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/ / / / (SUMMARY) Twelve Currencies of the Spiritual World

(SUMMARY) Twelve Currencies of the Spiritual World

Apostle Paul spoke of two currencies in the Galatians 6:7-8, the currency of the flesh and the currency of the Spirit. This article focuses on spiritual currency, which is eternal.


The reality of the spiritual world

The spiritual world is real, and ignorance of its currencies can hinder progress. Recognizing these currencies is crucial for advancement and protection from the enemy.


Below are the twelve Spiritual Currencies that rules the world

connecting with the spirit world

1. Blood

A powerful currency in the spiritual realm, evidenced by Christ shedding His blood for our sins.


2. Faith

Acting on God's Word attracts divine attention and angelic aid.


3. The Word

 Speaking God's Word with faith activates spiritual forces.


4. Holiness

Living a life set apart for God creates spiritual currency, attracting blessings and protection.


5. Sin

Contrarily, sin grants dark forces the right to dominate and brings spiritual death.


6. Heartfelt Gratitude

Worship and thanksgiving are currencies that honor God.


7. Heartfelt Giving

Generous giving opens doors to blessings, as seen in Cornelius' story in Acts 10:1-4.


8. The name of Christ Jesus

Christ Jesus' name is above all authority. It commands respect across all realms. Calling upon His name brings deliverance and salvation. It's a powerful currency that should be used with a relationship built on faith.


9. The Anointing

The anointing is recognized by spiritual forces and comes in levels. It elevates us to a position of power and authority. Use the anointing as a currency for deliverance and spiritual warfare.


10. Tongues

Speaking in tongues is a spiritual currency. It allows the Holy Spirit to intercede for us according to God's will. Praying in tongues builds us up spiritually.


11. Fasting and Prayers

Fasting and prayers are spiritual currencies that unlock divine interventions and victories. They empower us against demonic influences and open secret doors in the spiritual realm.


11. Spoken words

Words are potent, blessing or cursing our lives. They authorize spiritual forces to act, influencing creation and human souls. Speak blessings to harness holy forces or curses for evil spirits to materialize.


Even elements like wind and water respond to commands. Use words as a currency to shape your destiny and affect the physical realm. Reject negative dreams or curses with spoken words. The earth, mountains, and all creation listen to our commands, so speak life into situations and witness changes.


12. Thoughts

Thoughts are unspoken words with power in the spiritual realm. Negative thoughts attract evil, while positive ones draw holy influence. Thoughts shape our environment and future. Renew your mind with God's Word to align your thoughts with divine power, ensuring support from holy angels and godly people.


Utilize the currency of thoughts for good, as God acts on our thoughts exceeding our expectations (Ephesians 3:20). Giving, praying, and living righteously create spiritual currencies that bring blessings, protection, and prosperity. Use these spiritual currencies to experience God's power.

Download the full book, 77 Powerful Currencies of the Spiritual World. Freely download the book here. Check out the full articles here.

1. The Eleven Currencies of the Spiritual World (1)

2. The Eleven Currencies of the Supernatural World (2)

3. The Eleven Currencies of the Unseen World (3)

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