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/ / 777 Rare Truth About Relationships [Great Mysteries About Love] – 3

777 Rare Truth About Relationships [Great Mysteries About Love] – 3


Image showing what is love


The anatomy of beauty

In the previous article, I wrote a short introduction about relationships. I also unveiled some truths about beauty. However, I want to throw more light on beauty because it’s one of the finest virtues we value when entering into a relationship.


One thing I have realized about men is that physical beauty often attracts us. Women, on the other hand, draw closer to men who speak nice words. As we all know, most women are emotional beings.


Speaking sweet words to them often makes them happy. If you read the book of Genesis, you will realize that Adam commented and approved Eve’s beauty when God made her. Adam said this is the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.


When Eve heard the nice words of Adam, she became happy and embraced Adam. That was when the relationship began. Adam saw himself in Eve. This made the relationship solid. We often judge by the outward appearance (meditate on 1 Samuel 16:7).


Many people fall into a pit because of their physical appearance. Judging a book by its cover can be deceptive because people can design beautiful covers to hide false and narrow information. You have to read to know the value of the book.


Some people do not read the entire content. They look at the cover to conclude. The cover is just a veil. You have to know what is inside the cover. I remember preaching the gospel on a bus. I was preaching against fornication.


While preaching, one man asked how we could know the woman was the right spouse if we didn’t test her. He continued; we have to test the women whether they are good. The man wanted to know whether the woman he wanted to marry knew how to cook. He wanted to know whether the woman was good in bed.


The man wanted to know whether the woman could get pregnant. He wanted to know if the woman could do household chores. He stated that he could not just choose a woman just like that. He has to know the woman.


His approach to entering a relationship was worldly (dark). He might be “right” in a certain sense. However, it's unbiblical. We should not test women in bed before marrying them. That’s fornication. Women are not shoes we can test in a shop whether they can fit us.


Some women, too, test the potency of the men before agreeing to marry them. They want to know whether the man is good in bed. That’s not biblical. The world has a way of defining relationships and beauty.


They have a way of entering into a relationship. Those in darkness only look at the outward appearance. There is nothing wrong with checking a woman's outward appearance before entering a relationship.


After all, “every” normal person wants an attractive person. Relating with a beautiful vessel is not a sin. However, entering a deep relationship with the person just because of the outward beauty is the problem.


Physical appearance should not be the foundation for entering a marital relationship. God gave humankind beauty for a purpose. One reason for the beauty is to glorify the Creator and serve the creation. Some people are wonderfully created, while some are fearfully created (meditate on Psalms 139:14).


It takes wisdom to differentiate the beautifully and wonderfully created vessels. Some animals are fearfully created, while some are wonderfully created. For instance, lions, hawks, eagles, snakes, scorpions, and crocodiles are fearfully created.


Animals such as doves, cats, dogs, elephants, parrots, giraffes, and tortoises are wonderfully created. By God’s grace, I will know when I meet a man or woman who is fearfully created. When I meet a wonderfully created man or woman, I will know.


You have to know those who are fearfully created and those who are wonderfully created. Knowing this truth will help you relate better. Real beauty comes in when you know your personality and temperament.


Some people define beauty as the physical attraction. They look at the shape, height, complexion, and other facial qualities. These are temporal qualities. Real beauty is within. Let me share seven uncommon ways to detect real, beautiful people.


When I state real beauty, I mean inner beauty. Physical beauty is like a beautiful flower flourishing and blooming in the daytime. Give the flower time, and it will fade and die. 

The beautiful yellowish and greenish flower will turn brown when its season ends. Physical beauty has a season. When the season ends, the beauty will depreciate and fade.



The beautiful old woman

This reminds me of an old, beautiful woman I saw in one of my evangelism works. The beauty I’m describing here is the woman’s physical beauty. While preaching, I could travel to the past (youth) of the old beautiful woman. I could see that she was attractive in her face, color, shape, and height in her youthful stage.


