How to Practically Become Resourceful and Profitable in the Storms

Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. One thing I have realized in life is that if you solely depend on the compliment of
others for recognition and self-value, you will always feel inferior.
Value yourself as
Christ Jesus sees you. You are God’s child. Christ Jesus lives in you. The King
of Kings and Lord of Lords is your Father. If you always depend on the opinions
of others, their bad compliments and destructive criticism will paralyze your
dignity and self-worth.
You can read my book, How to Break the spirit of Inferiority,
for more profound revelations. If you don’t refrain from unprofitable
activities, you will lose in the long run. Spending precious time watching long
seasonal movies and playing time-consuming electronic games will hijack your value
and growth.
The devil steals from
you because he employs you to focus on things that will corrupt your soul and
waste your time. Instead of focusing on something that will add value to your
life, you will be spending your time-wasting resources on materials that will
generate liabilities in the long run. Know these truths.
- Spending your precious time listening to songs that will add no positive value to your life is a seed of the enemy.
- Reading books that will add no positive value to your life is a weapon of the enemy.
- Spending your time with friends who have no vision for their lives is a destructive seed of the enemy.
- Spending precious time on the internet doing nothing profitable that add eternal and fruitful value to your life and the world is a weapon of the enemy.
- Spending all your time and energy on the body is a waste of time because the body has an expiry date.
- Spend time building your mind with resourceful materials because every decision you make emanates from your mind.
Focus on things that will
add resourceful value to your life and the world. The more you spend quality
time building your mind; you create assets for the future and those connected
to you. If your mind is full of invaluable ideas, you cannot advance in life.
It is not a curse; it
one of the laws governing the earth. If there is nothing valuable in your mind,
you make unprofitable decisions. The world will see you as a liability if you
have nothing substantial and profitable to give.
Spending all your time
and energy on perishable things and things that will bring you no profit is a
waste of resources. You may enjoy the temporal fun, but in the long
run, you will lose. You must change your mindset and start working on yourself.
Spend your time, money
and energy on things that will bring you a positive change to the world and
generate profit. If your spending exceeds your revenue, it doesn't matter how
much money you receive; you cannot build a happy future.
Poverty will set in if
you spend all your resources on materials that take money from you. Spend your
resources on materials that will generate profit. Apply wisdom with your resources,
and you will increase productivity.
In my life, I spend my
time, energy and resources on things that add values to the plans God has set
for me. I spend my time building the gifts God has deposited in me. My time
will not permit me to watch long hours of movies and do unnecessary things.
I sacrifice my time to
do extra things in the middle of the night because time is short. Train your
body and mind to work beyond the normal working hours, and you will do extraordinary
things. At the initial stage, your body will fight you, press on, and your body
and mind will adjust to your daily activities. This is one of my favourite verses
in the holy scriptures.
Whatsoever thy hand
findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
9:10 KJV
Solomon, the wise man,
declares that whatever (not evil things) we find ourselves doing, we should put
in all our efforts, strength, resources, and energy. Sometimes you hear some
people say, proud people are ambitious.
The truth is, proud
people are lazy. In the book of John chapter nine, verses four, Christ Jesus
declared that “I must work the works of
him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”
Christ Jesus understood
the power of time management, so He did not joke with His time. A time came
Christ Jesus's earthly parents searched for Him. The earthly parents of Christ
Jesus were sorrowful because they thought Christ was lost.
And it came to pass,
that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the
doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.
And all that heard him
were astonished at his understanding and answers.
And when they saw him,
they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt
with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
And he said unto them,
How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's
And they understood not
the saying which he spake unto them.
2:46-49 KJV
At the age of twelve,
Joseph and Mary thought Jesus was immature to be alone. When they found Christ
Jesus, Jesus replied, “How is it that ye
sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
If Christ Jesus started
pursuing His purpose at the age of twelve, what stops you from pursuing God’s
assignment for your life? Don’t allow your age to limit you because Christ
Jesus did not allow His age to limit Him.
I strongly believe
Jesus the Christ pursued His purpose below the age of twelve. Our Saviour and
Lord Christ Jesus was in the temple discussing the Holy Scriptures with
religious people. You must realize in life that your good works will follow you
when you depart from this world (earth realm).
Whatever God has called
you to do, do it from your heart. God will reward you if you fulfil your
assignment (See Revelation 14:13, 2 Timothy 4:7-8). We will not work in the
Celestial City because it is a place of eternal joy.
Christ Jesus birth was
supernatural. Joseph and Mary did not have sexual intercourse before Mary
conceived Jesus. Mary did not fornicate with any man before she conceived
Jesus. Mary was a virgin when the Holy Spirit breathed the seed of Christ Jesus
into her womb.
Christ Jesus was divine
and human. He did not joke with His time and purpose. At age twelve, He was
pursuing His purpose. God wants you to pursue your assignment. Stop
procrastinating because you are growing old.
In your old age, you
cannot do certain things because your strength will fail you. Christ Jesus
called young men as His disciples. Respond to God’s call in your young and youthful
stage because it is at this age that you can work with all you might.
If unbelievers can
sacrifice their time, energy and resources on ungodly projects and evil
business, why can’t you spend quality time and resources pursuing God’s
assignment for your life?
