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/ / / The Twenty (20) Decreed Currencies of the Holy Spirit – 3

The Twenty (20) Decreed Currencies of the Holy Spirit – 3


What exactly is Holy Spirit?

Table of Content


Understanding the Holy Spirit

One thing I have observed about the Holy Spirit is his persistence. No one in and outside this world can surpass the perseverance of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit wants to deliver you, He will keep reminding you of the problem (the stumbling block).

The Holy Spirit will keep pressing you about the particular issue because He wants you to eliminate it. Until you deal with the problem, he will not stop talking to you. The Holy Spirit will remind you of salvation even if you backslide.

Only those who denounce Christ Jesus and make a covenant with the devil cut their communication line with the Holy Spirit. Even for that one, the Holy Spirit has a way of speaking to those vessels.

If you want a faithful friend, father, mother, lover, sibling, comforter, guide, prophet, teacher, and leader, choose the Holy Spirit because He is the perfect person. The Holy Spirit is my best friend. He speaks to me in several ways.

I have realized that the Holy Spirit is not just a wind, fire, water, or name recorded in the Holy Bible. The Holy Spirit is real! He will reveal himself to you when you show interest in Him. The Holy Spirit will not promise and fail you.

Like family and friends, who promise and often fail us, the Holy Spirit abides by his word (promise). Our problem is unbelief and conscious disobedience to the Word of God. Sometimes, you need patience to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit.

One master key to activate the promise (blessings) of the Holy Spirit is obedience. When the Holy Spirit or the Holy Bible tells you to do something, and you do it, Christ Jesus (God Almighty) will supply.

The more you prolong the instruction of the Holy Spirit, the longer you extend (delay) the manifestation of the blessings and opportunities. I have realized that we often allow the things of this world to limit the blessings of the Holy Spirit.

We often expect the Holy Spirit to work in a specific way. However, the ways of the Holy Spirit are unexplainable (meditate on Isaiah 55:6-9). If you obey his voice, He can touch someone’s heart to supply the things you need to accomplish the task.

From my experience with the Holy Spirit, He often allows the enemy to “punish” us when we resist his instructions. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit allows the enemy to block us because we disobey his voice.

The Holy Spirit allows the enemy to block us because He wants us to return to the right path. Even at this stage, the enemy's "attacks" work for our good (see Romans 8:28). I have had several instructions from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit speaks to me in dreams and visions. He tells me to travel to specific places to preach the gospel. When I get the visions, dreams, and instructions from the Holy Spirit to travel to particular towns, villages, schools, and cities to preach the gospel, I often allow the things of the world to limit me.

I give excuses that I don't have the finances to travel to the prescribed places. However, the moment I obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit and travel to the specified location, people supply me with funds to do the work.

I get more finances to do the work of God after the obedience. There’ve been several instances where the Holy Spirit speaks to me in dreams and visions to evangelize in specific institutions, villages, and towns.

I give excuses. Sometimes, I challenge the Holy Spirit that if he has sent me, he should supply the finance. Faithful to his word, people, I never expected to give the funds to embark on the mission send the money.

Sometimes, I receive enough (more than expected) finances and connections. I get enough finances to buy extra things because of obedience. I’m still growing in the Lord. I have seen that if we obey the instructions of the Holy Spirit and Holy Bible, the Holy Spirit supplies.

How we expect the Holy Spirit to help us will differ from his strategy. The Holy Spirit works miraculously. He can use anyone, anything, and anybody to support us. One of the spiritual fathers who encouraged me is Abraham.

Reading the book of Genesis, especially the section describing the call of Abraham, grows my faith. God told Abram to leave his father’s house and settle in a land he would show him. Abram moved out of his father's house with his wife and possessions.

When Abram obeyed the instructions of God, he received a new name. God changed his name to Abraham. Abraham's obedience (faith) and God's faithfulness encouraged me. If God were faithful to Abraham, he would be loyal to me.

