777 Ancient Truth About Relationships [Deeper Revelations About Love] – 6
The problem with relationships
I was discussing a
relationship issue with a woman on the phone. In the discussion, the woman said that most women don’t want to enter into a relationship with financially weak men because most men forsake women when they become strong
I interrupted by saying
that men (husbands) who forsake their wives at their prosperity stage do not
fear God. A man who had nothing and became blessed will not forsake his wife
when he reveres the Lord.
However, men (husbands)
who don’t know Christ Jesus will forsake women (wives) in their glorious state.
The woman continued by saying that men visualize women as odd when they become blessed.
They see women as insignificant because of their current state.
Why should you, as a man, forsake a woman who trusted you when you were nothing because of temporal
blessings? To the men reading this article, do not forsake a woman who loved,
respected, and trusted you in your state of nothing because it’s scarce to find these
Wise and responsible
women in our time hardly enter into a relationship with financially weak men.
One thing most women these days often look out for before entering a
relationship is money. If you are fortunate enough to get a responsible woman
who loves, trusts, and marries you when you are in your nothing stage, be
faithful to the woman.
“Nothing stage” in the
context of this article means your poverty state. The woman believed in you
despite your weakness. The woman might have been criticized by family and
friends. However, she took the risk to marry you despite your nothing stage.
You want to throw the woman away now that you have become somebody. Now that you have become
“prosperous,” you treat the woman like a rag. Repent if you are a candidate. To
the women, don’t become proud because you can supply your needs and wants.
See it as an opportunity
to become a responsible and potential wife. Some wives look down on their
husbands when they become blessed. Most often, these women treat men as rags
because the man has become broke.
Broke, in the context of
this article, means poor. Learn to treat your partner well. The fact that you
have become somebody does not mean treating your husband like nobody. Use what
you have to complete the man.
Don’t compete with the
man. To men, too, don’t compete with your wife. See the relationship as a
partnership. I will write more on this subject. I will emphasize how to
make relationships work in this article, so keep reading.
If you are married, you
will learn a lot. Also, singles reading this article will learn a lot from it. To men reading this article, I repeat, let’s treat women with wisdom.
I know some women take men for granted when they treat them well.
That is how some women
are. Treating them with extreme care can make them proud. It's wise women who
understand men who treat them specially. The unwise people will take you for
granted because of your extreme care, love, and trust.
However, don’t allow the
bad attitude people exhibit to destroy your precious heart. The more you show
love, the more you grow in love. Express love in wisdom, and it will become an
inner beauty.
If you want to know more
about inner
beauty and love, kindly read my previous article related to this
article. You can also download and read my book, What is Love, for a more
profound revelation.
The book is free on my
blog and youtube channel. To the women reading this article, do not look down
on men who care for you with all their hearts. It’s a great honor for a man (husband)
to love you unconditionally. To men, too, don’t treat the women who loved and
married you in your poverty stage badly because of your current status
The woman who loved you
when you were nothing had other choices. However, she chose you. She is a
precious asset. The woman followed you despite shame, mockery, and criticism.
It might be that her glorious star empowered you to become prosperous. Prosperity
is not only about money.
Prosperity is a broad
subject. We have financial, spiritual, social, mental, physical, and
technological prosperity. I encourage you to download and read my books, How
to Pursue a Purposeful Life and How to Pursue a Purposeful Life Without
Money, for a more profound revelation. The books are free on my blog and
youtube channel.
Relationship wisdom in the animal kingdom
One thing I have found
about animals and nature is that they teach us a lot about relationships. In
the book of Proverbs, we see a profound word.
Go to the ant, thou
sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
Which having no guide,
overseer, or ruler,
Provideth her meat in the
summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
6:6-8 KJV
The wise man declares
that we can learn from animals. If the Holy Bible encourages us to learn from
ants, then learning from certain animals is wise. Do you know that the King
of Kings and Lord of Lords (Christ Jesus) commands us to learn from animals?
Let’s read.
Behold, I send you forth
as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless
as doves.
10:16 KJV
Christ Jesus commanded us
(Christian believers) to be wise as serpents and be harmless as doves. Christ
Jesus sees us as sheep. This means we must imitate the good traits of sheep.
Secondly, we must imitate the positive characteristics of serpents and doves because we
live among wolves. This means we must know the character of wolves, sheep,
serpents, and doves.
Go your ways: behold, I
send you forth as lambs among wolves.
10:3 KJV
These are profound truths.
Christ Jesus expects us to learn from certain animals because their wisdom can
save us. The wise man also wrote in Proverbs chapter six, verses six to eight, that we should consider the ways of ants.
Our Savior and Lord
Christ Jesus also stated that we should be as wise as serpents and harmless as
doves. I don’t want to dig deeper into this truth. However, a little I can
state about doves is that they are gentle, loyal, and peaceful.
Doves are monogamous
animals, meaning a dove can stick to one partner for life. Animals such as
wolves, beavers, swans, penguins, gibbons, black vultures, coyotes, swans,
albatrosses, and bald eagles stay faithful to one partner for life.
You will hardly see these
animals cutting corners like goats. If these animals can stick with one partner
for life, why can’t you stick with one partner for life? I know some animals
are unfaithful.
