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/ / / / / / / PROVEN Ways to Write and Publish Over 70 Books Within 3 Years

PROVEN Ways to Write and Publish Over 70 Books Within 3 Years


Proven and Simplified Principles to Help You Write, Publish, and Market Your Books




Writing an article or a book is easy if you know the strategy and principles. I have simplified the principles I used to write, self-publish, and market my books in this book. You can also write books if others have done it. Don’t limit yourself because the world needs your book.


Find out proven principles that helped me write, self-publish, and market my books in this book. Following these proven principles, you will be a successful author, publisher, and marketer.


Get the basics of writing, publishing, and marketing; your life will never be the same. Share this booklet with your loved ones if you find it helpful.



Chapter One

Be a reader

If you want to write a book, be a dedicated reader. Developing a reading habit will help you to be an excellent writer. For example, if you're writing Christian books, fall in love with Christian books. If you're going to write inspirational, motivational, and self-help books, be a reader of that genre.


You cannot be a fan of erotic books and write inspired Christian books. For example, if you want to be an excellent Christian book writer, you must be born again.


If you are not born again, you will not write books that can transform the sinner and edify the Christian. Buy a hard copy of the Holy Bible and feed on it to enable you to master your writing skills.


Download the Holy Bible on your phones, laptops, iPhones, Android phones, and other electronic devices and study it. Doing so helps you to be an outstanding writer. I have bought a Ryrie Study Bible and other valuable Bible study books.


I study the Holy Bible to enable me to write biblical and inspired books. I have software like Power Bible CD, e-sword, the Word, and another premium bible study tool that helps me get the relevant scriptures to write my books. You cannot be an excellent writer if you hate research and reading.


It is through reading that you develop your writing skills. Never think you can be a good writer if you hate reading. I love to read non-fictional Christian books and self-help books. I occasionally read other genres to help expand my mind on different subjects.


Devoting yourself to books can improve your writing skills and make you a better writer. This is what I have seen in my life. The more I read, the better I build my writing skills. If you are lazy, you cannot write books.


Writing books demands discipline and sacrifice. Sometimes, I can sit for over twelve hours to write a book. When I decide to write a book, I can use a day to finish the book. This is one reason I have written over forty books.


By the grace of God, I have laid the foundations of over a hundred books and written over one hundred and fifty Christian articles. This is just the beginning. You can write articles and books if you are called and gifted. You can write books if you are determined, consistent, and sacrificial.



Chapter Two

Write it

If you want to write books, the next thing to do is write about every idea that comes to your mind. I am teaching you the method I used to write my books. This method works for me, and I believe that if you follow my proven principles, you will write many books and articles.


Writing the ideas that come into your mind will give you the foundations of your book. Download and install notepad on your phone. If you don’t have a smartphone, get a pen and paper or a pocketbook beside you; when the idea drops into your mind, write it.


Start with Articles

You can begin with articles. An article can be a one-page document. I have opened my website for Christian authors and bloggers to submit their inspired articles. Write for my website if you want the world and Christians to read your article. Submit your inspired article using this link.


I started writing when I was in Senior High School. I remember reading Rick Joyner’s book titled “The Final Quest.” I bought the hard copy in a Christian bookstore in Oda (a town in the eastern region of Ghana).


By the time I finished that powerful book, I had written inspirational articles inside the book. There were some blank pages in Rick Joyner’s book, so I wrote whatever came to mind. The words I wrote in Rick Joyner’s book are available as I am writing to you.


That is how I began writing. I used to write commentaries on the Holy Bible. I bought exercise books to write my books. I did not have a laptop or a desktop computer.


I wrote all my ideas in my exercise books. When I got my laptop, I transferred the ideas I recorded in my exercise books and journal into my laptop. I typed them myself.


Sometimes, I can stay up late at night writing my books. When I lived with my parents, my mother always complained that I was always indoors. I loved to be alone because it helped me concentrate on my projects. When I was at University, I would enter the school library with my laptop and write my books.


I remember my first book, “Visions of the Night.” I finished that book when I was at University. My second book, “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit,” took me almost three years to finish. I will write, edit, rewrite, and make changes.


I thank the Amazon Kindle team for taking the time to make all my changes to that book. I have republished that book over twenty times. At the initial stage, your writing may be imperfect. Don’t give up.


Keep reading and writing, and you will become a better writer. As I said, write every idea that comes into your mind, and study the Holy Bible if you want to write Christian books. When you practice these principles, you will become an outstanding writer. 


