Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
Every believer in Christ
Jesus must understand that Jesus Christ has defeated death. It is our
responsibility as Christians to exercise divine authority to enable us to break the
fiery darts of the enemy because some Christians die before their time. I
believe it is not God’s will for Christians to die before their time.
The spirit of death uses
people’s ignorance as a license to attack. Herod killed James (John’s brother)
and proceeded to kill Apostle Peter because it pleased the Jews. What would
have happened to Apostle Peter if the believers did not meet to intercede for Apostle Peter? (See Acts chapter twelve in the Holy Bible.) What would have
happened to Apostle Paul and Silas if they did not pray and praised God in the middle of the night (See
Acts chapter sixteen in the Holy Bible)? There are many Christians who
have died outside God’s will.
Such Christians did not
apply the kingdom principles. They breached the devil’s principles, and it led
to their premature death. The spirit of death is not a respecter of persons. He
will attack you if you break his rules. There are divine principles we must
follow to enable us to break the power of death in our lives.
Every man born of a woman
will die. I believe we should die at God’s appointed time. We can also escape
death when Jesus Christ descends to capture the saints on the earth (See
1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, we call it the rapture). We learned in episode one and two that to conquer the spirit of death, we must be born again. We must
feed, meditate, love, and practice God’s Word (Holy Bible). We also
learned that we must love God by embarking on the great commission to enable us to break
the devices of death.
In this episode, I will
share with you one of the most vital keys to enable you to break and conquer
the spirit of death. I call this key, “The Holiness Key.” To
conquer the spirit of death, we must learn to walk in holiness by setting ourselves apart for Jesus Christ and the church. We must
sanctify ourselves daily in the truth by feeding on the Word.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word
is truth.
The more we feed our soul
with the Word, the more the Holy Spirit consecrates our thoughts, will, emotions, and intellect and makes our spirit sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Get my books “How to Grow in the Realms of the Spirit”
and “Spiritual Keys for Life” for a more profound revelation. When
the Word enters our soul, it breaks the strongholds (demonic beliefs,
cultural beliefs, self-beliefs, and deceptions). Meditate on Second Corinthians chapter ten, verses three to number five in the Holy Bible for a more profound revelation.
When we feed and practice
the Word, it makes us think and act like God. When we follow this path, God
sends His angels to guard us against the attacks of evil spirits. When we walk
and live in fear of the Lord, the angels of God draw closer to us. Get my
book “The Mysteries of Fear” for a more profound revelation.
Walking and living in the
fear of the Lord is a great asset to our divine protection. When the angels of
God surrounds us, the spirit of death cannot attack us. The angels of God will
counter attack any spirit that tries to attack us when we reverence God, the
church, and His servants from our heart. This is one of my greatest secret keys.
This key works for me, and
I believe it will work for you if you apply them in your Christian life. Let us
read from the Word.
Isaiah 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory
from the rising of the sun. WHEN THE ENEMY SHALL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD, THE
Most often, the spirit of
death attacks when we are asleep. It is at this hour we become
vulnerable to his attacks. Get my book “Visions of the Night”
for a more profound revelation. When we walk and live in the holiness of Jesus
Christ, the Holy Spirit will lift a standard against the spirit of death when he
tries to attack us. The Holy Spirit will use the blood of Christ Jesus as a
license to break the evidence of death. Know these holiness principles.
- Walking in the holiness in Jesus Christ means we love what Jesus loves and hates what He hates.
- Walking in the holiness of Jesus Christ means we desire to please God despite our weakness.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means we drop anything that does not glorify God.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means, we imitate the lifestyle of Christ Jesus prescribed in the Word (Holy Bible).
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means we hunger for more of the Holy Spirit in our life.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means, we exercise the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our Christian walk.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means we check the motives of our heart before we take action.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means we depend on the grace and mercies of God to understand His plans for our lives.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means following the divine principles of God.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means desiring to follow Christ Jesus despite the opposition.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means we are determined to die for our faith in Christ Jesus.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means killing the desires of the flesh.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means walking in the will of God.
- Walking in the holiness of Christ Jesus means connecting with the voice of the Holy Spirit and obeying His instructions.
When we walk and live in
the holiness of Christ Jesus, the spirit of death will never overtake us. Get
my latest books “How to Counter Attack the spirit of Death”
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