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/ / Divine Principles of Spiritual warfare (7)

Divine Principles of Spiritual warfare (7)


Loved one in Christ Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. As we get closer to the end of the world, prepare yourself because we are in the season of trials, affliction, watchfulness, and endurance.

The best virtue to exhibit in this season is the fruit of endurance because that is the required seed to stand the storms coming from the unbelievers and carnal “Christians.” In this season, the Holy Spirit will reveal more of Himself to us in dreams and visions.

If you have been receiving visions in the spiritual realm, it’s a sign you are alive in the spirit. If you don't have any dream, vision, or trance concerning the works of God and the devil, it means you are dead, weak, or blind in the Spirit.

You must revive your spirit with fasting, prayers, God's Word, spiritual songs and connect with Spirit-filled brethren. I have observed in my spiritual life that any time I allow my flesh to dominate my spirit and soul, I feel I have lost something in life.

I try my best to stay in touch with the Holy Spirit through fasting, prayers, the Word, and spiritual songs. It helps me to be active in the Spirit. It is like planting a seed in fertile soil and watering it. As long as the seed receives enough water, sunlight, and protection, it will germinate.

That is how our spiritual life works. If you stay in touch with the Word, prayer, spiritual songs, Spirit-filled Christians, and fasting, the Holy Spirit will always make you active in the Spiritual realm. When you ignore prayers, fasting, spiritual songs, the Word, and the brethren, you begin to die in the Spirit.

When you plant a seed and fail to water and protect it from weeds, it will die. That is how our spiritual life works. The more we fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the seed in us grow and become sensitive to Trinity's leadership.

If you don’t build yourself spiritually, you may not be able to stand the storms that come your way. You cannot always depend on the church for survival because a time will come the church will be no more. The anti-Christ has programmed some strategies to break the church (God's kingdom on earth), so you must build the church inside your heart.

Failure to build a strong spiritual fortitude will open the portal for the enemy to attack. In this article, I will share one of the best ways to build your spirit in the season of spiritual warfare. If you follow these divine principles, you will always triumph over all the enemy's fiery darts and become strong in the Lord.


The Key of Holiness in Spiritual Warfare

Holiness is one of the best virtues the cherubs, seraphs, Archangels, and other angels see when the Trinity exposes Himself in the Celestial City. Holiness is the nature of God Almighty. Nothing best describes our King and Savior, Christ Jesus, better than the virtue of holiness.

The cherubs always adore the name of our LORD in holiness because that is what they see about Him. If God is Holy and we are His followers, we must also imitate Christ Jesus's holiness. Because of God's holiness, evil cannot penetrate His heart.

Holiness burns any evil thing that comes its way. It is for this reason I want you to understand the essence of holiness in spiritual warfare. Know these truths.

  • Holiness means walking on the path of Christ Jesus.
  • Holiness means hating what God hates and loving what God (Christ Jesus) loves.
  • Holiness means desiring the lifestyle of the Trinity.
  • Holiness means rejecting the world's life and desiring to become the exact image and likeness of God.
  • Holiness means bringing the life of God Almighty to the earth realm.
  • Holiness is the culture, tradition, and philosophy of the Celestial City.
  • Holiness means setting yourself apart for God's kingdom.
  • Holiness means lifting the banner of Christ Jesus on the earth realm.
  • Holiness is a stage where a believer in Christ Jesus walks in the leadership of the Holy Spirit. 
  • Holiness is a stage where a believer in Christ Jesus hates sin with a passion and desires righteousness with every iota of his heart.
  • Holiness means living the exact opposite lifestyle of the kingdom of darkness.
  • Holiness comes into the scene when the devil and his minions desire to destroy a Christian believer at every cost.
  • Holiness is the mystery behind the suffering we see in this world.
  • Holiness is the energy that holds the life of the world.
  • Holiness is the power bank of the Celestial City.
  • Holiness is the greatest enemy of sin.
  • Holiness is the mighty force that resurrected darkness.
  • Holiness is the virtue that brought the war between the light and darkness in the beginning.

I believe these few revelations will empower you to pursue holiness. Holiness is essential in our Christian walk because it has numerous benefits when it comes to spiritual warfare. The devil knows Christians who wear the garment of holiness and those who do not.

Holiness is in degrees in the spiritual realm. Some angel’s holiness surpasses other holy angels. In the spiritual realm, some believer’s holiness surpasses some holy angels. The higher your holiness, the nearer you can get nearer to the throne of heaven and some specific angels.

Some angels are too holy to step on the earth realm because their holiness will destroy humankind's race. This is one reason; some angels only live around the throne of God. Such angels are so glorious to the extent that they are not permitted to access the earth realm. These angels observe the activities of heaven from the Celestial City.

Some holy angels try to reveal themselves to you when you begin to fast and pray because you create an atmosphere for them. Every Christian has an angel that watches over him. Your guardian angel may choose to reveal himself to you if you meet the spiritual requirement of God.