However, in her old age, her face had crumbled. This beautiful older woman cannot travel back to her youth. Age has dealt bitterly with her physical beauty. There was no way she could return to her youth. Her beauty will gradually fade as time passes.


Physical beauty has a time range. It is subject to destruction. However, time cannot destroy inner beauty. Age cannot destroy inner beauty. No one can take inner beauty from us. We are the keeper of that beauty. No one is “ugly.” It’s the inner beauty that counts, so let’s define real beauty. Below are seven ways to detect real beauty. Knowing this truth will add value to your relationship skills.



Seven Ways to Detect Inner Beauty

image showing real beauty


1. Godly character

When someone has a godly character, she has inner beauty. If the person knows how to talk to people politely in the dark season, that person has inner beauty. If that person knows how to talk to people in public and private, then that vessel has a godly character.


If a vessel knows how to behave rightly, irrespective of the circumstance, that person has inner beauty. Losing money, power, and fame and still holding onto your godly character is a great treasure.


It’s a fixed asset that does not depreciate but appreciates. However, power, fame, and wealth without a godly character is a liability. The wealth, fame, and power are symbols of physical beauty.


The real beauty is the godly character. It takes a godly character (inner beauty) to upgrade and sustain wealth, power, and fame. Godly character is a great asset that grows daily. It makes you attractive.


How you treat people shows your character. I know some people who have no respect for “poor” people. They only “respect” people who have money, power, and fame. That’s not a godly character.


A vessel with a godly character (real beauty) respects everybody irrespective of status. Someone who has inner beauty does not discriminate. A vessel with inner beauty is not partial when making decisions.


A vessel with inner beauty promotes peace in relationships and the workplace. If you find someone with these traits, you have found a unique gem. That person has an inner beauty! Enter a relationship with that vessel because it’s rare to find them (meditate on Proverbs 20:6).



2. Reverence for God

Another way to detect someone with an inner beauty is their reverence for God. When someone reveres God, he hates what the Holy Spirit hates and loves what the Holy Spirit loves. A vessel with an inner beauty departs from sin because the Holy Spirit hates sin.


That vessel loves righteousness and lives in the holiness of the Holy Spirit. People with inner beauty love anything that glorifies Christ Jesus. They promote the things of God from their heart. People with inner beauty project the Kingdom of God with their finances, connections, and energy.


People with inner beauty fear God. They live by the principles of the Holy Bible. People with inner beauty do not do things that make the Holy Spirit sad. They do their best to live in God's ways because they know His ways and thoughts.



3. Humility

Humility is not timidity. Humility does not necessarily mean bowing to people. Genuine humility begins from the heart. Someone with inner beauty is submissive to godly authorities. People with inner beauty follow the godly rules and regulations set by the organization.


People with inner beauty are ready to learn. They don’t put people down. However, they lift the weak. People with inner beauty are not arrogant. They are not ashamed of the gospel. They can preach anywhere as led by the Holy Spirit.


People with inner beauty are down to earth. Down to the earth means they are ready to suffer affliction from wicked and ignorant people if they believe that they are doing the right thing. People with inner beauty are not too conscious of themselves.


I mean, people with inner beauty are not selfish and greedy. They want to do good for others. If they will sacrifice to make others happy, they will do it. Christ Jesus is the best example; therefore, imitate Christ Jesus.


People with inner beauty don’t look down on the vulnerable. They sympathize with others from the heart. People with inner beauty relate with everybody irrespective of their status. People with inner beauty are sober, attentive, and obedient to godly instructions. Enter a relationship with a vessel who has these traits.



4. Pure love

People with inner beauty genuinely love God, humankind, and creation. I know some people who hate, oppose, and destroy animals. These vessels destroy nature without remorse and repentance. Such people do not have inner beauty.


However, people with inner beauty love God’s creation. They help those with financial, emotional, spiritual, mental, social, technological, and physical needs. They are ready to share the little they have. People with inner beauty help struggling animals.


They love animals from their heart. People with inner beauty love people from their hearts, especially children. People with inner beauty protect the trees, seas, animals, and nature with their resources. Do not hesitate to enter a relationship with someone with these uncommon virtues.



