Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. The atmosphere we
find ourselves in is not suitable for carnality because the kingdom of
darkness is working tirelessly to limit God’s kingdom on earth.
I assure you by God’s
grace, wisdom, power and understanding that nothing can stop the church because
our Saviour and Lord Christ Jesus have overcome the kingdom of darkness. It's our mandate as Christian believers to take responsibility because God
and His angels cannot do something we are supposed to do.
God has given us His
Word so we can know His mind in every situation we find ourselves. He has given
us the Holy Spirit as a Guide, Teacher, Comforter, Prophet, Judge, Father and
Intercessor so we will not perish in the evil day.
The rate at which the
kingdom of darkness works to destroy the church is unbelievable. Ask the Holy
Spirit to open and sharpen your spiritual senses to enable you to discern the
spiritual realm's activities because it is dangerous to be ignorant of the spiritual
realm activities.
I have realized in my
spiritual life that the kingdom of darkness strictly monitors us all the time.
As soon as we switch off from the faith realm, they attack us with all their
strength. I am writing to you from my spiritual experience.
The rate at which the
kingdom of darkness desires to destroy and distract us from God’s path is incredible. It's God's grace, mercies and love that protect us from the enemy's attacks. The
moment you enter the realm of the devil and his minions, they stab you with all
their might.
I know what I am
writing to you because the devil and his minions have attacked me several times.
If you are a labourer in the kingdom of God, yours is worst. This is one reason
I encourage labourers in the vineyard to be watchful in their spiritual life
because Satan and cohorts continuously monitor us to break us from the path of
In the letters of
Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus, he writes,
Finally, my brethren,
be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
6:10 KJV
Apostle Paul never
wrote to the church to be strong in their marriage, education, country, business, secret
bank account, family, and job. Paul wrote that we should be strong in the Lord and
in the power of his might, which means the best way to stay strong in our
Christian life is to remain active in the things of God. Know these truths.
- Being strong in the Lord means we depend on the Holy Spirit for direction.
- Being strong in the Lord means we put all our hope and faith in God’s Word.
- Being strong in the Lord means we value and follow the principles of God’s Word.
- Being strong in the Lord means we obey the Holy Scriptures from our heart and in our deeds.
- Being strong in the Lord means, we uplift Christ Jesus banner above the world and the devil's flag.
- Being strong in the Lord means we embark on fasting, praying, and soaking into spiritual songs.
- Being strong in the Lord means we don’t allow the devices and fiery darts of the enemy destroy our faith in the Lord.
- Being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might means we believe with all our heart that nothing in the spiritual and earth realm can destroy us because Christ Jesus is above every power and authority.
- Being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might means we believe the one that lives in us is greater than the one in this world.
- Being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might means we believe every promise recorded in the Holy Scriptures will work in our life despite the circumstance.
- Being strong in the Lord and in the power of his might means we believe Christ Jesus holds the whole world in His hand.
- Being strong in the Lord means we don’t fear death and that nothing can stop us from following Christ Jesus.
If you are not strong
in the Lord, you cannot stand the arrows of the enemy. Build yourself to the
stage where nothing in this world can stop you from loving Christ Jesus and the
church. Some people become depressed and give up on Christ Jesus and the church
because of the attacks that come their way.
Such people are not
strong in the Lord. If you don’t want to become a prisoner in the kingdom of
darkness, build your spiritual muscles. Some Christians live to eat; meanwhile,
Jesus said, man, shall not live by bread alone. These Christians don’t have any
spiritual strength because their spirit is weak, blind and miserable.
They starve their
spirit and soul so anytime the devil and his minions fire the arrows of fear,
confusion, jealousy, death, anger, pride, sickness, and other deadly weapons at
them, they become prisoners. Many people live in the spiritual cage of the
enemy because they are not strong in the Lord.
Some Christians are in
bondage (strong chains) and living as slaves in the kingdom of darkness because
they are weak in the Spirit. One thing about the devil and his minions is that
they know strong and weak people in the Lord. You must put on God’s armour
because we are at war in the spiritual realm.