For instance, goats,
dogs, cats, and hens, just to mention a few, do not stick to one partner for
life. However, if some animals can stick to one partner for life, why can’t you
study these animals? Remember, Solomon and the Creator of the Universe (Christ
Jesus) command us to learn from certain animals.
If Christ Jesus and
Solomon command us to learn from certain animals, why do you abuse and ignore
animals? Do you know why some countries grow economically despite their cold
love for God?
One of their secrets is
the love they have for animals and nature. Animals teach us a lot. Animals and
nature carry blessings. It’s just that you have not paid attention to animals
and nature. Do you know that Christ Jesus identifies with the lamb?
The Holy Spirit
identifies with the dove, while the Heavenly Father identifies with the Lion.
These are animals. However, God Almighty identifies Himself with them. I love
animals, especially dogs and cats.
I hope to get a parrot
one day. I love observing animals because they possess uncommon wisdom. One
unique animal is the eagle. We can learn a lot about eagles when it comes to
Female eagles don’t
choose random partners. They observe the male eagles. After observation, the
female eagle alerts a potential male eagle that she wants to ride with
him. Remember, eagles are one of the animals that stick with one partner.
In other words, they are
monogamous animals. Also, note that there are different types of eagles. Bald
eagles are the ones I am describing. When a female eagle wants to choose a
partner, she tests the male eagle.
The female eagle picks up
a stick, an object, or a branch from a tree and flies high into the sky. Then
she drops the stick. When the female eagle drops the stick from the sky, she
expects the male eagle to catch the stick without falling to the ground.
If the male eagle succeeds in
catching the stick, she picks more sticks. This time, the female eagle picks
heavy sticks. Sometimes, the female picks a heavy material or a tree branch twice heavier than herself and flies into the air.
I mean, the female eagle
soars higher into the skies with the material. Then she drops the heavy material.
If the male eagle catches the stick in the air, then the female eagle chooses
that male eagle as her partner.
However, if the male
eagle fails the series of tests, the female eagle returns to choose another
male. The female eagle will test the male eagle several times. Until a male
eagle passes the test, she will keep testing different male eagles.
Remember, the female
eagle does many tests before accepting the male eagle as her life
partner. The female eagle does that because she wants to see the male eagle's strength, power, and skills.
Another reason for the
series of tests is that female eagles are faithful. A female eagle wants a
faithful male eagle. The male eagle passing the series of tests of the female
eagle means the male eagle will stay faithful.
Another reason the female
eagle allows the male eagle to undergo a series of tests is that she
wants security. The female eagle wants to be sure whether the male eagle can
protect the children's future if their little eagles fall from the nest.
The female eagle wants to
know whether the male eagle is mature enough to hunt for food and protect her
family. To the men reading this article, don’t be angry when some women make it
hard to enter a marital relationship.
That is how some women
are. They want to be sure whether you have the strength, agility, and skills to
protect them and their future children. Even in football, they look for players
with specific skills and traits before signing them.
We can learn a lot from
the animal kingdom regarding relationships. Do you know that female
elephants often check the strength of male partners (elephants) before allowing
them to mate?
In the animal kingdom,
most animals check their strength, skills, power, loyalty, health, and size
before entering a relationship. Talk about the trees and water bodies. We
can learn something from them when it comes to relationships.
If you are wonderfully
created, connect with wonderfully created vessels. If you are fearfully
created, connect with fearfully created vessels. Connecting with the same light
makes the relationship easier.
However, if you are
fearfully created and you try to connect with the wonderfully created vessels,
it will take time, persistence, and wisdom. Even for that one, the relationship
can fail in the long run.
This is one reason I am
writing this article. I want to share with you the principles that make a
relationship successful. Without wasting much time, let me share with you
eleven unbreakable principles that make relationships work.
At the time of writing
this article, I was unmarried. However, the principles I am sharing with you
work because they are biblical. Secondly, it’s ancient and divine. You won't
get this wisdom from any book because I don’t write what others write.
I write as I am led by
the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul, who wrote a significant portion of the New
Testament, identified himself as unmarried because of his ministry. However, the
Apostle Paul wrote about love, relationships, and marriage.
If an unmarried man
(Apostle Paul) could write about love, relationship, and marriage, then follow
the wisdom keys in this article. Some people only learn from experienced
people. Having an experience is great.
However, not every experience is right. Every experience must agree with the Holy Scriptures
because the Holy Bible is greater than the experience of humankind (meditate on
Matthew 24:35, Hebrews 4:12, and John 8:32 for a more profound revelation).
Below are eleven great keys (principles) to a successful relationship.
The 11 unbreakable keys to a successful relationship
1. The key of submission
…ye wives, be in
subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may
without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
While they behold your
chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not
be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of
putting on of apparel;
But let it be the hidden
man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek
and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
For after this manner in
the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being
in subjection unto their own husbands:
Even as Sarah obeyed
Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and
are not afraid with any amazement.
Peter 3:1-6 KJV
Apostle Peter understands that a successful relationship becomes a reality when wives submit
to their husbands. Submission does not mean obeying ungodly rules and
regulations. Obeying ungodly rules and regulations is corruption.