5. Born again

Someone who has surrendered his life to Christ Jesus, obeys the Holy Bible, and follows the Holy Spirit has inner beauty. People with inner beauty are not slaves to the lustful desires of the flesh and soul.


They love Christ Jesus from their heart. They exhibit the love of Christ Jesus by winning souls in places people don’t want to evangelize. People with inner beauty have the seed of unconditional love. Because they are born again, their love is pure.


Remember, there are over ten types of love. I encourage you to download and read my book, What is Love, for more profound revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. People with inner beauty know Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus knows them.


They don’t allow the pressure of the world and friends to destroy their faith in Christ Jesus, the Holy Bible, and the Holy Spirit. People with inner beauty are ready to die for the gospel. You feel the pure love of vessels with an inner beauty when they draw close to you. Enter into a relationship with a vessel with these traits when you discern in the Spirit.



6. Pure heart

People with inner beauty have a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit. They are not religious Christians who go to Church to prove a point. People with pure hearts (inner beauty) know the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit bears witness of them before the Heavenly Father. I encourage you to download and read my series of books on the Holy Spirit to build a solid relationship and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The books are free on my blog and youtube channel.


People with inner beauty have the seed of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (meditate on Galatians 5:22-23). They are not slaves to the lustful desires of the flesh and soul.


People with inner beauty are mature emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. They know how to live in contentment. People with inner beauty are not jealous of people who are above them. They do not devalue people who are under them.


People with inner beauty see with the eyes of the heart. They judge with the heart of the mind. People with inner beauty don’t hold grudges in their hearts for long. They forgive when necessary. People with inner beauty know how to endure in the stormy season.


They can stand persecution and accusation. People with inner beauty are sincere people who don’t do things to show off. People with inner beauty exhibit joy, gentleness, peace, and meekness in the dark and bright seasons.


They know when to speak and when to keep silent. People with inner beauty have integrity. They are one with the Holy Spirit. People with inner beauty value the Holy Bible above everything and everyone. Advise yourself when encountering vessels with these traits because they are rare. Enter a relationship with such vessels when you see the fruits enshrined in this point because you have met a beautiful person.



7. Hardworking

People with inner beauty don’t play with their time. They know how to utilize their time effectively and efficiently. Beautiful people are not lazy and idle. They know their priorities—people with inner beauty work smart and hard.


These are a few ways to detect real, beautiful people. Don’t be deceived by physical beauty (appearance). The physical appearance is just covering. I have shown some ways to detect real beautiful people.


This truth will enhance your relationship skills. If you meet someone with the inner beauty described in this article and that person has physical beauty, you have met an angel. Protect that vessel because finding someone with inner and physical beauty is not easy.


If that vessel's physical appearance is not all that attractive and that vessel has inner beauty, relate with that person. If you only go for physical beauty and ignore the inner beauty, you put yourself and those connected to you in great danger.


It is like jumping into a pool of crocodiles. They will consume you! Check the pool to see whether crocodiles are inside. If there are a few crocodiles, you will know how to deal with them. Even with that one, stepping into the pool of little crocodiles is still dangerous.


However, it is safer to enter a pool of no crocodiles. We may not find a vessel that is one hundred percent pure. However, apply wisdom because the number of crocodiles will determine the danger rate.


I hope you understand my point. Entering into a relationship with someone with inner beauty will last for a long time because the inner beauty will strengthen the relationship. The inner beauty can stand the storms.


The inner beauty will protect you from wolves within the sheep. The inner beauty will defend and protect the relationship. However, physical beauty without inner beauty will open the door for intruders (wolves and serpents) to destroy the relationship. Remember the words of Solomon.


Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30 KJV

Inner beauty is like the root of a tree. The root is the foundation of the tree. The root will determine the fruits and longevity of the tree. Concentrate on the root because the root will determine the life and fruits of the tree.


Haven’t you seen poisonous fruits before? The fruits may look beautiful. However, they are poisonous. Physical beauty without inner beauty is poisonous. Entering a relationship with a beautiful vessel who has no inner qualities will cause trouble.


