Breaking through the Valleys of the Shadow of Death

A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23:1-6 KJV.
These are the psalms of
David (king of Israel). Psalms are spiritual songs sung to glorify the King of
Kings and Lord and LORDS (Jesus Christ). David operated in the kingship,
priesthood, and prophetic office because he was a worshipper and a man after
God’s heart.
Under the old covenant, Priests offered sacrifices
(atonement of sin on behalf of the people) to God and burn incense upon the
altar. The High Priest is the only one qualified to enter the holy of holies in
the temple. The king ruled and led tribes in warfare, whiles the prophets/seers operated as God’s mouthpiece.
Under the old covenant,
no one could operate in these three offices at the same time. Uzziah (king of
Judah) tried to play the role of the priest by burning incense upon the altar.
He stepped outside his office, and God became angry. Uzziah became leprous and
died before his time because of his pride. His son Jotham reigned as the king.
I used these examples to
make you understand that every leader has a role God has assigned to him.
Acting outside, your task can be dangerous and suicidal. William Branham did the
same thing. Kenneth Hagin warned him, but he ignored the prophecy. William Branham
died in a car accident because of his pride. It happened to Jack Coe and many
ministers of God.
We must understand that
the psalms of David contain secret keys. Some of the psalms recorded by David
are full of prophecies. It is our responsibility as Christians to ask the Holy
Spirit to interpret the psalms to us.
Remember, Jesus Christ
has made us kings and priest unto God in the new covenant. God has given us the Word and the Holy
Spirit to enable us to walk in total freedom as kings and priest in His
kingdom. God has given us our free will to rule ourselves
through the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word. This makes us kings and
priest in God’s kingdom.
Meditate on Psalm twenty-three
because it is full of mysteries. Before I share with you some divine keys you
can use to break through the valleys of the shadows of death recorded in
psalm 23, kindly read the dream I had on April 25, 2020, around 1:00 am
(midnight). This dream relates to psalm 23. I have edited out some portions of the vision
for some reasons.
In this dream, I found
myself with a leader in a strange land. I told the leader I wanted to go home
because I missed my direction. The leader decided to lead me. We climbed a
mountain. The journey was adventurous and fearful.

I thought I knew the
route of the trip. I realized that I knew nothing as he led me through the
mountains and the valleys. I would have missed the road if I ventured the path alone.
I would have failed or died on the way because the road was full of brutal and
unimaginable battles.

We passed through many dark
and strange valleys. I saw weird animals and people that looked like
alligators and dragons. We got to a place, it was dark and looking
at the mountain there was light on top of it.
The leader said we should
take that mountain. I told him I was afraid. I saw in the vision we have climbed a
new plateau and we were about to climb another hill. The leader said to me the first mountain we saw is Mountain Everest.

He told me that since I
was afraid to choose that mountain, He chose for me Mountain Afadjato. I saw
myself with the leader on top of the hill. We moved on to climb the next
mountain. It looked like the first mountain we climbed was the mountain I said
I was afraid to climb.
I saw myself with the
leader walking on the mountain. It looked like we were crossing the mountain
to the next destination. A new personality took the leadership position when we
were climbing down to our new destination

As we were climbing down
to the next town. I saw strange beings firing stones, fires and some deadly
weapons at us. Some looked like half-humans, half lions and indescribable
animals. From their waist down to their legs looked human beings.
When they fired the missiles at us, the new leader who took me from the first leader counter attacked the arrows of the enemy. Miraculously, some powerful forces in the air will block the arrows from touching us.
When they fired the missiles at us, the new leader who took me from the first leader counter attacked the arrows of the enemy. Miraculously, some powerful forces in the air will block the arrows from touching us.
The difference between the
two leaders is that the first leader was introvert, action-driven, and a warrior
type whiles the second leader was extrovert, patient, merciful and a defender. As
we were climbing down the mountain, I was afraid that I may miss the steps and
fall to the ground. I saw some strange beings make fun of me whiles the others
rebuked me because they thought I was acting like a child.

The second leader held my
hands and helped me climb down successfully. We got to a place and, in this
place, it was full of battle; the leader had some weapons to fight our
adversaries, so I was not afraid. The leader always protected me on the journey.
I saw from a distance a bright light which meant we were near our destination.
Suddenly I wake up from the bed.
My Interpretation of the
dream: The two leaders I saw in the vision are God’s angels
and symbols of spiritual leaders. The first leader I saw in the vision is the
angel of goodness. The second leader is the angel of mercy.
The mountains and the
valleys we passed through is the journey of Christians. Every Christian
needs the assistance of the Holy Spirit (wisdom), God’s angels (spiritual
protectors and defenders), and spiritual leaders in their spiritual life.
Walking alone in the
Christian life and dangerous and suicidal. We need assistance from spiritual
leaders who have walked the journey we are about to embark on because they have
the experience to sharpen us and direct us. They know how to deal with the
enemy that confronts us.
The strange animals and
personalities I saw in the vision are symbols of demons, unbelievers and carnal
Christians. They will project arrows to hinder and frustrate us. If you don’t
have any spiritual covering, the darts can make you backslide. You may miss
your path if you don’t have any spiritual backing and guidance from the Holy
The Christian life is full
of battles. We must always put on the whole armour of God and strengthen ourselves
in the Lord because any time a Christian graduate in the spirit, there are
special demons assigned to the Christian to make him backslide.
God is always ready to
assist us when we call on Him in prayers. Humility is a priceless treasure in
the spiritual realm, it makes the angels of God fight for us. Pride is a deadly
weapon of the enemy; it opens the door for him to destroy us.
Don’t act as if you know
it all because the Christian journey is full of battles. We can only make it to
our destination if we humble ourselves, obeys the voice of the Holy Spirit and follow
the footsteps of spiritual leaders who walk on the path of Jesus Christ.
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