Submission means obeying
godly rules. Godly laws agree with the principles in the Holy Bible. Some rules
and regulations challenge the Holy Bible. With such rules and regulations, we
can disobey them because any law that challenges the Holy Bible
is a sin (meditate on 1 John 3:4).
However, rules and
regulations that agree with the Holy Bible must be honored. As stated in the
previous article, husbands
are the leaders in homes, while wives are assistants. A wife who does
not submit to the godly rules of her husband will not enjoy peace.
However, a wife who
submits to godly rules in the home will enjoy peace and love. Wives who are not
submissive to godly laws are rebels. In the same way, husbands who are
disobedient to the Holy Bible are rebels.
Rebels are not entitled
to peace. I mean, people who intentionally disregard and disobey the Holy Bible
don’t experience peace. Even if they profess to enjoy peace, it’s temporal.
Real peace comes from the Holy Spirit.
Any time we submit to the
principles of the Holy Bible, we enjoy the peace of the Holy Spirit. However,
rebels (challengers of the Holy Bible) experience torment, fear, depression,
and pain. If you want your husband to listen to your counsel, obey his godly
If you want your husband
to love you, submit to his godly rules and regulations. Like a child, failure
to perform household chores will cause parents to fail to perform their duties. When
the child performs his duties at home, the parents must provide for the basic
In the same way, if a
student follows the examination instructions, the teacher or examiner will give
the correct score. That is how a husband and wife must live. When the wife
submits to godly instructions, the husband will do his duty.
It is not the other way.
Some wives expect their husbands to perform their duties before submitting. The
wife is supposed to submit first before her husband submits. Note the word,
wives, not women.
Wives are different from
women. You can have a woman as your boss in the workplace. You must submit to
the godly rules of that woman even if you are a man. However, when it comes to
family, the wife must submit to the godly rules of her husband.
The men reading this
article. The fact that you are the head does not mean every woman you meet must
submit to you. That woman must be your wife. If she is your wife, she is
mandated by the Holy Scriptures to submit to your godly rules.
However, if she is not
your wife, she is at liberty not to fall under your control. However, women
with the traits of wives often submit to men who are not their husbands. It is
the arrogant ones who have nothing to do with godly instructions.
Wives must submit to
their husbands, not someone’s husband. Submission is a key element that makes
relationships work. One reason many marriages and relationships break is
because of disobedience.
The wife submits first, then the husband also submits. It’s a cordial relationship (submission). If the
wife fails to submit to the godly rules of the husband, confusion will enter
the relationship. There are times, too, when the wife submits to the godly instructions
of the husband, but the husband doesn’t want to submit to the godly rules of
the wife.
In this case, the husband
has broken the divine law (see Ephesians 5:21). Men who don’t submit after the
woman submits often have internal, mental, and moral issues. Learn how to solve
the issue of submission imbalance through counselling and prayers.
Responsible husbands
often submit when the wife submits. If you want the relationship to work, learn
to submit to each other because submission is a divine key (principle) to a
successful relationship.
2. The key of knowledge
…ye husbands, dwell with
them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker
vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be
not hindered.
Peter 3:7 KJV
If you want your
relationship to stand the storms of life, learn to honor your wife because
wives are precious treasures. Every woman has her love language. Some women
love gifts, pleasure, communication, sweet words, and money.
It’s your responsibility
to know the key that opens your wife's heart. You can ask your wife. She
can tell you what makes her click. As we all know, most women are emotional
beings. Dealing with women the same way you deal with men can create confusion
because they feel before thinking.
The psychology of women
differs from the psychology of men. As we all know, most men are rational
beings. How you deal with a man must be different from the way you deal with a
woman because we are not the same.
Women feel the words that
come out of your tongue, while men think about the words that come out. This is one reason the Holy Bible commands husbands to live with wives
according to knowledge.
If you don’t apply knowledge
in the relationship, confusion and conflict will set in. You might think your
wife doesn’t want to obey you. You might also think that your husband doesn’t
love you.
The issue is that you
have ignored knowledge. People often act on their emotions when they are
children. Therefore, see your wife as your child. Treat women with love. Speak
nice words to them because of their emotions.
Most women (wives) value
sweet words. Men (husbands) may not value sweet words. However, wives (women)
see and feel lovely and bitter words. Men are always thinking, while women are
constantly feeling.
Ignorance of this
knowledge will cost your relationship. Something that may not sound important
to you as a man will sound important to a woman because she feels it. Have you
realized that women often talk? One reason most women talk much is because of
their emotional energy.
Men often have physical
strength. This is why we usually want to use our strength and mind to
solve issues. Women, on the other hand, have emotional energy. They have inner
strength because of their emotional power.
Women can talk a lot.
This is one reason they often burst out with little provocation. Something that
shouldn’t lead to a fight can provoke a woman to fight because she allows her
emotions to lead.
However, a man can think
through the matter that made a woman furious and ignore it. Like cats and dogs.
Something that makes a dog bark, a cat will see it and ignore it. A woman will
just burst out because her emotions push her to react.
As a man, understand the
emotions of women and learn to appeal to their emotions. I mean, rationalize her
emotions. Be a little emotional as a man. Be in the shoes of the woman. The
issue may sound insignificant to you as a man because of your mental strength.