You will not enjoy the relationship when you concentrate on physical beauty. However, you will endure the relationship when you concentrate only on physical beauty. Enjoyment will reign in the relationship when you focus on the inner beauty.


The physical beauty is just a bonus. It’s secondary. According to the Holy Bible, a woman who fears the Lord is the recommendation (see Proverbs 31:30). Some women have become beasts, proud, and witches because of their physical beauty.


Because of that, no responsible, godly, and wise man wants to marry them. Some of them have become harlots because of their beauty. Evil spirits, too, have possessed most of these self-proclaimed beautiful vessels who see nothing except for their physical beauty.



The darkness of beauty

According to the Holy Bible, Lucifer was God's most beautiful cherub (see Ezekiel 28:11-19). Lucifer was perfect in beauty. God covered Lucifer with perfect precious stones. However, Lucifer allowed his beauty to defile him.


Instead of looking up to the Creator, he saw himself as the Creator. Lucifer received many praises from some angels because of his attractive outward appearance. Because of his beauty, he became proud. He lifted himself above His Creator and rebelled.


Archangel Michael and other holy angels fought and drove Lucifer (later became Satan) and the rebellious angels from Heaven. The beauty that should have become a blessing became a curse. Some people have allowed their beauty (gifts and physical attraction) to become a curse.


Instead of using the beauty to serve, they want to be served. Instead of using beauty to glorify God, they want to receive God’s glory. Beauty is vain if it does not glorify God. Let me share seven reasons why physical beauty is vain. Remember the words of Solomon?


Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30 KJV

Beauty is profitable if it glorifies God and His creation. Don’t make a painful mistake because of physical beauty. Below are seven reasons why physical beauty is vain. Knowing these truths will enhance your relationship skills. You will not fall into the enemy's trap when entering a relationship.



Seven reasons why beauty is vain

Image showing why beauty is vain


1. Because beauty is temporal

I wonder when some women see themselves as untouchable because of beauty. Putting on artificial hair, nails, stomach controllers, breast controllers, lipsticks, and eyelashes is not real beauty.


It’s artificial beauty. To be precise, it’s fake beauty. How can you buy Brazilian and Indian hair and put it on your hair and think you are beautiful? I wonder when some women purchase all kinds of cursed materials and put them on their bodies and see themselves as beautiful.


That’s not real beauty. Putting on ornaments, perfumes, and artificial artifacts isn’t real beauty. They are temporal materials that make you “beautiful.” It’s a disguise. Those materials are just temporal.


They are fake. Be natural. Get me right. I am not stating that women should not dress and smell good. I am stating here that real beauty is not about those temporal things you put on. The ornaments, artificial hair, nails, shoes, lipsticks, perfumes, and those I did not mention are temporal.


Try not to put those temporal materials on your body for days, weeks, months, and years; you will understand this point. Don’t become proud because of those temporal materials you put on. They are vain.


Those materials may make you “beautiful” in a short season. However, they are temporal. It won’t last. Physical beauty is emptiness if it does not have inner beauty. Outer beauty is just a covering, so don’t be too proud.


Don’t overrate yourself and think nobody is your class because of their physical beauty. I encourage you to download and read my book, Perfect Wisdom, for more profound revelation. The book is free on my blog and youtube channel. Don’t become Lucifer because of the outward beauty.


Don’t allow the temporal beauty to make you an enemy of God because God resists the proud (meditate on James 4:6, 1 Samuel 2:3, Job 40:10-12, Psalms 138:6, Proverbs 29:23). Your lovers will despise you when you lift yourself because of that temporal beauty (meditate on Jeremiah 4:30).


Evil spirits will send you a friend request when you rest on your physical beauty. Work on the inner beauty. Physical beauty is corruptible. However, inner beauty is incorruptible (meditate on 1 Peter 3:4-5).



2. Time will expose beauty

A woman can hide her pregnancy in a few months. However, time will expose that pregnancy. That is how beauty works. Physical beauty has its season of destruction. You may try to keep your beauty.


