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/ / How to receive divine wisdom (5 Master Keys to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit) - 2

How to receive divine wisdom (5 Master Keys to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit) - 2

receiving wisdom anointing, how to receive anointing, wisdom of the Holy Spirit

In my previous article, I enumerated five practical and biblical keys you can apply to activate the anointing (wisdom) of the Holy Spirit. Check them out for more profound revelations. If you can recall, I wrote in the previous article that no man with divine wisdom can perish with wealth.

I want to throw more light on that statement. Wisdom and wealth are in dimensions. Good health, a peaceful environment, a loving family, a peaceful mind, knowledge, power, influence, and technology are some aspects of wealth.

As explained in my previous article, you can possess divine, earthly, or demonic wisdom. Divine wisdom is also in categories. You can possess the gift of wisdom, the mantle of wisdom, and a life of wisdom.

Solomon had divine wisdom. However, he allowed his wives to turn his heart away from God. How could a wise man marry over 500 women? God allowed Solomon to marry many wives because of his permissive will.

Solomon had the wisdom of God, but he did not apply most of them in his life. You can possess the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and still not use it in your life. Failure to use the wisdom of the Holy Spirit can lead to destruction.

For example, you know that fornication can generate calamities. You may ignore it and engage in immorality. In this case, you know the dangers (wisdom) of fornication. However, you willfully decided not to apply wisdom by disengaging from fornication.

It doesn’t matter how wise you are; without the grace and mercies of the Holy Spirit, you can fall. Earthly wisdom can help you in some aspects of your life but has limitations. Whatever we see on this earth has an expiry date.

Most books you read in school and at home will pass away because they will become outdated (see Matthew 24:35). The post office was one of the most significant ways to send messages in the ninetieth century.

Today, it is becoming irrelevant because new wisdom (earthly wisdom) has taken over. Nowadays, you can send a message to your loved ones worldwide because of the internet and social media applications.

In the olden days, people considered a man wealthy when he possessed a donkey, horse, or camel. People could travel long distances because of the donkey, horses, or camels. However, today, we can travel with cars, airplanes, trains, and ships.

As time changes, earthly wisdom becomes outdated. Soon robots will take over many jobs human beings perform. That’s worldly wisdom. The Holy Spirit gives scientists and researchers the wisdom to create systems to sustain the world.

The responsibility lies in the vessel to use it for good or evil. Imagine the world without electricity, the internet, cars, computers, airplanes, and ships. What would happen to humankind if the Holy Spirit did not give people wisdom to create helpful products and services?

Earthly wisdom is good. However, no wisdom can compare to divine wisdom because divine wisdom will last forever. It doesn’t matter the century; if you apply them anywhere in the world, it works.

There is some earthly wisdom in Ghana; if you apply them in Indonesia, it will not work. The same applies to people living in Indonesia. There is some worldly wisdom in Indonesia that will not work in Ghana.

However, divine wisdom can work in Ghana, Nigeria, Singapore, the USA, Indonesia, India, and any part of the world because it springs from the Holy Spirit. Divine wisdom is universal.

Some earthly wisdom plays a vital role on earth. Ignoring some earthly wisdom is to your detriment. Note the word “some earthly wisdom.” I wrote some worldly wisdom because some earthly wisdom is corrupt.

It takes divine wisdom to differentiate between good and erroneous earthly wisdom. This is one reason I want to share with you five practical and biblical ways to connect with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

You can be full of power gifts and act foolishly because of ignorance. It takes divine wisdom to walk in full power. Wisdom is an aspect of God’s anointing. As stated in my previous article, divine wisdom belongs to every Christian believer.

However, it is the responsibility of the Christian believer to activate this anointing (divine wisdom). Some people share theories that do not work in their lives. By God’s grace, this anointing (wisdom) of the Holy Spirit works in my life.