However, know that most
women are emotional. Most of them act based on how they feel, not on how they think. As
a man, you think deeply before acting. Women feel deeply before acting.
Emotions can sometimes be irrational.
However, understand that
most women are emotional beings. Live with them according to your knowledge if
you want the relationship to work. To women, too, don’t think your husband does
not care.
It is just that most men
are rational beings. You might feel it. However, your husband is analyzing the
case. If the man sees that the case is not important, he can ignore it. The man
can ignore cases you feel are important because they don’t appeal to his
Let me use this scenario
to explain this point. Assume you have a fifteen-year-old child in a senior
high school in a far town. The senior high school has a boarding facility that
feeds and accommodates students from long distances.
Your husband has paid the
child’s feeding, accommodation, and school fees. However, your child calls home and says that he is not satisfied with the food the school serves. As a mother (wife),
you will be concerned about your child.
However, the husband
(father) may not be bothered about the child’s issue because he has paid the
child's feeding fee. Secondly, the husband knows the school feeds the child. Thirdly,
the husband knows his child is not the only one in school.
Other children also feed
on the same amount of food his child gets. Furthermore, your husband knows
other children who have completed that school successfully. The husband knows
that if other children can complete school with the same amount of food his
child receives, then his child can survive.
However, as a wife
(mother), you will be concerned. You will feel that the child is hungry. You
might even feel that your child might get malnourished. You might think that
your child might get sick because of the complaints he gives.
You may be right.
However, if your husband thinks other children have survived with the same amount
of food his child complains of, he will ignore the child’s complaint.
In this case, you, the wife (mother) are concerned about the child because of
your emotional energy.
However, the husband is
making calculations. The husband has concluded that this was not an issue he must cry about because he has paid the price. Analyzing the case, the
wife (mother) is deeply concerned.
However, the case does not concern the husband (the father). How women visualize an issue often
differs from how men visualize an issue. Acquire adequate knowledge. Know the
difference to avoid conflict and confusion in a relationship.
I encourage you to
download and read my book, 777 Uncommon Benefits of Reading Books, for a more profound revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. Meditate on
this Holy Scripture for more profound revelations.
My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge…
4:6 KJV
For my people is foolish,
they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none
understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
4:22 KJV
3. The key of mercy
Finally, be ye all of one
mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be
Not rendering evil for
evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are
thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
Peter 3:8-9 KJV
A relationship stands on
the altar of mercy and forgiveness. There is no way a relationship will stand
if one cannot forgive the other. We are imperfect beings. Sometimes, we offend
This is one reason we
must learn to forgive. Many relationships have died because of unforgiveness.
Bitterness destroys potential relationships. Do not make the mistake of holding
grudges in the relationship because it can ruin the relationship.
Learn to forgive yourself
and the offender when offended (meditate on Matthew 6:14-15). Sometimes, you
must act like a fool to make a relationship work. Because of Christ Jesus,
act like a fool to make a relationship.
Your partner might think
he has outsmarted you. Your partner might think you are a fool because of your
forgiving heart. However, don’t come to their level of hatred. Occasionally
show compassion and mercy because of the light (the Holy Spirit) in you.
Exhibit compassion
because that is what the Holy Bible declares (see 1 Peter 3:8-9). Show
compassion because Christ Jesus has been merciful despite your imperfections.
Be pitiful to your partner.
See your partner as a
child who doesn’t know what she is doing. Do not pay evil for evil. Learn to
leave some matters to the Holy Spirit (meditate on Romans 12:9). The Holy
Spirit will deal with those who intentionally offend you.
Forgiveness is a
decision. I know that sometimes forgiving people who intentionally offend, especially close friends and family is difficult. However, act as if the person
doesn’t know what he is doing.
Act as if the person is
blind. Act as if the person is a child. Act as if the person doesn’t understand
what she is doing (meditate on Luke 23:33-34). Forgiveness will sustain the
Unforgiveness will kill
the relationship. However, don’t stay in a relationship if the person tries or
threatens several times to kill you. There are some issues to which you must apply
wisdom. Minor cases such as selfishness, gossip, and things that do not
threaten your life can enter the forgiveness zone.
Compassion (forgiveness
and mercy) is the foundational key to a sustainable relationship. Become one
with the Holy Spirit. You will not struggle with compassion. Practice compassion
with wisdom.
The relationship will work if you forgive. The fact that your partner forgives does not mean you keep offending him. That’s witchcraft and manipulation. God will avenge you if your partner keeps manipulating you.
When you recognize that
you have offended your partner, quickly apologize. Don’t wait for the issue to
stay long; it will activate hatred, bitterness, and unforgiveness. As we
all know, bitterness and unholy anger activate mental illness (see Proverbs
You can invite mysterious
diseases into your life because of unforgiveness and bitterness. I encourage
you to download and read my book, Spiritual Seeds for Growth, for a more
profound revelation about forgiveness. The book is free on my blog and youtbe
channel. Meditate on these Holy Scriptures for more profound revelations.
…another dieth in the
bitterness of his soul, and never eateth with pleasure.
21:25 KJV
A sound heart is the life
of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
14:30 KJV
We are fools for Christ's
sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are
honourable, but we are despised.