However, time will expose it. The beauty will die as time passes. Outward beauty is vain because time will destroy it. Observe the beautiful women born in the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s. What do you see?


Their physical beauty is deteriorating. Observe your parents, grandparents, and old friends. Look at their faces well. You can request their youthful pictures. Perhaps they were beautiful in their youthful stage.


However, time has destroyed their physical beauty. Age has made their beauty pale and obscure. You may look beautiful and handsome in your youthful stage. However, time will end your physical beauty.


Just like parents, grandparents, and old friends are becoming “odd,” your face and other body parts will start crumbling in your old age. You will not have the strength to walk in your old age. Your teeth will start falling off in your old age. Your eyes will begin becoming dim in your old age. Your senses will start to depreciate. What you valued so much will become weak, shapeless, and odd in your old age.


Make a trip to places that care of older people. You will see that physical beauty is nothing. It is just that you have not realized it. It doesn’t matter how beautiful someone is; time will defeat it. Like a glowing flower, it will not last forever. That beautiful flower will become brown in the harmattan.


Observe the flowers, fruits, trees, and water bodies. You will see that they become dry and brown in certain seasons. Even animals lose their beauty as they grow old. Some become miserable in their old age.


Some die out of hunger, pain, and thirst in their old age. Physical beauty has a season. Its strength rests in the inner beauty. Don’t be proud because of your physical beauty. Time will defeat it. Instead, use your physical beauty to glorify Christ Jesus. Work on the inner beauty so that outward beauty becomes a treasure. Don’t end like the proud beautiful vessels (Lucifer and his followers).


Most of them are slaves to the lustful desires of the flesh and soul. Some, too, are serving the devil. They allowed their beauty to blind their purpose. Physical beauty is a gift from God. God gave that physical beauty for a purpose. Do not abuse it. Don’t allow Satan to use that temporal beauty to steal, kill, and destroy. Let the Holy Spirit use that beauty to glorify Himself and creation.


The outward beauty is to protect you from dark vessels. Use that beauty to serve. Reveal the plans and purpose of God through that beauty. Don’t enter a relationship just because of physical beauty; it’s a covering.


Don’t conclude the relationship on physical beauty because time and age will defeat it. Focus on the inner beauty. When the vessel passes the foundational test, then you can consider the outer shell (physical beauty).



3. Circumstances will defeat beauty

Entering into a relationship because of physical beauty is vain because the issues of life will expose it. I am not against physical beauty. I love people who are physically beautiful because God created them.


However, I will not enter a deep relationship because of the physical beauty. I will do that when that vessel has inner beauty. Entering a close relationship because of physical beauty isn’t wisdom. A time will come when that beautiful vessel will start having children. The beautiful person you adored so much will start losing weight because of the children. Some women even become big because of childbirth.


The children will start sucking the breast of the beautiful woman because the breast contains essential nutrients. The husband may also suck the breast out of love. The breast of the beautiful woman will start losing its beauty as the children and husband keeps sucking it.


Even if the children and husband do not suck the breast, age will defeat the breast, making the breast lose weight. The issues of life (family problems, stress, business, job, and house management) will create emotional, mental, and physical stress, making the beautiful and handsome vessel weak and unattractive.


Sickness can destroy that beauty. Several beautiful people have become ugly because of sickness. Some even become cripple, dumb, deaf, and blind because of accidents and illness. Some handsome people become impotent and helpless because of sickness and natural disasters.


The physical beauty you valued so much will become a history. That beauty will change its form because circumstance has defeated it. Physical beauty is emptiness. Don’t be fooled by the outward appearance. Check the inner beauty. Consider the outward beauty if the vessel passes the inner beauty test.



4. Death will defeat beauty

Every man born of a woman has an appointment with death (meditate on Hebrews 9:27, Genesis 3:19, Job 30:23, Psalms 89:48). This corruptible flesh (beauty) will die one day. The beauty you value with your heart and resources will become irresponsive and unfruitful one day.