Put on the whole armour
of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
6:11 KJV
I believe you have now
understood why Apostle Paul wrote to the church that we must put on the whole
armour of God. The reason for this armour is to protect ourselves against the
cunning arts, craftiness, deceit and trickery of the enemy.
The devil is a murderer, liar
and trickster. It is the nature of the devil to deceive, lie, oppose,
slander, accuse, destroy, and kill God’s creatures and children. Failure to put
on the whole armour of God makes you a target of the enemy.
Paul writes that we
must put on the whole armour of God, which means a Christian believer can put on some armour
of God and ignore some. Failure to put on God's full armour makes you vulnerable
in the spiritual realm because there is a different department in the kingdom
of darkness that fights specific Christians. Each department has specialities in the spiritual attack;
therefore, failure to put on God's whole armour makes you a different
department candidate. Paul writes that,
For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against
the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
Wherefore take unto you
the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and
having done all, to stand.
6:12-13 KJV
We (Christian
believers) fight against these spiritual forces.
Principalities: These spiritual forces operate in
specified jurisdiction in the spiritual realm;they act as kings, prince, and
queens in the realms of the spirit.
Powers: These spiritual forces control leaders,
organizations, businesses, countries, cities, villages, and make decisions.
Rulers of the darkness of this world: These spiritual forces
open the door for every evil to flourish on the earth realm and act as the
human agents for the devil.
Spiritual wickedness in high places: These spiritual forces
enforce all the enemy's plans and monitor humankind's activities.
You can get my book, How to Break the enemy's stronghold for
a more profound revelation. Apostle Paul further writes that we must take the
whole armour of God so that we can withstand in the evil day.
This means there is an
evil day awaiting every Christian, and the best way to stand this evil day is
put on the whole armour, not some armour of God. The question is, what is this
evil day?
- The evil day can be the day of temptation.
- The evil day can be the day of affliction.
- The evil day can be the day of accusation.
- The evil day can be the day your loved ones will reject you.
- The evil day can be the day on your sickbed.
- The evil day can be the day of confusion.
- The evil day can the day of hardship.
- The evil day can be the day you desire to sin with all your heart.
- The evil day can be the day you unconsciously or mistakenly offend the enemy.
- The evil day can be the day when you feel like giving up on Christ Jesus.
- The evil day can be the day when the world begins to attack your faith in Christ Jesus.
- The evil day can be the day when you don’t know what to do with your life.
- The evil day can be the day when you feel like committing suicide.
Failure to put on the
whole armour of God puts your life and those connected to you in great danger
in the evil day. Paul further describes
these spiritual armours.
The Spiritual armour of Christian believers in spiritual warfare.
Stand therefore, having
your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of
And your feet shod with
the preparation of the gospel of peace;
Above all, taking the
shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of
the wicked.
And take the helmet of
salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
6:14-17 KJV
Truth:This spiritual armour has to do with our faithfulness
with God’s Word, the church and how we deal with the world.
Breastplate of righteousness: This spiritual armour
comes upon a believer when he truly repents, confesses and accepts Christ Jesus
and His Saviour and Lord of his life, lives according to the principles of
God’s Word and walk on the path of the Holy Spirit.
Gospel of peace: This spiritual armour comes upon a
believer when he dedicates himself to be a labourer in the church or wherever
he finds himself, and win and establish souls in the kingdom of God from his
Shield of faith:
This spiritual armour comes upon a believer when he puts all his hope
and trust in God’s Word despite the circumstance.
Helmet of salvation: This spiritual armour comes upon a believer
when he truly becomes born again. The Holy Spirit protects the believer's
mindset and influences him to follow the Word and reject the devil's deceptions
and minions.
Sword of the spirit: This spiritual armour becomes active when
the believer confesses, decrees and acts on the promises recorded in the living Word.
You can get my book, How to Walk and Live in the Spirit for
a more profound revelation. God gave us these spiritual armours because He
knows we are in a spiritual battle. Child of God, take responsibility because
God and His angels cannot perform a duty He has commanded us to do.
To be continued...
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