Corinthians 4:10 KJV
Let no man deceive
himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become
a fool, that he may be wise.
For the wisdom of this
world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their
own craftiness.
Corinthians 3:18-19 KJV
4. The key of fellowship
…be ye not unwise, but
understanding what the will of the Lord is.
And be not drunk with
wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart
to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for
all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
5:17-20 KJV
Every institution has
rules and regulations. The rules and regulations govern the institution. In the
same way, a relationship is an institution. This institution follows rules and
regulations. The Holy Bible is the guide, while the Holy Spirit is the helper for
this institution.
Let the Holy Bible be the moderator if you want your relationship (institution) to stand.
Although the husband is the head of the family, the ultimate head is the Holy
Bible (Christ Jesus). The husband submits to the Holy Bible, while the wife
submits to the husband.
If you forced yourself
into a relationship where the husband was an unbeliever, then you have to
follow the instructions of the man because you rushed into it. You knew the man
had no reverence for the Word of God and still entered into the relationship.
You must take the husband
as he is and follow him because that is your choice. However, you can pray for
the husband so that the Holy Spirit can change his hardened heart. You can
influence an unbelieving partner with your Christlike life.
However, couples who are
believers in Christ Jesus follow the Holy Bible. You do what the Holy Bible
says and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Bible prohibits
something, you must prohibit it as well.
Study the Holy Bible
together to build your spiritual muscles. When you allow the Holy Spirit to
dominate the relationship, the relationship will succeed. For instance, you can
occasionally sing spiritual songs and hymnals to charge the atmosphere. Build a
strong relationship with the Holy Spirit through fellowship and relationship.
Doing that will empower
the Holy Spirit to rekindle the relationship. The more you allow the Holy Bible's principles and the Holy Spirit's influence to dominate the
relationship, the stronger the relationship becomes.
I encourage you to
download and read my series of books on the Holy Spirit for more profound revelation. The
books are free on my blog and youtube channel. A relationship that does not
include the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit will break in the storms.
You need the light within
the Word (the Holy Bible) to destroy the darkness in the relationship. The Holy
Bible possesses an unquenchable light. The Holy Spirit is the source of love.
With unquenchable light and unconditional love dominating the relationship,
nothing can stop the relationship. Meditate on this Holy Scripture for more
profound revelation.
Thy word is a lamp unto
my feet, and a light unto my path.
119:105 KJV
The entrance of thy words
giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
119:130 KJV
For the word of God is
quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
4:12 KJV
…when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all
truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that
shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
John 16:13 KJV
5. The internal and external energy keys
A relationship stands
when you work out the internal and external energies. As stated in the previous
article, a relationship encompasses the spiritual, social, emotional, physical,
financial, and mental structures.
Like the female eagle,
she tests the potential of the male eagle before entering into a relationship.
The female eagle can race with the male eagle to see his strength.
Other times, the female eagle can lead the male eagle into the shadows to see
how the male eagle hunts.
Sometimes, the female
eagle acts as if she is in danger. She does this to see whether the male eagle
can save her in dark seasons. The female eagle uses a series of tests to
determine a potential mate.
The female eagle does that because she knows that a relationship encompasses physical, spiritual,
social, mental, and emotional strength. The female eagle wants to be sure of
the male eagle.
She needs a caring,
strong, skillful, loyal, and courageous partner. If an eagle can teach us these
lessons about a relationship, why don’t you adopt these principles? Some people
may argue that we are not animals.
Yes, we are not animals.
However, the Holy Bible commands us to learn from certain enemies. I stated
that at the beginning of the article. If you had read the previous article, you would have understood that we can be social animals because we do whatever animals
I encourage you to read
the previous articles for a more profound revelation. Wisdom is a necessity in
a relationship. I stated that a relationship encompasses the spiritual,
emotional, social, physical, and financial departments.
Understand that we are
emotional beings because God is emotional. God created us in His image and
likeness. If God can be emotional, then we can also be emotional. You have to
think about the happiness of your partner.
That’s the social aspect
of a relationship. Secondly, think about the spiritual aspect of the
relationship. Do you have time for prayers and fasting? The Holy Bible teaches
us that dark forces desire our destruction (see 1 Peter 5:8-9, Ephesians
The enemy hates a successful relationship that stands on the rock of Christ Jesus. The devil
hates godly relationships. Therefore, occasionally fast and pray with your
partner. Strategic prayers can deliver the relationship from destruction. I
encourage you to download and read my series of books on prayer and the enemy for a more profound revelation.
The books are free on my
blog and youtube channel. Failure to deal with the spiritual aspect of your
relationship can break your marriage. Analyse your dreams, visions, and
trances and deal with them because they affect relationships.
Talk about the financial
aspect. It’s one of the most important departments of a relationship. Aside
from being spiritual and social, you must deal with financial issues because
it’s one of the reasons most relationships break.
Work effectively and
efficiently to solve the basic needs and wants of the family. With the mental
aspect, you must acquire relevant knowledge because ignorance is an invisible
destroyer. What you don’t know can destroy a relationship.
You must repent from some habits if you want your relationship to stand. There are some
ideologies you must unlearn because they can destroy relationships. For
instance, some women believe every man is a liar. Some men, too, believe that
every woman is a cheat. Unlearn the bad cultural practices and superstitious
beliefs if you want to maintain a relationship.
