How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (6)

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. I have realized
in my spiritual life that evil transactions frequently take place in the middle
of the night. I remember, one midnight, the Holy Spirit opened my spiritual
eyes to observe some activities.
The Holy Spirit pressed
me to pray, but I allowed my flesh to dominate me. Anytime I place
my head on my pillow to pray, I fall asleep. Most often, when I want to pray for
hours, I walk around in my room.
Other times too, I sit
or kneel in prayers. As the Holy Spirit was pressuring me to rise from my bed
and pray, I kept resting on my bed. Immediately the Holy Spirit opened my
spiritual eyes. It was an open vision because I was partially aware of my
surrounding whiles lying on my bed.
I saw a brownish mature
dog hiding within my walls. The dog was peacefully lying within the walls
watching me intensely with its eyes. As the dog watched me, my eyes became
heavy on the bed.
I tried to rise from my
bed, but I found myself dozing. This activity was taking place in the
vision. I felt my body had dominated me to the extent I enjoyed sleeping. In
the vision, I saw myself lying on the bed.
I was conscious of my
body resting on my bed, and at the same time, I saw the dog watching me
lustfully with its eyes. When I tried to rise from the bed, the dog made a
strange and emotional sound.
This is not a psychotic
hallucination or depression. I know how bipolar disorder and hallucination
works. I believe the Holy Spirit allowed me to see this vision because He
taught me some lessons in the Spirit.
That night, I could not
pray. When I wake up from bed around 4:00 am, I heard the Lord telling me, the
dog I saw in the vision is an act of witchcraft. The witchcraft spirits in the
neighbourhood used the dog to weaken my spirit.
As the dog watched me in the spirit, it attacked my soul with the spirit of lust and slumber. The witchcraft
used the dog to weaken me spiritually and prevent me from praying. The
witchcraft spirits knew my prayer would destabilize their evil works, so they
attacked me with that dog to enable them to have their meeting in peace.
Child of God, be
careful with animals because evil spirits can work through them to fight
against you. Soak yourself, family, belongings, neighbourhood and animals into
the blood of Christ Jesus in prayers.
Anytime you soak them
into the blood of Christ Jesus, the blood of Christ barricades them with the
fire of the Holy Spirit. I remember after eating some food from a specific
place, I felt weakness in my spirit.
I felt the enemy cast
some spells on the food. The enemy used the spiritually contaminated food to
attack me in the spirit. Pray over every food you buy or prepare because the devil can poison it spiritually.
Failure to pray over
your food and the things you buy can open the portal for evil spirits to attack
you because evil spirits can hide in physical substances. If you encounter a
problem or an attack in your family, church, business, school and life, tackle
it spiritually.
Fast and pray for God's
intervention. If it is a spiritual problem, the Holy Spirit will fight for you,
or He will give you the wisdom to solve the challenge you are encountering. People
who only solve their problem without considering the spiritual side become victims of the devil.
The devil and his agents
work through human beings and the elements. Apply divine wisdom when solving a
problem, or else the enemy will take advantage of you. I have realised that if
you are strong spiritually, the physical enemy can never dominate you.
Christian leaders
should start building the church members because weak Christians cannot stand the storms of life in a beautiful
building. It is like beautifully decorated structures; if the foundation (presence of the Holy Spirit and church systems) is
weak, it will not stand the storms of life.
That is how churches and organizations work. If Christian leaders fail to build their members with the pure Word and
prayer, the church building (Christian believers) will be like beautiful
houses without solid foundation (weak, carnal and nominal Christians).
This is one reason we
see many church buildings with numerous sinners. We have many church buildings
and numerous evil workers because Christian leaders have failed to build the
vessels (church members) with the pure Word (biblical doctrine) and prayer (Holy Spirit).
Preaching and teaching
of God’s Word build and transforms the mind of Christians. If you build the
church members with strong bones (unadulterated Word and prayer), the church
building will not waste.
I remember in one of my
of dawn broadcasting (evangelism), as I was preaching the Word of God, I saw
some cats making strange movement in the area. I realized that the environment
had an intense witchcraft operation.
There was a curse on
that land. As I was preaching the unadulterated Word and making some prophetic
declarations in the surrounding, the Holy Spirit destroyed some yokes and strongholds
in that environment.
Through my preaching and
prophetic declarations, Christ Jesus was setting the captives free from the
satanic bondages. I remember the Lord open my spiritual eyes in the middle of
the night. In the vision, I saw total darkness in the area I lived.
The Lord said to me,
the environment I live in is a stronghold of witchcraft and sorcerers. The
enemy has sowed satanic seeds in the entire house. Christ Jesus placed a task
on me to destroy the satanic strongholds to enable light (Holy Spirit) to
dominate the environment.
Child of God, it is
your responsibility to dominate your jurisdiction with the presence of the Holy
Spirit. Since I left my parents' house and lived in a different area, I always
see myself battling satanic agents in the spiritual realm.
God uses his children
to fight satanic forces hindering others. We must understand that every
environment has a principality (holy or unholy prince) ruling the atmosphere. Our
responsibility as Christian believers is to set the captives free through fervent
prayers, fasting, and radical evangelism.
I remember in a dream I
saw myself with an aged strange man standing on a high mountain. The strange
man showed me treasures of the city and how wealthy he was; he said he would
give them to me if I agree with his terms and conditions.
