A Word of Wisdom to Christians and World Leaders
One thing I have
realized in life is that people dwell in invisible prisons in ignorance. Some
people have allowed their past failures, mistakes, and abuses to trap them in
the enemy's cage. You can live in prison without knowing.
It is said that Nelson
Mandela decided to forgive his offenders after they imprisoned him for
twenty-seven years. He said, “As I
walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I
didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”
Invisible prison is one
of the dangerous cages one can ever find himself. If you hold bitterness,
unforgiveness, and revenge in your heart, you are a prisoner in the enemy's
kingdom. Instead of you advance in life, you become an enemy to yourself.
You will become blind
to the door ahead of you because you allow the abuses and injustices people
fired at you to darken your vision. Instead of you pressing on and living in the
present (the realm of faith and hope), you remain in your past (invisible
The open doors ahead of
you become invisible because your mind has caged you. It is time to forgive and
forget the abuses people loaded on you. I know sometimes it is challenging to
forgive offenders. In my book, Spiritual Seeds for Growth, I have enumerated some wisdom keys you can use to
forgive offenders.
You might have made
some regrettable mistakes. Admit you are a human with imperfections. Forgive
yourself and move on to life because life is full of mysteries, laws, and opportunities.
The moment you allow your past to control your present, you become an enemy to
You will not see the
vision ahead of you because all you see is failure, pain, injustice, and corruption.
I live in a country where most leaders don't want to use the resources to
develop the economy.
The system to check
corruption in my country is weak. I know corruption occurs in various countries
and organizations, but I have decided to feed my mind with things that will
upgrade my life.
I don't allow my
weakness to limit me. I focus on my strength (gifts, talents, and potentials)
and search for ways to develop them. If you allow the destructive opinions and
criticism of others to dominate you, you will give up.
Disconnect from negative people
and the environment that undermines your gifts and connect with wise people and
materials to help you build your gifts, talents, and potentials. Stop depending on the government, college certificates, and family for jobs.
Search within because you
have valuable gifts inside you. Develop the gifts God has invested in you.
Search for godly people that agree with your vision, plans, and assignment and decide
with them. Set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals and improve yourself by
reading relevant books and learning from successful mentors.
There are numerous
opportunities online. Don’t follow the corrupt system to become successful. Someone
needs what you carry. If you can are good at website creation, book editing,
video editing, networking, computer programming, graphic designing, and any
other talent, visit Fiverr, Facebook,
Freelancer and create a profile for yourself.
People will search for your gifts and talents and employ you online. Technology has made it easy to
become successful. I love writing because that is one of my gifts. If you check my website and other blogs, you will
analyze that I have written over two hundred articles and fifty books.
I discovered one of my
gifts and worked effectively to build the gifts God has deposited in me. You can
read my book, How to Write and Publish Books, for more wisdom keys. In that book, I have enumerated some of the
principles and channels I used to write, publish and market my books.
Amazon and other online
bookstores pay me (royalties) when someone buys my book. Stop undermining
yourself and start building your gifts. Your value is determined by the
problems you can solve.
Africa and other
continents are full of opportunities because many people are facing challenges.
Provide solutions for the problems in your village, city, and country, and
people will pay you for your services (solutions).
“We have over 7.8
billion people living on earth. Out of these people, it is recorded that 2.382
billion are Christians, 1.907 billion are Muslims, 1.193 billion are
non-religious, 1.161 billion are in Hinduism, and 506 million people are
Jesus Christ came to
the earth die for the lost. Whoever believes in Christ Jesus and walks in His
footsteps receives eternal life. If Christ Jesus came for the world and out of
the 7.8 billion people living on the earth, only 2.382 billion are Christian
believers, what awaits the unbelievers?
Today, many churches in
the USA and other continents are breaking down, yet most Christian believers
are silent. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit are absent in many
churches. Many Christians are broke and living in poverty because some sect of Christian believers are selfish and heartless.
It is believed that
Islam is one the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam has taken over
the Northern part of Africa, many continents, and important leadership
positions. Strange religious groups and organizations mislead the unbelievers
and ignorant Christians with false information while Christian believers and
the church keep silent.
Strange religious
groups are misinterpreting the Holy Scriptures, and Christian believers are
quiet. These religious groups compare Christ Jesus with Krishna, Mohammed,
Zoroaster, and other famous religious personalities while Christians keep
I read on the website
of Ravi Zacharias of some allegations fired at him after his death. I was a
follower of Ravi Zacharias's messages before his death. I have been listening
to Ravi Zacharias because I see him as an important Christian Apologist.
If you listen to his
lessons, books, and analyze how he projects the Christian faith, you
would understand that God called him to defend the Christian movement with his
teachings and materials.
Most Christian believers are
ignorant that the enemy plans to disgrace and tarnish the image of the
Christian faith, Ravi Zacharias, and his ministry. It may be possible that the
allegations projected at Ravi Zacharias may be true.
Christians must find
ways to deal with this issue. Wisdom and knowledge are a necessity in
problem-solving. I strongly believe it is a weapon of the enemy to destroy the reputation of the church on earth. One thing about the enemy is that he is passionate about destroying the
If the enemy wants to
destroy an important person or an organization, he first destroys his reputation.
By tarnishing the person's or the corporate image, people begin to disengage
from the person or the group.
Sometimes I feel in my
spirit that some people or groups are tarnishing my reputation. If Christ Jesus
is on our side, no one can destroy me and the ministry he has given me. Today,
the media gradually eliminates important videos and other essential materials
of Ravi Zacharias out of the system.
The enemy uses the
Olympians (the Committee of 300), the Illuminati, the thirteen satanic
bloodlines, the media, and ungodly leaders to create strong systems to
wipe out the church. With Christ Jesus on our side, we are victorious!
Christian leaders should
stop fighting each other and become one. We cannot allow the enemy to use the
strategy of divide and conquer to dominate the church. I wrote an article, Why Christians Must Occupy Every Leadership Position.
You can download and read that article and share it with your loved ones. You can buy the complete book on Amazon or read it free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited for more wisdom keys.
Christian believers
must walk in unity because it takes agreement to develop and maximize productivity. I know some Muslims that
are principled and godly. Such leaders are qualified to occupy some leadership
position. If a man is genuinely God-fearing with all his heart, he is impartial
in his works and leadership.
Christian believers
should not allow strange religious groups and people who have no fear of God to
occupy important leadership positions because corrupt leaders cannot build
strong systems to regulate the growth of the economy and church.
Christians should
support each other because the blood of Christ Jesus has made the church a
family. This is the introduction. I will write into details in the upcoming
articles about how Christians can unite and build the church and economy in the
ways of God.
Becoming successful in a world of darkness and defeating the enemy of progress
Building your inner man with wisdom, strength and power.
Becoming purposeful in life despite the oppositions.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you enjoyed reading Duodu Henry Appiah-korang's article and you want more of Duodu Henry Appiah-korang’s free books, download and read them on this website. All his works are copyrighted. Click on this link to download some of his free books. Sharing the link of this article to twitter, telegram, reedit, LinkedIn, Pin interest, whatsapp and other social media handles may save a soul from destruction. Heaven’s Gate, the best website that writes and publishes life transforming books and articles: www.RocKofHeaven.com Click on this link to read Duodu Henry Appiahkorang books on Amazon.