There are some things you
must learn and relearn to strengthen a relationship. If there is no substantial
information in your brain, you will make a bad decision that will break the
relationship. Build yourself emotionally because a time will come when your
partner, family, and friends will need your emotional strength to move the
relationship forward.
If you are weak
emotionally, you become vulnerable to manipulators, intruders, and enemies.
Keep your emotional strength intact to maintain the relationship because some
people will depend on your emotional power in the stormy season.
Do not play with your
physical strength because an unhealthy body cannot survive in a relationship.
Eat well and sleep well. Maintain good hygiene to keep the relationship moving.
I mean, bathe and brush your teeth occasionally.
Some people lose
potential partners because they are unclean. Learn to manage stress because
depression can create unnecessary conflict in the relationship. Failure to deal
with your health can break the relationship. Occasionally exercise to strengthen
your body. Maintain a connection with your partner, health practitioner, and
children. Following these wisdom keys will create a long-lasting relationship.
6. The key of love and respect
Wives, submit yourselves
unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Husbands, love your
wives, and be not bitter against them.
3:18-19 KJV
Love and respect are keys
that sustain a relationship. Respect your husband in private and public places.
Your husband will love you. Love your wife privately and publicly. Your wife
will respect you.
The Apostle Paul writes that wives must respect husbands because men (husbands) often
interpret respect as love. Most men have ego problems. When you respect a man
(husband), you elevate the kingship power in him.
In the same way, when you
love a woman (wife), you elevate the princess' power in her. The relationship
needs the key of love and respect. Without the key of love and respect, the
relationship will die.
Anytime you disrespect
your husband, you have taken over his kingship power. In the same way, anytime
you hate your wife or fail to love your wife, you take her princess power.
Women see love as respect. If you love someone, you respect the person.
In the same way, if you
respect someone, you love the person. Anyone who claims to love you, however,
shows disrespect is a liar. Respect and love are siblings. Anytime and anywhere you see respect, you must see love. The absence of love means disrespect.
Sustain your relationship with the keys of love and respect.
7. The key of resources
As we all know, money
rules the world. Although numerous currencies rule the world, money plays an
important role. I encourage you to download and read my book, 77 Uncommon
Currencies of the World, for a more profound revelation.
The book is free on my
blog and youtube channel. As stated in point five, money is not the only world currency that can make a relationship work. However, money is significant in a
relationship. Talk about food, water, light, clothes, shoes, house, land,
business, children's fees, transport, and other expenses.
These things demand
money. Without adequate money, the relationship will crumble. Many
relationships break down because of money issues. However, do not be limited by
money. There are several ways to acquire money.
I encourage you to
download and read my book, Uncommon Wisdom Keys, for a more profound
revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. Do not ignore the
currency of money if you want a successful relationship. Meditate on this Holy
Scripture for more profound revelation.
A feast is made for
laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.
10:19 KJV
8. The key of understanding
Discretion shall preserve
thee, understanding shall keep thee:
2:11 KJV
Wisdom is the principal
thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
4:7 KJV
Through wisdom is an
house builded; and by understanding it is established:
24:3 KJV
Knowing human psychology
can save your relationship. If you know how males and females think, you will
not struggle in your relationship. Our mind controls almost every organ of our
The decisions we make
emanate from our minds. Therefore, knowing how people think can help you
predict their actions. Knowing the temperament and personality of your partner
will enhance the relationship.
It will help you know how
to relate to the person. You will know what makes your partner happy and
unhappy. You will also know which bottom to press to make your partner click.
Knowing your partner can prevent unnecessary conflicts.
For instance, knowing the
four basic temperaments will give you an advanced knowledge of how to deal with
and live with people. I learned these truths in Senior High School. I think it
was around 2008 that some men came to our school to educate us on the four
I did not take the
lessons seriously at school. However, growing up in the Lord, I understood they were biblical and true. Some people are naturally introverts, while
some are extroverts. I am an introvert.
I often love being alone.
Sometimes, I enjoy watching nature and documentary videos. I can be in a cool
place enjoying the breeze of the green trees, beautiful flowers, and calm wind.
I love being in a cool place with a few people or nobody.
Watching live animals
makes me reflect on life. I feel empowered when alone. It’s not that I am
antisocial. However, I feel comfortable when alone. I love being with people I
know and trust. I don’t love getting attention in a crowd.
I can stay in the library
reading for a long time without getting depressed. I can be with my favorite
books and enjoy myself in an enclosed arena. In fact, I am happy with myself! However,
I try to socialize when I’m in public.
I think these traits have
helped me write many books and articles. By God’s grace, I have written and
published over ninety books! This is just the beginning of my journey. More
books are yet to come!
There are some people, too, who love being around people. They love to get attention from people. These
people cannot stay alone for a long time. They love to make friends and
interact with many people.
These are the extroverts.
Knowing these fundamental truths about people will help you choose and connect with
your partner. Imagine two extreme introverts entering a relationship. Let’s
assume a melancholic and phlegmatic entering a relationship.
