Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,
and know my thoughts:
Psalm 139:24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and
lead me in the way everlasting.
We have heard several
encounters with great people. Leaders in various fields have done unimaginable
things in life. Some people never knew that they could kill until the incident
happened. Some people are in prisons because they never thought they could
commit heinous crimes.
If the mother of Adolf Hitler
knew who her son would be, she may have prayed to God to deliver her son. The Word
of God states that the heart of man is desperately wicked (See Jeremiah
17:9). Even within the body of Christ, there is a question mark.
This is one of the reasons
we must put all our trust in the Lord.
Who knew David, a man after God’s heart
would commit adultery and kill an innocent man? The Word of God states that you
are a fool if you trust in your heart (See Proverbs 28:26). The
devil will deceive you if you place your trust in your goodness and morality.
David was a worshipper, prophet, king, and leader.
David never thought in
his life that one day he would commit adultery and murder an innocent man (Uriah).
There were many instances David killed innocent people. Solomon, with all his wisdom,
went after demonic gods. Never trust in your morality because the devil can
deceive you. We have to pray for mercy and grace and ask the Lord to search our
heart because they may be some hidden thoughts in our hearts we do not know.
A little lifting may be
your downfall. The reason God has not lifted you to that stage is that He knows
you cannot handle it when He gives you the honour. Joseph was not ready until
he went through the pains and the challenges. His brothers maltreated him, they
sold him as a slave; they kept him in prison for a sin he never committed.
God was with Joseph in
the troubles. Sometimes we may think God has forgotten us when we are in a dark
moment. Sometimes God remains silent in our dark moment to test our hearts. God knows
you cannot handle the people that is why he has not lifted you up. Until we pay
the price, we can never receive the reward.
God cannot trust a man or
a woman who has not passed the test. There is some hidden sin in our heart God
wants to clear before he grants us that position. Moses was not ready until the
Egyptians trained him. God used Jethro to train Moses in the wilderness. God
knew Moses would one day lead the Israelites to the promised land. Moses had a
problem with anger and before God could use him, he needed to refine him.
Before God could use
Abraham, He said to him, walk with me be thou perfect (See Genesis 17:1).
God cannot deliver his flock to us until He prepares us for the job. The ministry we
are fighting for can never be released to us until we pay the price. Ask the Lord
to search your heart reveal the hidden sin. The flock of God is too valuable
to temper with.
This does not mean that
God wants you to be “Mr. Perfect or Mrs. Perfect” before He uses
you. God knows our limitations. He knows we are weak (See Romans 8:26). God wants our sincerity.
He checks the motives behind our actions. He analyzes our hearts to see whether
we have good motives. He prepares people to help sharpen us. He brings people
into our lives to help mentor us. He allows us to master some pains because the
people we will look after are passing through the pains we have passed
Divine Key: Ask the
Heavenly Father to refine your heart and fill you with the Holy Spirit.
Connect with this powerful music by Brian Doerksen
Read more, The Heart 2.
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