Some angels of God can also make your soul and spirit fearful if they enter your environment. Such an angel's holiness surpasses your holiness. The higher you grow in the Spirit, God assigns strong and holier angels to surround you.

Have you thought about Lucifer? Have you thought about the unique gems God crafted on Lucifer and other angels? These unique gems (topaz, sapphire, emerald, diamond, beryl, jasper, onyx, and other precious stones) have a meaning in the realms of the spirit.

Those in other worlds and religions use these precious stones and gems profitably and destructively. There are mysteries behind these precious stones in the spiritual realm. These stones have special roles to play in the spiritual realm.

You can get my book, Understanding the Ministry of Angels, for a more profound revelation. As I wrote, holiness is God's nature, and it is a necessity in spiritual warfare.


So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Isaiah 59:19 KJV

Most often, the enemy attacks people unaware. The rate at the kingdom of darkness monitors and desire to destroy us is so strong that I cannot find the exact word to describe their hatred. I know what I am writing to you because I have some spiritual experience.

The devil and his minions use our little mistake to strike us hard, so don't joke with your Christian life. Holiness is the key to divine protection. From the Holy Scriptures, we can see how the enemy attacks. The enemy comes in like a flood to attack, but the Spirit of the LORD lifts a standard against him.

Maybe you should watch how flood destroys cities and organizations. The flood comes with a mighty unstoppable force and destroys anything that comes its way. That is how the devil and his cohorts strike their enemy.

In the same Holy Scriptures, the writer notes that the Spirit of the Lord shall lift a standard against him. The Spirit of the LORD (Holy Spirit) challenges the devil because the garment of holiness rests on the believer.

This means if you don’t have the seal or garment of Christ Jesus holiness on you, the Spirit of the LORD cannot stop the enemy from attacking you. This is one reason some people die whiles asleep. Others die through tragic accidents.

All these deaths are the attacks of the enemy. If you have the garment of God’s holiness on you, the Holy Spirit becomes your defender in the spiritual realm. Living in holiness is a great asset in your spiritual life because the Holy Spirit automatically becomes your defender.  


The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Psalms 34:7 KJV

I believe you have observed the above Holy Scriptures. The angel of the LORD protects people that reverence God from their heart and in their deeds. Never think you can deceive God, His angels, and the kingdom of darkness when you live in secret sin.

Don’t expect God’s angels to fight the invisible battle for you if you are engaged in secret sin. At least, your heart will judge you of your deeds. Your conscience will condemn you of your actions if you are about to do something evil.

It is only people who are dead in the Spirit that has no regret when doing evil. Such people are not born again. If you are born again, the Holy Spirit will always remind you when you are about to do something that goes against the Word of God.

As the Holy Scriptures declares, the angels of God always deliver those that walk and live in the reverential fear of God.  You don’t need to pray too long when you are in the season of spiritual warfare because your reverence for God automatically guarantees your protection.


For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 

And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?

1 Peter 3:12-13 KJV

If you want God and His angels to respond quickly to your prayers, pursue the righteousness of Christ Jesus and set yourself for Him and the church because Apostle Peter writes that God's ears are open to people who seek the kingdom righteousness.

God always watches over those who value the kingdom business above their business. If you live in sin, the Holy Scriptures declare that the Lord turns his face against you. This means the devil and his minions can block your prayers, and secondly, God will not hear you when you are waging war against the kingdom of darkness.

It is even dangerous to enter spiritual warfare when you are living in conscious sin. Apostle Peter wrote in verse thirteen, “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” No devil or human being can destroy you if you are on the path of the Holy Spirit.

People may curse you out of jealousy, but it will not work; the curse will either backfire or turn into a blessing.  Your enemy may take you to vicious occult groups, witches, wizards, sorcerers, evil traditional priests, and other agents of the devil; all their works will be useless because you have decided to reverence God with all your heart.


Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

Do you want your prayer to become effective and break through the strongholds of the enemy? Do you know some demons can stop some Christian believer’s prayers? If you want your prayer to cause disaster in the kingdom of darkness, set yourself apart for Christ Jesus and the church.


God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

Psalms 7:11 KJV

Do you want to know why your prayers seem to be keeping long? The Holy Scriptures declare that God is angry with the wicked every day. Wicked people desire the downfall of others. They imagine evil should happen to others.

People with an evil mindset are God's enemies. If you are a wicked person, repent because God and His angels are angry with you. You are disturbing God and His angels with your prayers. Whiles, you are praying, the demons will be mocking you in the spirit because they know God is angry with you and your prayers.  Whiles attacking the devil and his minions, they will be laughing at you because they know your prayers can never touch them.

Set yourself apart for Christ Jesus and become a dedicated worker in the house of God. Serve God and the church from your heart, and your prayers will always have a tremendous effect in the spiritual realm.

Divine Principles of Spiritual Warfare (8)...

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