Anytime I am about to travel to an unknown location, I speak to myself; it is well with my soul. I may need to find out the people in that location. However, if the Holy Spirit says I should go there and preach the gospel, I will go.

Surprisingly, the people accept me wherever the Holy Spirit tells me to go. I meet precious vessels that honor me. However, some exhibit hostile attitudes. If the Holy Spirit sends you to preach the gospel in a different location, obey his voice.

The Holy Spirit is faithful. He will help you. The Holy Spirit can use anything and anyone to support you. Have faith in God. Have faith in the Holy Bible. Believe in the instructions of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit will not let me down. He will be faithful to his words (meditate on Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Habakkuk 2:3, Luke 21:33). The Holy Spirit will not allow our enemies to triumph over us.

He will send the workers and helpers if it is a divine mandate. Trust the Holy Spirit because He is faithful to his words. Whatever the Holy Spirit tells or reveals to you, believe it with all your heart.

If you doubt the visions and instructions of the Holy Spirit, pray about it. Analyze the visions and dreams with the currency of discernment. Compare the dreams, visions, and instructions with the Word of God (the Holy Bible).

If the dreams, visions, and instructions tally with the Word of God, it's from the Holy Spirit (meditate on 1 John 5:7-8). If you have trusted, godly, knowledgeable, and experiential spiritual leaders and friends, discuss the visions, dreams, and instructions you received from the Holy Spirit with them.

They will help you. However, be rest assured that the Holy Spirit is faithful. Exercise patience. Sometimes, you must seek the face of God through fasting and prayers. When you seek the face of God through fasting and prayers, the vision, dreams, and instructions of the Holy Spirit will be clear.

The fact that the Holy Spirit has revealed something to you does not mean do it now. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit shows us the future. He can reveal something to us. However, that vision or dream will manifest in the next five, ten, or twenty years (meditate on Habakkuk 2:3).

Be patient. Build your soul with the Word of God. Develop a strong fellowship and relationship with the Holy Spirit. The more you do that, the more the Holy Spirit reveals himself to you. The more you know the Holy Spirit, the stronger your spiritual life is.

In my previous article, I enumerated eight currencies of the Holy Spirit. Kindly check out that article for a more profound revelation. You can also download and read my series of books for more profound revelations about the Holy Spirit. Do well to share the link to this article with your loved ones and encourage them to share it because the wisdom and revelation in this article will transform them.


The seven divine currencies of the Holy Spirit

What is the biblical meaning of Holy Spirit?

there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD;

And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

Isaiah 11:1-5 KJV

From the above Holy Scriptures, we can see the Messianic prophecies. The prophecies in the Holy Scriptures are about our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus. However, the revelations talk about currencies of the Holy Spirit.

I want to share some of these currencies with you to help you know the works, leadership, personality, and power of the Holy Spirit. Knowing these truths will enhance your relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.


1. The Spirit of wisdom

One tangible currency of the Holy Spirit is wisdom. We often don't see the Holy Spirit with our physical eyes. However, the Holy Spirit gives us evidence of his presence, power, and provision. The Holy Spirit reveals Himself in vessels (people) and vicinities (communities).

If you observe the unbelievers, you will see they operate with a certain kind of wisdom. Most often, you will see the unbelievers and religious unbelievers bragging about their college certificates and achievements.

The world shows us their discoveries, buildings, ultra-modern roads, and facilities. Ultra-modern roads, structures, facilities, and discoveries are good. However, they are temporal. We can value them.

We shouldn't allow these discoveries and facilities to occupy our minds because they will perish one day. If a vessel does not know Christ Jesus, he boosts his achievement. That vessel thinks his achievement makes him wise.

Earthly achievement can testify to your wisdom. However, that doesn't mean you are wise. The wisdom of the Holy Spirit surpasses this world's assets and achievements. I remember a man telling me Christians often allow the things of this world to occupy their hearts. The man continued many Christians do not value their eternal blessings.