Build yourself if you have
discovered your purpose in life and do it with all your energy because time
waits for no man. In my books, Spiritual Keys for life, Spiritual Codes, and Spiritual Laws, I have enumerated some
keys you can use to unlock your purpose.
If you are lazy, you cannot
fulfil God’s purpose for your life. You can be the most anointed and
knowledgeable person in life; if you are carnal and lazy, you will not climb
higher. The length at which God wants to take you will be little if you always
allow the desires of the flesh to dominate you.
It takes hardwork,
consistency, sacrifice, and discipline to utilizes the gifts God has invested
in you. I sacrifice my time to write my books and articles because I have
discovered it is one of my gifts.
Sometimes I become
discouraged and tired, but I focus on God’s strength through prayer, knowledge,
and action. As the Holy Scriptures declares,
Whatsoever thy hand
findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
9:10 KJV
Don’t joke with your daily
activities because whatever you sacrifice your time, energy and resource on, it
becomes your seed (Habit). Have you realized that sportsmen and women spend
quality time training?
Usain bolt did not
become the world champion in foot racing because he was a Jamaican. He spent
quality time training. Every star in his field spends quality time training,
reading and building themselves in their chambers.
Have you realized that
farmers spend quality time on the seed they plant in the soil? The more you
spend time watering (acquiring knowledge, training yourself, learning from successful
mentors), the seed (gifts and anointing) expands.
As you keep protecting
(praying) the seed from weeds (destructive criticism, enemies, and satanic
arrows), the seed grows to become a giant tree. The seed will start generating
more fruits because you invested all your resources (time, money, and energy).
I have discovered my
purpose, so I invest all my resources into it. I don't joke with my time
because time lost cannot be regained. When it comes to prayer, I invest my time
to fast and pray for God’s intervention.
When it comes to
evangelism, I preach and teach with all my heart. When it comes to writing, I
discipline myself and write because time is an asset. I must complete
everything God has assigned for me with all my energy because that is what the
Holy Scriptures commands (See Ecclesiastes 9:10).
If I must sacrifice my
time, money, energy and resources to complete the task, I will do it no matter
the cost. If the Holy Spirit has anointed me to win souls, write books and
articles, I will do it with all my strength.
I will allow nobody to
stop me from fulfilling the plans of God in my life. None of the destructive
criticism and negative opinions will stop me from fulfilling God’s plan for my
life. If you want to fulfil God’s assignment for your life, be relentless.
I don't solely depend
on the compliment of others to pursue God’s purpose for my life. I don’t depend
on the compliment of others to determine my value. I see myself as Christ Jesus
sees me. My value is in Christ Jesus because He is my Creator.
I make friends with
people who agree with God's vision for my life. I labour in the day and night
to fulfil God's plan for life because the Holy Scriptures declares, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it
with thy might.”
If you focus on what
God has called you to do, you will make progress. Nothing can stop you if you
discover and pursue the gifts God have deposited you. At the initial stage, no
one will support you.
Acquire relevant knowledge
and connect with people ahead of you. Learn from their mistakes and apply the resourceful
knowledge you acquire in books. Keep moving because you are a work in progress.
God is working on your
character, personality and heart. God is training you for the harvest. Connect with
godly people that agree with your godly vision and take action. If the
unbelievers are passionate about their ungodly ambitions, what stops you from
the godly ambition God has placed in your heart?
- Are you called into the ministry of the Word?
- Are you called into the ministry of prayer?
- Are you called into the ministry of writing?
- Are you called into the ministry of evangelism?
- Are you called into the ministry of music?
- Are you called into the ministry of kingdom business?
- Are you called into the ministry of leadership?
- Are you called into the ministry of giving?
- Are you called into the ministry of counselling?
- Are you called into the ministry of serving?
- Are you called into the ministry of church administration?
- Are you called to support ministers of the gospel?
- Are you called to operate in governmental bodies?
- Are you called into the publishing ministry?
- Are you called into online ministry?
- Are you called into missionary works?
- Are you called into the church building?
- Are you called to finance godly projects?
- Are you called support starters?
- Are you called an entrepreneur?
- Are you called to invest in the kingdom work?
- Are you called into the intercessory ministry?
- Are you called to serve in the church?
- Are you called to help the poor?
- Are you called to promote God’s kingdom and vessels online?
- Are you called to build people for the ministry?
- Are you called to empower, motivate and inspire others?
Whatever (not evil
things) God has called you to do, do it with all your resources. Look within
for your gifts.
- Your country is not the barrier.
- Your family is not the barrier.
- The government is not the barrier.
- Your financial status is not the barrier.
- Satan is not the ultimate barrier.
- Your enemies are not the barriers.
- Your educational level is not the barrier.
With prayer, desire for
knowledge, discipline, sacrifice, wisdom and consistency, you will fulfil the
plans of God for your life.
Resourceful Books
Keys for Life
to Pursue a Purposeful Life
How to Pursue a Purpose Life Without Money
Words of Inspiration, motivation and empowerment to advance in life despite the opposition.
Practical ways to become successful, how to become successful in life.
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