Chapter Three

Seek Knowledge

If you want to be an excellent writer, study technology and learn how to use Microsoft Word. Improve your typing speed. There are software like Mavis Beacon. This software can help you to become a better and faster typist. Some softwares can help you edit your books after writing. Use Grammarly and Pro writing aid.


I use Grammarly Premium and Pro Writing Aid Premium to edit my books. Use the free versions if you cannot afford to buy the premium package. You can integrate this software into your Microsoft Word.


This software can correct grammatical errors, punctuation, structure, and other aspects of your books and articles. Before you use this software, make sure you have access to the internet. After correcting the errors, proofread your book several times.


If you can afford to hire a professional book editor, get one to help you make critical changes. I edit my books using the premium versions of this software and proofread them myself. When you edit your books, it helps you become a better writer.


I am not forcing you to self-edit your books if you can afford a professional book editor. I tried employing an editor to help me with my books. Later, I discovered I was better than some of these editors.


Some of the editors are good, but they charge abnormal prices. I CAN THOROUGHLY EDIT AND PROOFREAD MY BOOKS since I have the Grammarly premium and Pro Writing Aid premium.


I have friends willing to help proofread my books, but I found out that they are not committed and ready, so I have to sacrifice my time to do it myself. There is nothing in this world; you cannot do if you are purposeful. I recommend my books.


1. How to Pursue a Purposeful Life Without Money

2. How to Pursue a Purposeful Life and

3. How to Make Perfect Decisions.


All you need is faith. Believe you can do it, and God will give you the grace to write the book He is calling you to write. At the initial stage, you may start on your own. As time passes, you will get some people to help you with your book (s).


Sometimes, you will be discouraged; don’t give up. Believe God and press on. Your loved ones may not support you. Don’t give up; press on. Some loved ones and enemies will destructively criticize you; don’t give them attention because they will distract your focus. If you are determined to write the book, you will finish.


If you want to write books, sacrifice your bed, movies, games, pleasure, and social gatherings. Be focused because time waits for no man. You lose if you spend too much time on social media doing unnecessary things.


Use time effectively. The body may fight you at the initial stage. Don’t allow the temporal desires of the body to limit you; press on, and your body and mind will adjust to your routines.


Believe that people will read and buy your book (s). If you allow the Spirit of Inferiority to dominate you, you will become depressed and give up.


Get my book “How to Break the Spirit of Inferiority” for a more profound revelation. When you have faith, it boosts your creativity and makes you purposeful. This is one of my secrets.


 Believe that God can use you to change the lives of others through your books and articles.

 Believe that God has called you to write.

 Believe that you are relevant in life.


Don’t allow your color, country, resource, and family to limit you. See yourself as God sees you and put your thoughts into words; you will be surprised that your book will change the lives of many.


Watch Videos

To be an excellent writer, watch a documentary and important videos. Watch videos connected to the book you want to write. For example, if you're going to write Christian books, listen to the sermons of your spiritual leader and different anointed ministers of God.


The more videos you watch, the higher you increase in knowledge. I often listen to sermons because they build me in wisdom and knowledge. Listen to the videos of your mentors. When you build capacity in this field, you will not struggle to write outstanding books.


Inner Power

This is for my Christian friends who want to write books. Build a consistent prayer life if you're going to write a book that can transform people's lives. Almost all my books came through prayer. The more I prayed in tongues, the more the Holy Spirit gave me the ideas.


(SUMMARY) How I Wrote Over 40 Books and Over 350 Articles Within 3 Years

My Top 14 Writing Principles


In this book, I will share the top 14 principles that I used to write over 40 books and over 350 articles within three years. These principles are not just theories, but they have been proven to produce results.


If you have a burning desire to become an excellent and faster writer, blogger, and author, or if you are facing challenges in your writing journey, this book is for you. Whether you want to know the secrets of writing faster, how to enter the writer's world, or the technicalities and fundamentals of authoring, blogging, and writing books, this book will provide you with tried and tested principles.


I have compiled my writing experiences and principles in this short and easy-to-read book to help you break through any barriers and challenges in your writing journey. The principles I share in this book have worked for me, and they can work for you too, regardless of the type of book you want to write.


Time constraints prevent me from sharing all the principles I used to write over 350 inspired articles and over 40 books within three years. However, I have previously written a book titled "How to Write and Publish Books" where I laid down some of the principles I used in writing, publishing, and marketing books. You can request a free copy or read it on Amazon Kindle Unlimited for more wisdom keys.