They forget that they have heavenly treasures no one can steal from them. As the man spoke, I analyzed his words. I said to myself, this man is speaking deep words. If we (Christians) knew what we have, we would not allow the things of this world to occupy our minds.

This does not mean that we shouldn't build ultra-modern roads and facilities. I am not endorsing lazy Christians who sit day and night crying; heaven is my home. A wise person manufactures great things and builds his spiritual treasures.

The wisdom of the Holy Spirit leads us to build spiritual mansions and earthly treasures. Anytime you see a man who wins souls for Christ Jesus and builds the Kingdom of God with his time, energy, money and assets, that man has the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

However, a man who only builds earthly treasures and ignores the heavenly treasures lacks the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to read my book, The Hidden Treasures, for more profound revelations.

When a man thinks beyond earthly treasures, he has the wisdom of the Holy Spirit—vessels with the currency of wisdom value spiritual mansions more than earthly mansions. Spiritual mansions are eternal.

However, earthly treasures are temporal. A man with the currency of wisdom sees God’s creation (human beings, animals, plants, river bodies, and the earth) as little Gods. Vessels of wisdom value and protect God's creation.

Vessels of wisdom do not discriminate. They respect everyone equally, irrespective of tribe, culture, and status. Only earthly wise people discriminate and respect people they perceive valuable. A man full of the Holy Spirit asks these questions.

  • Where will I spend my eternity when my entire body becomes irresponsive?
  • What am I investing in the Kingdom of God?
  • Is my name recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life?
  • What is my purpose?
  • How can I identify my purpose?
  • How do I accomplish my purpose?
  • What value can I add to the race of humankind?
  • How do I know God?

These are a few questions wise vessels ask. A man with the currency of divine wisdom does not only think about himself. He remembers the poor and vulnerable. A man full of the Holy Spirit invests in the Kingdom's work.

Despite his earthly achievement, he avails himself as a living sacrifice in God's Kingdom. A vessel of wisdom respect, and honor people that crosses his path. A man with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit sees beyond the natural man.

He can see a manager, minister, pastor, great star, president, and potential leader in an “unworthy vessel.” Without the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, you will see everyone as ordinary. However, with the mind of the Holy Spirit, you see beyond the natural eyes. Do you have the currency of divine wisdom? Do you have the Holy Spirit? Freely download and read my series of books on my blog for more profound revelations.


2. The Spirit of understanding

When a vessel possesses the currency of understanding, his decisions stand the test of time. People with an understanding spirit (currency) don't quickly condemn. They gather adequate evidence before concluding.

However, people without understanding judge without adequate evidence. They are quick to conclude a matter. People with the currency of understanding analyze the perspective of each party before concluding.

When a vessel possesses the currency of understanding, he acts beyond his age mate. His wisdom surpasses those above and below him. Like Christ Jesus, the religious and unreligious people of his time couldn’t stand his wisdom (see Matthew 13:53-54).

Because they couldn’t stand his wisdom, they opposed him. One reason some people attack you is because your wisdom surpasses their wisdom. Learn how to live and deal with household enemies.

Freely download and read my book, The Mysteries of Household Enemies, on my blog for more profound revelations. Solomon had the currency of understanding. He did mighty work because of this currency.

However, he allowed ungodly women to corrupt his wisdom and understanding. When a man possesses the currency of understanding, people often misunderstand his actions and decisions. Weak-minded and corrupt people often oppose vessels with the currency of understanding (meditate on Matthew 13:53-57).

A man with the currency of understanding sees beyond the natural eyes. He sees the future. A man with the currency of understanding knows his limitations. He knows his strengths and weaknesses.

A man of understanding walks and lives with the spirit of humility. Most often, people with an understanding of currency rarely speak. They know the seasons. Vessels of understanding know the time to talk, the time to keep silent, the time to make “war,” the time to make peace, the time to plant, the time to build, the time to destroy, the time to take, and the time to give.