In the dream, I almost agreed
to the terms and conditions of this strange man. When I wake up from bed, I realized the
devil was the one deceiving me with those deceptive treasures. Child of God,
before the devil attacks you, God reveals it to you so you can pray against it.
The Holy Spirit reveals
the secrets thoughts of our heart so that we can pray for a transformation. We
need more of the Holy Spirit because He knows the deep things of our heart
(Meditate on Romans 8:26-27).
Without the Holy
Spirit, we will go astray. Anytime the Holy Spirit dominates our environment,
we receive divine refreshment (See Acts 3:19). The evil in our heart burns when
the Holy Spirit controls our surrounding.
All forms of evil vanishes in the presence of the Holy Spirit (See 2 Thessalonians 1:9). This is
one reason I want to share with you how you can activate the presence of the
Holy Spirit in your life and surrounding.
In this article, I will
share with you one invisible weapon you can use to activate the presence of the
Holy Spirit.
The Unbreakable Effects of God’s Word (Holy Scriptures) in the Spiritual Realm
Do you know that God’s
Word has the power to create the presence of the Holy Spirit? The Word of God
is the pathway of the Holy Spirit (Meditate on Genesis 1:1-3, I John 5:7-8).
Without the Word of God, the Holy Spirit cannot manifest.
Until God’s Word come
out, the Holy Spirit remains dormant. It is like fire and smoke. Without fire,
smoke will be invisible. The Word of God is like a fire that produces the smoke
(Holy Spirit).
It takes the Word of
God to make the Holy Spirit active. The Holy Spirit survives in the presence of
the Word. When the Word of God comes out, it creates an environment for the
Holy Spirit to operate without limitation.
If you read the centurion
and Christ Jesus lesson, you will realize that the centurion knew some
mysteries about the Word. The centurion said to Christ Jesus, “speak the Word only, and my servant shall
be healed." (See Matthew 8:8).
The Word (Christ Jesus)
had to speak the Word before the Holy Spirit could heal the centurion's
servant. This means the Word has the power to bring the power and presence of
the Holy Spirit. In Hebrews chapter four verses twelve, Apostle Paul makes us
understand that the Word of God plays three roles in our lives.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
4:12 KJV
1. The Word of God can
dissect the thoughts and desires of our soul.
2. The Word of God can
dissect the thoughts and desires of our spirit.
3. The Word of God can
dissect the thoughts and desires of our flesh.
Paul also describes the Word in three ways.
1. The Word is quick
(active and priceless treasure).
2. The Word is powerful
(has life on its own).
3. The Word is sharper
than any two-edged sword.
The real you is your
spirit. We know that man is spirit, he has a soul, and the soul lives in the
body (Meditate on 1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Holy Spirit communicates with us
through our spirit because our spirit is the only vessel that understands the
operations of God’s kingdom.
You can read my book, How to Walk and Live in the Spirit, for
more profound revelations. One truth you must know as a Christian believer is
that the Holy Spirit cannot speak directly to our soul; it takes the Word of
God to make way for the Holy Spirit to speak to our soul.
Anytime you read God's
Word, or anytime someone speaks the Word to you, the Holy Spirit speaks to your
soul through that Word. Without the Word, you will make errors in your
decisions because the soul has internal and external influences.
When we take in the
Word (Holy Scriptures), it breaks the deceptive ideas of our family members,
corrupt educational (school) ideas, bad words of our enemies, and societal
beliefs stored in our soul (includes our subconscious and conscious mind).
Most often, the
philosophies we receive from our family and schools oppose the mindset of the
Holy Spirit. It takes the unadulterated Word to break these evil philosophies
(Meditate on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
When the Word of God
enters us (heart) as we feed, meditate, profess, and obey it, the Word converts
our mind to the mindset of the Holy Spirit. When the Word of God takes total
dominance over our spirit and soul, the Holy Spirit gets the opportunity to
dominate our conscience.
We begin to think like
the Holy Spirit. When the Word of God gets ascendancy on our spirit and soul,
it creates an irresistible avenue for the Holy Spirit to function in our lives.
When this happens, we talk and behave like the Holy Spirit.
When our soul and
spirit operate in this level (consciousness of the Holy Spirit), the desires of
the flesh dies. When the desires of the flesh die, the Holy Spirit establishes
Himself in our life and environment. In Galatians chapter five, verses sixteen
and seventeen, Apostle Paul gave a profound revelation.
This I say then, Walk
in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
For the flesh lusteth
against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary
the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
5:16-17 KJV
Until the Word of God
dominates our spirit and soul, we cannot activate the presence of the Holy
Spirit. In my previous article, I
wrote in details how holiness and righteousness work to activate the presence
of the Holy Spirit.
One way to pave the way
for the Holy Spirit to dominate your life and jurisdiction is to delight
yourself in God's Word. When you delight yourself in God’s Word, the Word will
fight all the invisible enemies and break all barriers blocking the access of
the Holy Spirit in your life.
Dedicate time for God's
Word, and the Holy Spirit will have His way in your life. When the Word of God
enters your spirit and soul, it will lighten and eliminate every darkness (evil,
misery, curses, satanic philosophies, and wickedness) in your life (Meditate on
Psalm 119:105). When your heart receives illumination, the Holy Spirit will
take total control.
To be continued…
How to Activate the Presence of the Holy Spirit (5)...
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