Naturally, these
temperaments are introverts. When these temperaments enter a relationship, they
will be indoors often because they can be alone for a long time. However, two
extroverts (sanguine and choleric) can interact and have fun frequently.
When an introvert enters a relationship with an extrovert, it can balance the relationship. I will write more on this subject soon. However, I encourage you to watch this video on my youtube channel.
In the above video, I have revealed some ways to live and deal with each temperament.
As stated, the four temperaments are biblical (meditate on Proverbs 30:11-14
for more profound revelation).
If you know the
personality and temperament of your partner, you will understand why he acts the way
he acts. You will learn to adjust yourself because you know his ways
and thoughts.
Secondly, you will know
yourself if you study temperament and human psychology. Although some people
can have two or three temperaments, one temperament often dominates. Either
the person is an introvert or an extrovert.
Studying temperaments
will help you know which partner fits you. Knowing how men, women, children, and older people think will help your relationship. If
you know how each group mate thinks and acts, you will not struggle in your
Do you want to last in a
relationship? Have you studied the psychology of human beings? Do you know the
background of the person you want to enter into a relationship with? Do you
have the key of understanding?
Understanding people's hearts and minds is vital to a successful relationship. I
encourage you to read my series of books on wisdom for more profound revelations. Hopefully, I
will write more on this subject in the next article. Meditate on these Holy
Scriptures for a more profound revelation.
Discretion shall preserve
thee, understanding shall keep thee:
2:11 KJV
Wisdom is the principal
thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
4:7 KJV
Through wisdom is an
house builded; and by understanding it is established:
24:3 KJV
9. The key of trust
Do you know that Christ
Jesus often encouraged his disciples to trust him? (see John 14:1,10,11;8:46;10:25,38;1:25,26;14:26;5:24;6:40,47,
and Mark 16:17). Christ Jesus did that because He knew the key of trust.
If you want to last in a
relationship, build a fortress of trust. Learn to trust one another. Trust is
one of the key elements to a successful relationship. Wherever there is no
trust, the devil and his enemies enter.
Wherever you find the
devil, expect destruction, death, and debt (meditate on John 10:10). Doubting
your partner can create conflict. However, having a level of trust in your
partner encourages the partner to be truthful and faithful.
Naturally, the heart of
an unsaved person is wicked. Even those who claim to be born again can lie
(meditate on Numbers 23:19). However, for the sake of the relationship, learn
to build trust. Trust takes time.
However, you must build
it. When you build trust, your relationship will stand the storm. Your partner
will trust you irrespective of the accusations people project at you when you
build trust. People will trust you because of the godly behavior you have
However, if you often
lie, you make people disbelieve in you. Your consistent lies and bad behavior will make people doubt you even if you speak the truth. Trust is an
invisible asset. It draws faithful people closer to your side.
My experience with the shop owner
This reminds me of a
foreign seller in Koforidua. I will hide his nationality for security reasons. I
bought an Airpod Bluetooth Earbuds from his shop. When I took the device home
and started using it, it gave me problems, so I returned the earbuds to
the shop so he could give me a new one.
However, the owner of the
shop was not around. It was the caretaker who advised that I wait for the owner
of the shop. I demanded new earbuds. However, he insisted that the shop owner had the right to give me a new one.
Unfortunately, whenever I came to the shop, I did not meet the shop owner. I bought the device
from the shop owner. The caretaker was also around when I purchased the device.
However, I get new stories from the caretaker anytime I enter the shop to get a
new set of devices.
I became angry one day
and requested the phone number of the shop owner. We talked on the phone. He
promised me that he would get a new one. Days passed. However, I did not
receive the new set of devices.
I became angry because I had been in the shop several times and had not met the shop owner. I felt the
shop owner and caretaker were playing tricks on me. The next day, I met an old
friend a few meters away from the shop.
I told my friend about
the shop owner and his caretaker about what they did to me. This friend of mine
said the shop owner was a faithful man. He even promised to take
my device to the shop owner because he knew him to be a faithful person.
Lo and behold, the shop owner was there when we went to the shop. The shop owner gave me a new set
of devices. That day, I felt that what my old friend said about the shop
owner was true because the shop owner did not act badly.
I also realized that I couldn’t get the new set of devices because the shop owner had
traveled. The shop owner needed to arrive to deliver my new set of
devices. What would have happened if the shop owner had a bad reputation?
My old friend could have
alerted me. However, because my old friend knew that the shop owner was faithful, he assured me that the shop owner would give me a new set of
devices. Honestly, when we met the shop owner, he gave me a new set of devices.
Initially, I didn’t want
to go to the shop again because I was angry at the shop owner and the caretaker.
However, the trust my old friend had in the shop owner made me
follow my friend to the shop.
Remember, I had concluded
that the shop owner was unfaithful because I had visited his shop several
times. In all my visits, I did not meet him. However, the day I met my friend,
he assured me.
When we went to the shop
that hour, I got my new set of devices. Good name, the Bible says is better than
riches is true because another man around my old friend also bore witness that
the shop owner was a faithful man.
Build trust because it
builds a reputation. Trust can make people invest in you. Trust can attract
faithful partners. Trust can make people recommend you. Build trust if you want
your relationship to last.