Men of understanding rarely make mistakes because their decisions are the best. Do you have the currency of understanding? Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you surround yourself with vessels of understanding?

It’s time to build a strong fellowship and relationship with the Holy Spirit. When you build a strong relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the currency of understanding will work in your life. Freely download and read my series of books for more profound revelations. The books are free on my blog.


3. The Spirit of counsel

The Holy Spirit is a counselor. He knows our needs and wants. The Holy Spirit knows our future. In times of fear, depression, and pain, the Holy Spirit empower us. Parents and loved ones can show love.

However, the Holy Spirit’s love and care surpasses all. Build a relationship with the Holy Spirit. You will experience inner peace, love, and joy. You cannot identify the source of joy, peace, and love.

However, the joy, peace, and love will flow in your heart when you become one with the Holy Spirit. People have money, assets, family, friends, and connections. However, they don’t have peace, joy, and love.

Money, assets, family, and friends can generate love, peace, and joy. However, it’s temporal. You will find that the more you acquire earthly treasures without the Holy Spirit, the more life burdens you. The fear of death, pretenders, thieves, and unexplainable pressures will begin to dominate when you ignore the Holy Spirit and chase worldly things.

You enter the rat racer prison the more you pursue earthly treasures and forget the Holy Spirit. Your earthly treasures and achievements will become a curse because you ignored the Holy Spirit.

You may have temporal pleasures with your earthly treasures. However, deep within, you will feel lost, sad, incomplete, and depressed. You will feel the money and assets couldn’t solve your problems.

That’s where you have to read my books, the top eighteen mistakes people make and the top thirteen mistakes people make. The books are free on my blog. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, He guides and comforts us.

The Holy Spirit helps us make decisions that will bring glory to God and humankind. The Holy Spirit supplies things the world (money, cars, airplanes, jets, yachts, mansions, friends) cannot provide.

Money, cars, jets, yachts, mansions, family, and friends are good. However, they have limitations. Become one with the Holy Spirit because He is the gate to your eternal peace, joy, and fruitfulness.

Be interested in the things of God. Sacrifice your time, energy, and assets for the things of God. Do it from your heart. Praise and worship God in your chambers. The more you do that, the more the currencies of the Holy Spirit will flow in your heart.

You will understand that money and earthly things cannot buy certain things. It takes the Holy Spirit to give you those treasures. The Holy Spirit is the answer to the world's problems. Don’t give your spare time to the Holy Spirit.

Sacrifice your precious time and resources for the Holy Spirit because He desires to be with you. The Holy Spirit wants to dine with you. 

He wants to feel your heart with hope, peace, love, and joy. One truth you must know is that when a vessel possesses the currency of counsel, his words bring deliverance.

When a vessel possesses the currency of counsel, his words bring joy, power, freedom, and faith. A man with the currency of counsel delights in directing, instructing, managing, and leading people.

With the currency of counsel, people desire to seek advice from you. Some people have trained in psychology, psychiatry, medicine, law, finance, and several professions. They are “experts” in their fields.

However, a vessel with the currency of counsel might not have acquired a certificate in law, psychology, medicine, law, finance and “important certificates,” that vessel can help people struggling with law, finance, and worldly issues.

It takes the currency of counsel to help people. It takes the currency of counsel to make perfect decisions. It takes the currency of counsel to advise nations, leaders, companies, institutions, and communities. Only vessels with the currency of counsel can give you eternal advice. To receive this currency, freely download and read my books and other series. The books are free on my blog.


4. The Spirit of might

One identifying mark of the Holy Spirit is power. Power is in categories. Please read the Mysteries of Power article for more profound revelations. The Holy Spirit is the manufacturer of power.

Power means the ability to do something. There will come a time when you will need power to do something. For instance, medical doctors cannot solve a spiritual problem. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to solve spiritual issues.

