernatural realm. They act like kings and angels in the realms of the Spirit.


Vessels of silver

Silver Christian believers are next in rank to the golden vessels in the spiritual realm. These Christian believers have not fully yielded to the Holy Spirit, although they are royals in the kingdom.

These Christian believers fall in the season of trial and temptation and make the necessary amendment; that is, they repent immediately when they backslide (Meditate on Proverbs 24:16). You are likely to find these Christian believers amid hardened and unrepentant sinners, yet they are dedicated to the things of God.


Vessels of wood

These Christian believers are on fire for the Lord at the initial conversion stage but die out on the road to the celestial city. They burn out quickly because they have zeal without knowledge. These Christian believers are ready to give their best in the kingdom, but they lack the spiritual fortitude to finish the race.


Vessels of the earth

These Christian believers are susceptible to heresies because of their immaturity. They welcome every wind of doctrine in their Christian life because of leniency and lack of watchfulness (Meditate on 2 Timothy 4:1-4). These vessels are similar to baby Christians. The only difference is that they are more mature than the baby Christian believers.


Honorable and Dishonourable vessels

Honorable Christian believers value the temple of Christ Jesus. They treasure the Holy Spirit with all their heart in their works. These Christian believers are ready to pay the price to live in holiness, righteousness, and purity.

Honorable Christian believers respect the values of the faith. Unlike the dishonorable Christian believers who don’t respect the temple of the Holy Spirit yet respond to the call of God and do the kingdom work, the honorable Christian believers respond to the call of God and live to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus.

The honorable Christian believers do the kingdom work from their heart. The dishonorable Christian believer does the kingdom work from their heart. Yet, they live in secret sins such as fornication, masturbation, and sins that defile the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Dishonorable Christian believers often grieve the Holy Spirit because they ignore the inner witness. Repent if you are a dishonorable vessel so that the Holy Spirit can lift you to a higher realm.


10. The Pharisee type

These Christian believers are position-minded in the body of Christ Jesus. They are in the church to occupy high positions and control the brethren. These Christian believers love the applause of the brethren and the world more than the rewards of God.

Most often, they have no personal sanctification. These Christians publicly display good deeds for recognition and honor. They earnestly desire recognition from the church and world. These Christian believers portray outward righteousness but are full of wickedness deep within.

The Word of God has no root in their heart because invisible sin has blinded them. They only have the Word of God in their mind, so they don’t preach the Word from their heart. These Christian believers do not practice what they preach and teach because they deliver only from their minds.

They are opposed to new ideas that can elevate the church to a higher dimension because of pride. These Christian believers are likely to perish in their sin because they are not ready to repent when confronted.

They think they know the Word of God and theology, so they reject the warning of the Holy Spirit and counsels of others. They use their experience, age, and position in the church and workplace to condemn Christian believers and people that criticize them.

Inwardly they have a stony heart and vengeful spirits. Outwardly they show signs of purity and righteousness by wearing religious dresses to cover their spiritual blindness. I will use the American slang to describe them; these Christian believers don’t give a damn when destroying the reputation of true Christian believers because they are blind and dead in the Spirit.

Their wickedness creates a dark veil and blinds their spiritual senses in the supernatural realm, so they cannot respond to the warning of the Holy Spirit and the church. These Christian believers are only concerned about church traditions.

When Christ Jesus walked on earth as a man, He rebuked these “religious unbelievers.” Are you a pharisee in the church? Repent for a turnaround!


11. The Sadducee type

These are legalistic believers in the body of Christ Jesus. They only abide by the laws of the letter and ignore the law of the Holy Spirit. Most often, they have no relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

They are similar to the Pharisees, but the difference is that they are quick to condemn others in the faith. These Christian believers do not investigate a matter before judging. They see you as an enemy when you disagree with their faith.

Legalistic Christians have no room for grace and mercies in their church. They constantly preach the law of the letter and expect their followers to live by the laws in the old covenant. These Christian believers follow all the abolished laws of the old covenant with all their hearts.

They love to separate from other Christian believers because they think they are the only ones on the right path. They often don’t expand their knowledge by reading Christian books and relevant works of literature. Repent if you belong to this group.

Become a blessing by sharing the link to this article. I will continue in the next article. Stay blessed!

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