10. The key of reverence
The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
17:9 KJV
Naturally, the heart of
humankind is desperately wicked. People who don’t have the fear of God desire
to harm. They do whatever they feel like doing because no divine laws govern
them. People who advocate lesbianism, gays, abortion, and grave evils do not
revere the Lord according to the Holy Bible (see Romans 1:18-32).
Secondly, people who do
not revere the Lord are wicked to the core. Entering into a relationship with
people who don’t revere the Lord can create confusion, conflict, and calamity
because they don’t have any restrictions.
Entering into a
relationship with people who don’t revere the Lord will create confusion
because their principles will challenge your godly principles. This is one
reason the Holy Bible commands us not to equally yoke with unbelievers (see 2
Corinthians 6:14-18).
Things that sound ungodly
to you as a Christian believer will sound pleasurable to people who do not
revere the Lord. For instance, people who don’t revere the Lord see nothing
wrong with adultery (fornication).
Some even see it as human
rights. However, the Holy Bible condemns fornication. Reading the Holy Bible
and praying in tongues can sound foolish to someone who does not reverence the
Imagine entering into a
relationship with someone who sees the Holy Bible, prayers, Christ Jesus, and
the Holy Spirit as nothing. What do you think the person will do when entering
into a relationship?
That person will become
your enemy. The devil and his cohorts will use that partner to torment your
life. To create a successful relationship, connect with people who
revere the Lord.
People who revere the
Lord hardly engage in wickedness. People who revere the Lord will not
discourage you from Bible studies, fasting, and prayer. People who have
repented from sin and accepted Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord have the Holy
Spirit living in them.
With the Holy Spirit
living with and living in them, they will hardly play wicked in the
relationship. This is one reason you must enter into a relationship with people
who love the Lord (Christ Jesus).
Someone who loves the
Lord will love you. However, anyone who claims to love God and hates a godly neighbor
is a liar (see 1 John 4:20). Some people are wicked and demon-possessed. Such
people desire our death and destruction.
With these people, we
cannot love them because they have covenanted with evil spirits to steal, kill,
and destroy us. These are sworn enemies who have determined to destroy us at
any cost. We cannot love such enemies.
However, we can love
ignorant enemies. I encourage you to download and read my book, How to Live
and Deal with Enemies. In that book, I have enumerated the types of enemies
and how to live with them.
You need people who fear
the Lord because they love what the Lord loves and hate what the Lord hates.
These people will not do you harm. Although we cannot fully trust humankind, we
can have a level of trust in people who fear the Lord.
By mercy and truth
iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
16:6 KJV
So, we can see from the
Holy Scriptures that people who fear the Lord depart from evil. People who
don’t fear the Lord love evil. They enjoy evil because of their hardened heart
and corrupted souls.
Entering a relationship
with people who have no reverence for the Lord opens the portal for unclean
spirits to dominate the relationship. However, entering into a relationship
with people who fear the Lord will minimize conflicts.
Do you know the number of
people who have died in toxic relationships? Some people are insane because of
manipulative relationships. Wickedness in relationships has made some people
Some, too, have joined dark
groups because of relationships. Some people have lost trust in humankind
because of bad relationships. Some people live in pain, bitterness, depression,
strange diseases, and mental illnesses because of bad relationships.
One reason for these
conditions is because of wicked hearts and minds. I encourage you to read article
four for a more profound revelation about wicked people. People
who don’t have the fear of God don’t care when doing evil.
However, people who fear
the Lord will think twice when they try to do evil. Sometimes, I am tempted to
play with some people's wickedness. However, the fear of God in my heart
restrains me.
Someone who does not fear
the Lord can kill you if you provoke him. However, someone who has the fear of
God will hardly kill. One reason a vessel who fears the Lord will not kill is
because the Holy Spirit restrains him.
However, someone who does
not have the fear of the Lord has no restraining power. These people are often
led by the evil spirits and lustful desires of the soul and body. People without reverence for the Lord have not allowed the Holy Spirit to
control their hearts. Therefore, whatever comes into their hearts, they do it.
Are you ready to trade your life for someone who does not fear the Lord? If you want to stay in a long-lasting relationship, connect with vessels who fear the Lord. I encourage you to download and read my books.
- Who is a Christian believer?
- Forty Types of Christians
- Darkness within the Light
- The Mysteries of Evil
- The Mysteries of Evil Seeds and
- The Mysteries of Household Enemies for a more profound revelation.
The books are free on my
blog and youtube channel. Do you want to enjoy or endure your relationship? The
choice is yours. I have intentionally omitted one master key. I may share it
with you in the next article.
In the next article, I
will dig deeper into the mysteries of relationships and dissect the hidden
truths within love. Kindly share the link to this article with your loved ones
on all social media platforms. The wisdom keys in this article can save a life.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you enjoyed reading Duodu Henry Appiah-korang's article and you want more of Duodu Henry Appiah-korang’s free books, download and read them on this website. All his works are copyrighted. Click on this link to download some of his free books. Sharing the link of this article to twitter, telegram, reedit, LinkedIn, Pin interest, whatsapp and other social media handles may save a soul from destruction. Heaven’s Gate, the best website that writes and publishes life transforming books and articles: www.RocKofHeaven.com Click on this link to read Duodu Henry Appiahkorang books on Amazon.