It is said that no object crosses the Bermuda Triangle. I have watched documentaries on the Bermuda Triangle. Several airplanes, ships, and objects vanished at the points of the Bermuda Triangle.

Some people believe that there is supernatural power in that arena. There are several strange locations science and researchers cannot explain. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the mysteries.

Some things in life demand power. For instance, it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to make a blind man who has visited several hospitals without recovery receive sight. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to heal specific diseases.

As a servant of God, no sickness can live in me because greater is he that lives in me than the one in this world (meditate on 1 John 4:4). The only time I may become “sick” is when I fail to take good care of myself.

Maybe overstressing myself can make me “sick.” I must apply wisdom, rest and eat well. If I apply wisdom, no sickness can live in me. By the stripes of the Lamb, I am healed! No weapon formed against me shall prosper!

Every curse, someone, or any force released against me shall return to sender. That's my faith! I walk and live with that mindset. That’s the power of might! The Holy Spirit is a fighter. He fights anything that challenges holiness.

The Holy Spirit is a deliverer. Wherever he dominates, deliverance takes place. When the Holy Spirit is active in a vessel, the person does unnatural things. For instance, a vessel with a mighty currency can lead Christians in spiritual warfare.

A vessel can intercede for long hours without struggling with the currency of might. It takes the currency of might to enter the enemy’s territory. It takes the currency of might to bind the strong man.

Most often, vessels with the might currency take new territories without struggle. They can enter hostile environments, win souls, and establish themselves in Christ Jesus. With the currency of might, the enemy's attacks do not threaten you.

The negative energies of people and unclean spirits do not dominate a vessel of might. Vessels with the currency of might dominate the works of the enemy. With the currency of might, you break through the stronghold and establish the Kingdom with faith.

Despite the opposition, you stand the ground because the Spirit (currency) of might rest on you. If you need the currency of might, freely download and read my series of books and these books. The books are free on my blog.


5. The Spirit of knowledge

A man can earn the best certificates from the finest universities. He can even be a professor emeritus. However, he cannot stand a man with the Spirit (currency) of knowledge. The knowledge of the Holy Spirit surpasses earthly knowledge.

Earthly knowledge solves minor issues. However, divine knowledge solves spiritual, soulish, and worldly problems. By God's grace, the currency of knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and might work in my life.

I have shared some of these secrets in my books. Freely download and read the set on my blog. You can also download and read my wisdom series on my blog for more profound revelations. Remember, the Holy Spirit is the supplier of knowledge.

He created our brains. He knows our temperament, personality, capabilities, and abilities. One of the ways to test the knowledge base of a man is to check his resistance to sin, especially sexual immorality.

You might be asking why sexual sins. Will you sacrifice two to five-minute "pleasure" for a lifetime of torment, calamities, and pain? It takes a vessel with the currency of knowledge to see the danger.

It takes a vessel with the currency of knowledge to avoid danger. It takes the currency of knowledge to solve the problem. Do you have the currency of knowledge? Are you full of the Holy Spirit?


6. The Spirit of the fear of the LORD

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of holiness. He hates sin with a passion. The Holy Spirit will not abide in an environment of wickedness. This is one reason every evil works in a corrupt environment (meditate on James 3:16).

When a vessel possesses the currency of divine fear, he hates sin with passion. Vessels with the currency of divine fear pursue holiness, righteousness, and purity of life. You will hardly find a vessel with the currency of divine fear promoting evil activities.

I encourage you to download and read my book, The Mysteries of Fear, for more profound revelations. Remember, the Holy Spirit dwells in holy vessels and vicinities. When someone claims to have the Holy Spirit yet lives in conscious sin and persists in wickedness, that vessel does not have the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is active in a vessel, He makes the person love holiness and pursue the Kingdom's righteousness.

  • Do you have the currency of divine fear?
  • Are you born again?
  • Do you have the Holy Spirit?

Connect with these prayers to receive the Holy Spirit.

Prayers to receive the Holy Spirit


To be continued…

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