The body (beauty) will become a corpse. That beautiful face and structure you value will lay openly in the mortuary. The workers at the mortuary will abuse that body. Animals will feed on the body (beauty) when it dies. That beauty will enter into earth. Giving too much attention to the container and ignoring the content wastes resources, time, and energy.


Like a bottle of spoiled milk, it doesn’t matter how beautiful and expensive the container is. The milk is poisonous. You can even put the spoiled milk in a golden and diamond bottle. The milk will not change.


You can put the milk in the finest glass bottle. The glass bottle will not change the milk. That is what physical beauty is. The expensive diamond bottle is a symbol of physical beauty. Spoiled milk is the inner beauty.


If the inner beauty is spoiled, you can’t do anything about it. However, the bottle will not be a problem if the milk is healthy and nutritious. You can put the healthy and nutritious milk in a plastic bottle. The milk will still be healthy and nutritious.


The real thing is the milk, not the container. Physical beauty is nothing without inner beauty. Try visiting the mortuary and graveyard. You will understand that physical beauty is nothing. Outward appearance is just a shell.



5. Beauty is not the real thing

It doesn’t matter how big the head is; the brain tells it what to do. It doesn’t matter how big your hands, legs, nose, ears, mouth, and eyes are. It is the brain that tells them what to do. The brain is invisible to the eyes; however, the brain controls almost every organ.


That is how physical and inner beauty works. The physical beauty is just a shell. Like the hands, ears, nose, eyes, and legs, the brain (inner beauty) controls them. Analyze the mad people on the street. You will realize that they have a faulty mindset.


A vessel in his right sense will not bathe and eat in the gutter full of waste. However, someone with brain damage can eat, bathe, and sleep in a gutter full of garbage. The mind is a symbol of inner beauty.


If the mind is damaged, everything about the person is damaged. However, if the mind is sound, everything about the vessel is clear. That is how inner beauty (the mind) controls the physical beauty (the body).


A pig will remain a pig irrespective of the treatment it receives. The pig will delight in filthy places because that is its mindset. The pig's body symbolizes physical beauty, while the pig's mind symbolizes inner beauty.


You can dress the pig with the most expensive dress, perfume, and ornaments. That pig will bathe in a filthy place when it finds one because it has a faulty mind. That is how inner and physical beauty works.


Entering a relationship with a well-dressed “pig” is a great disaster because that “pig” has a faulty mindset. The pig has no inner beauty. It’s mindset (inner beauty) is corrupt. Until the “pig” receives a mind transformation, it will misbehave.


The pig might think it is doing the right thing. However, it doesn’t know that it has a damaged brain. That is how inner and physical beauty works. Most people with beautiful appearance look welcoming.


However, something is wrong inside. The inner beauty has a problem. If someone is beautiful outwardly and has corrupt inner beauty, the outward beauty will misbehave. However, if the outward appearance is not attractive and the inner beauty is active, the outward appearance will shine.


The real thing is the inner beauty. It is the book’s content that matters, not the book’s cover. The beautiful book cover may make the book attractive. However, the content is the real thing.

Physical beauty is vain without inner beauty. Entering into a relationship is one of the important decisions because it’s about your life and destiny.


Your life and destiny rest in your partner’s hands. If that hand has no inner beauty, you endanger your life. It is not only your life. However, the children that come out of the relationship will be in trouble.



Your family and friends will likely reap the harvest in the relationship. The relationship can destroy or determine your gifts, assignments, and vision. This is one reason I have laid some foundation you can follow before entering a relationship.


Don’t let the looks deceive you. The physical beauty is a veil. The real beauty is inward. Apply wisdom when entering a relationship because it can make or destroy you. A relationship can build your family and assignment if you choose wisely.


On the other hand, a relationship can destroy your family and assignment if you choose unwisely. I couldn’t finish the third introduction. However, I promise to finish the introduction in the next article so I can start with the main topic. Deeper truths are yet to be unfolded. Kindly share the link to this article so others can receive the wisdom that brings deliverance.


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