I have also shared important messages on YouTube where I discussed some of the principles I used in writing my books and articles. The transcript of one of these messages is included in this book. If you know someone who desires to write but doesn't know how to start, I encourage you to share this book with them so they can learn practical wisdom keys and principles in writing and publishing.

Chapter One

How I Wrote Over 40 Books and Over 400 Articles Within 3 Years

My Top 14 Writing Principles


In this book, I will briefly share the top fourteen principles I used in writing and publishing my books. These principles will prepare you to become an excellent and faster writer. They are not just theories; they are my own principles, skills, and experiences.


No matter the season you find yourself in or the type of book you want to write, applying the wisdom keys in this book will make you an excellent and faster writer. While this book is primarily for Christian writers, many of the principles can be applied regardless of your writing genre. Below are my top fourteen principles of writing and publishing.


1. You must be born again if you want to write inspired books and articles.

Writing Christian books and articles requires a level of spiritual inspiration that comes from being born again. Repenting and confessing Christ Jesus as the Savior and Lord of your life allows the Holy Spirit to guide your writing.



2. Build a consistent prayer and fasting life.

Prayer and fasting help you connect with the voice and gifts of the Holy Spirit, who can inspire your writing. Make prayer and fasting a regular part of your writing routine.



3. Consistently feed on the Word of God.

Reading the Bible and studying the Scriptures will give you ideas and inspiration for your writing. Find a quiet place where you can study the Word of God and write down any ideas that come to you during this time.



4. Follow the process. Start small and gradually build your writing journey.

Begin by writing in journals, electronic devices, and social media platforms. Don't rush or skip steps, as following the process will lead to long-term success.



5. Occasionally encourage yourself.

Writing can be challenging at times, so it's important to encourage yourself and celebrate your progress. Celebrate each milestone and keep the momentum going.



6. Build a strong system. Create a recognized system for your writing journey.

Use blogging platforms, social media handles, and other online tools to connect with your readers and build a following.



7. Write down ideas as soon as they come to you.

Ideas are the foundations of your writing journey, so don't waste them. Carry a notebook or use your smartphone to jot down ideas as soon as they enter your mind.



8. Invest in yourself by reading books and articles related to your writing genre.

Learn from successful authors in your field and expand your knowledge to become a better writer.



9. Eliminate barriers that hinder your progress

Prioritize your writing and eliminate distractions that take away from your writing time. Focus on what truly matters for your writing journey.



10. Build an inner value and overcome any feelings of inferiority.

Believe in yourself and the impact your writing can have. Don't let negative thoughts or criticisms hold you back.



11. Gather adequate knowledge by learning from successful people in your field.

Read their biographies, articles, and listen to their messages to gain insights and inspiration.



12. Learn how to use technology to enhance your writing.

Familiarize yourself with tools like Microsoft Office and Grammarly to improve your writing skills and efficiency.



13. Type and edit your own work.

Take ownership of your writing by typing and editing your articles and books. This will help you improve your writing speed and add value to your work.



14. Be sacrificial, consistent, and disciplined.

Writing requires dedication and perseverance. Sacrifice other activities if necessary, be consistent in your writing routine, and maintain discipline in following through with your goals.


By applying these principles, you can climb the ladder of excellent writers, bloggers, and authors. Share this book with others who may benefit from its wisdom. If you enjoyed this book, I recommend checking out my other book, "How to Write and Publish Books," for more in-depth guidance on this topic.




Writing over 40 books and over 350 articles within three years is possible when you apply the right principles. The principles I have shared in this book are not just theories; they are practical, tried, and tested. I have used them in my own writing journey and have seen positive results.


Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, these principles can help you become an excellent and faster writer. Don't let any challenges or barriers hold you back from pursuing your writing dreams. Apply these principles, stay committed, and watch your writing journey flourish.


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 How I Wrote Over 40 Books and Over 350 Articles Within 3 Years

How to Write and Publish Books

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Part one

Listen to my audio version on my youtube channel (How I Wrote Over 40 Books and Over 350 Articles Within 3 Years)

Part two

Listen to my audio version on my youtube channel (How I Wrote Over 40 Books and Over 350 Articles Within 3 Years)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you enjoyed reading Duodu Henry Appiah-korang's article and you want more of Duodu Henry Appiah-korang’s free books, download and read them on this website. All his works are copyrighted. Click on this link to download some of his free books. Sharing the link of this article to twitter, telegram, reedit, LinkedIn, Pin interest, whatsapp and other social media handles may save a soul from destruction. Heaven’s Gate, the best website that writes and publishes life transforming books and articles: Click on this link to read Duodu Henry Appiahkorang books on Amazon.


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