How to hear the voice of God (The Holy Spirit) 1

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them,
and they follow me:
John 10:27 KJV.
Loved one in Christ
Jesus, it’s a great pleasure writing to you. I want to share with you some
practical ways to hear God’s voice. Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is one
of the most important ways to connect with the will of God. If you can connect
with the voice of the Holy Spirit, you will not find it challenging to pursue God’s
assignment for your life.
I will share with you how
to activate the voice of the Holy Spirit, the concept of the human spirit, soul
and body. I will share with you the levels God speaks to us, reasons we cannot
hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and further share with you some ways through
which the Holy Spirit speaks.
When you hear two dogs
barking at each other, don’t assume that they are fools. They are not fooling.
They are communicating. You don’t have the ears to hear their voice. You can’t
interpret their voice because you cannot enter their realm. Many animals
communicate in different ways, and we sometimes assume that they are abnormal. You
cannot understand them because you are limited.
The same principle applies
to the Holy Spirit and the Christian. The Holy Spirit speaks all the time, but
we have not tuned in to His frequency. When you hear a believer baptized in the
Holy Spirit praying in tongues, you may assume that the person is abnormal. He
is not abnormal. The reason you cannot understand him is that you are not baptized
in the Spirit.
Let me share with you how
you can activate the voice of the Holy Spirit in your life. The first key to
helping you activate the voice of the Holy Spirit is that you must be born
again. If you are not born again. You cannot accurately hear the voice of God.
It doesn’t mean that if you are not born again, you cannot hear the voice of
the Holy Spirit. God is a merciful Father. He always speaks to His creation.
The problem is, if you
are not born again, you will resist the voice of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy
Spirit speaks to you, evil spirits will manipulate you to reject His voice.
This is one reason you must be born again. The Bible says that “the natural man receiveth not the things of the
Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them,
because they are spiritually discerned.” (See 1 Corinthians 2:14).
Those who are not born
again cannot receive the instructions of the Holy Spirit because it sounds
foolishness to them. They only walk by what they see. They reject the leadership
of the Spirit. They don’t walk by faith. They will never believe it until they
understand. This makes it difficult for them to hear God’s voice.
To activate the voice of
God, you must be born again, you must repent and confess Jesus Christ as your
Saviour and Lord of your life. You must change your mindset and receive the
mentality of God. You must renew your mind with the Word (Meditate on 2
Corinthians 10:3-5).
The blood of Jesus Christ
will wash your sins and make you a child of God when you repent and confess Jesus
Christ into your heart. When you are born again, the evil spirits that hinder
you not to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit will depart. The Holy Spirit will
make His abode in you. When you the Holy Spirit makes His abode in your heart,
His voice becomes clear to you.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them,
and they follow me:
John 10:27 KJV.
Jesus said His sheep’s
(children) hears His voice, and they follow Him. Which means it is only the
children of God that responds to the voice of the Holy Spirit. You must become
a child of God. If you are a child of God, you will always hear the voice of
the Holy Spirit. Read also “Types of Christians “and connect with my teachings
“Types of Christians” for more profound revelation.
We know sheep to be
humble and meek animals, so if you want to hear God’s voice, walk in humility.
Sheep follow the steps of the shepherds. You must be a humble follower to
enable you to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Without repentance and the Spirit
of humility, you cannot activate your spirit to enable you to hear God’s voice.
To be continued...
Read also: How to hear the voice of God on my old blog for more wisdom keys.
Connect with my sermon
youtube, how to completely hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Contact me if you want
old teachings on how to hear the voice of God. The teachings are in five
Get my series of books.
These books will sharpen your spirit, soul and body and empower to connect with
the Holy Spirit.
- How to Walk and Live in the Spirit.
- How to Train the Human Spirit.
- How to Walk with the Holy Spirit.
- How to Grow in the Realms of the Spirit.
- Spiritual Seeds for Growth and
- Spiritual Keys for Life for a more profound revelation.

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