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/ / / / THE WAYS OF GOD 2


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Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

(Isaiah 55:6-10 KJV).

The first key to understand God’s mode of action, course, manner, plans and thoughts is to repent and confess Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord of your life. When Jesus Christ comes into your life, He paves a way for the Holy Spirit to control your thought pattern as you feed on the Word. Jesus is not only your Saviour, but He is also your Lord. He is Lord in your business, career, educational pursuit and family life. Don’t exclude Jesus Christ in some aspect of your life. Read my article “Jesus Is Lord and Saviour” for a more profound revelation.

Jesus Christ is Lord of our life because He created us. We did not create ourselves. The Bible says that let the ungodly forsake his ways and the wicked, unrepentant man (include a woman, wherever you see a man is my writing) forsake his thoughts.

The ways and the thoughts of the wicked are far above the systems of God. Attending Church or occupying a leadership position in the church does not make you a candidate in God’s kingdom (the book of life). Read my article “Types of Christians” and connect with my teachings on youtube channel “Types of Christians” for a more profound revelation.

The prophecies Apostle Paul wrote to his ministerial servant is manifesting yet most Christians are ignorant (See 2 Timothy 3:1-5). People hate the things of God with passion. It looks as if you are nobody when you embark on evangelism. People attend church service because they see it as routine. They don’t understand the Jesus they are serving.

Such is the world. You become an enemy to the world if you walk on the path of Jesus Christ. One of the most annoying behaviours some “Christians” potray is when they try to limit the ways of God in the believer's life. They believe God must work in a certain way. Any changes in the movement of the Holy Spirit brings suspicion, jealousy, insecurities, and unrighteous judgment.

We should not limit God by our thoughts and ways because His ways are above ours. God can work with His servants in a mysterious way. God using a vessel in a mysterious way does not mean the vessel is false. Jesus Christ did many mysterious works when He walked on earth. The religious people called Him Beelzebub because they did not understand His ways.  People have paid the price and God has lifted them to a certain stage in the ministry.

Every reward in God’s kingdom has a price. Do you think God will reward a Christian who keeps himself or herself from sexual sin the same reward as compared to someone who only fast and pray but lives in the bondage of fornication? I have realized in my Christian life that God rewards us according to the price we pay.

Fasting and prayer is a price, and it has its reward. For example, a Christian who fast and pray often activates the gift of the Holy Spirit. A Christian who keeps himself or herself from sexual sin sharpens the gift of wisdom and revelation. A Christian who consistently feed on the Word sharpens his spirit for evangelism. A Christian who pays his tithes and sow seeds into ministries in love becomes wealthy.

By the grace of God, I have seen some of these virtues in my Christian life. I will share a secret key with you. If you obey and follow this secret key, you will see a supernatural growth in your Christian life. Get my books.

3. The Mysteries of Sexual Purity for a more profound revelation. If you want to sprout in the realm of the Spirit and walk in divine authority, NEVER SPEAK AGAINST, DESTRUCTIVELY CRITICIZE AND SLANDER ANY MAN IN YOUR LIFE ESPECIALLY SERVANTS OF GOD.

It is a secret key I am sharing with you. When you honour servants of God from your heart by connecting with their teachings and comparing their teachings with the Word of God, God will connect your spirit to their level of grace they are operating in. I am telling you the truth from experience and it is biblical. Examine the life and ministry of Jesus Christ and His closest disciples. 
Examine the ministry and life of Elijah and Elisha, Paul and Timothy, Moses and Joshua.

You may be far from the person. God can connect you with the grace operating in the person’s life and ministry if you honour the person from your heart. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to consecrate your heart and create in you a clean spirit to enable you to catch the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t allow a religious spirit to entangle you in the prison of ungodly traditions and dogmas where men believe that this is how God should work. GOD IS TOO BIG TO LIMIT HIMSELF UNDER YOUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE.

Why don’t you humble yourself and ask for divine mercies?
Praying for the mercies of God has become part of my prayer life. I don’t pray for mercies because I intentionally sin. I pray for mercies because I may be outside God’s will. I may be under the permissive will of God. All of us need the mercies of God. Without the mercies of God, we cannot work successfully with God.

Sometimes God can speak to you through the teachings of your spiritual leader(s) or someone close to you. It may challenge you to change your ways because God wants to correct you to enable you to walk on the right path. God wants us to cooperate with His will. He speaks to us through dreams, the Word, visions and different ways. Any time you become uncomfortable in your Christian life; the Holy Spirit may be speaking to you.

Sometimes, you will go through some challenges. God will use that channel to grow your faith.
  • Like He did to Abraham, Abraham left his father’s house not knowing where he was going. God was training Abraham to solely depend on His Word.
  • God trained Joseph when he went through a lot of pains because he needed character development.
  • God sent Moses to the Egyptian palace to enable him to study the ways of the Egyptians and later sent him to Jethro to train him. God knew Moses will lead the Israelites to the promised land with that training.
  • Jesus Christ went through a lot of pains because God wanted Him to understand our pains and connect with us perfectly when we pray to Him.

Sometimes, God will allow people to reject you because He wants you to solely depend on Him. Let us humble ourselves and seek the face of God because His ways and thoughts are far above our ways. Don’t be too quick to condemn. Pray for any leader you believe he is outside God’s will. Don’t bring curses on your life by speaking against God’s anointed and the prophets.  Correct in love because humankind is limited in wisdom.

Read more: The Ways of God 1 and The Hands of God 1 on my blog for more profound revelation. 

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