This means you are about to get divine keys (principles) that work. Above all, the divine keys are biblical. Get in touch with me as I share the top five divine principles to activate the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Become a blessing by sharing the link to this article with your loved ones because it will change their lives.


Top Five Ways to receive the anointing (WISDOM) of the Holy Spirit

anointing of the Holy Spirit

1. Consistently study the Word of God (Holy Bible)

If you want to activate the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in your life, reverence the Word of God. Some people study the Word of God to prove a point. Some people study the Word of God for fun.

Some people study the Word of God because they want to preach and teach from it. Studying the Word of God to preach and teach from it is good. However, you have to rise higher. Your love for God’s Word must be genuine.

Develop a heart for God’s Word. Decide in your heart to obey the Word as you study them. The more you study and reverence the Word of God, the anointing within the Word begins to reflect in your life.

The more you study God’s Word, it builds your character, personality, and temperament. The Holy Spirit will start working on your weakness. As you study God’s Word, the Holy Spirit recreates your soul and builds it with his seeds.

You will start exhibiting the virtue of love, faith, peace, temperance, joy, gentleness, meekness, goodness, and patience (meditate on Galatians 5:22-23). One thing I have observed about my life is that I reverence the Word of God.

I don’t only study the Holy Bible to preach, teach and write books. I study the Word because they shape my philosophy. How do you expect the Holy Spirit to activate the anointing of wisdom in your life if you don’t love the Word of God?

If you want the Holy Spirit to activate the anointing of wisdom in your life, make the Word of God one of your favorite assets. Don’t see the Holy Bible as a mere book or storybook. See the Holy Bible as God’s Word.

Anytime you read the Holy Bible, see God speaking to you. See the Holy Bible as the wisdom of the Holy Spirit because the anointing is embedded in the Word (Christ Jesus). The Holy Spirit has inspired every letter in the Holy Bible (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17).

  • Do you know the years people spend acquiring their Basic Education Certificate Exams?
  • Do you know the number of books people read to acquire their Basic Education Certificate Exams?
  • Do you know how much people spend to acquire their Basic Education Certificate Exams?
  • Do you know the years people spend acquiring their West Africa Examination Certificate?
  • Do you know the number of books people buy and read to acquire their West Africa Examination Certificate?
  • Do you know the days people spend acquiring their University Certificate (Diploma, HND, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctorate, and Professor Emeritus degree)?
  • Do you know the number of books people buy and read to acquire their University Certificate (Diploma, HND, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctorate, and Professor Emeritus degree)?
  • Do you know how much people spend to acquire their University certificate (Diploma, HND, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctorate, and Professor Emeritus degree)?
  • Do you know how much time and money people spend building a successful business?
  • Do you know the amount books people have read to build a successful business?

If you know anybody with a school certificate, ask them about the time they spent, the money they spent, the years they spent, their sleepless nights, and the books they read to acquire those certificates.  

I have my certificate (Bachelor of Science in Accounting) from the University of Professional Studies, Accra. I have my West Africa Examination Certificate from Akim-Swedru Senior High School and Basic Education Certificate from Prince of Peace Preparatory School.

At least I have some experience in formal institutions. I studied numerous books to pass my examinations in the basic, junior high, senior high, and university. Averagely I spent 20 years before getting these legal certificates.

Have you thought about people who have their Professor Emeritus degrees? If some people can spend quality time and a huge sum of money on books to get to a certain level in life, why are you not spending time on the Holy Bible?

You have no excuse to study the Holy Bible. If you can spend time on food, jobs, school, business, movies, games, social gatherings, and “unnecessary things,” you can have time for the Word of God.

Ignore the Word of God if you hate the anointing of wisdom. Embrace the Word of God with all your heart, study them, obey them, and the Holy Spirit will activate His virtues (anointing of wisdom) in your life.


2. Consistent fasting life

By God’s grace, I don’t struggle to fast and pray. Fasting and prayers have become part of my life. If you are ready to consume food from anyone, count yourself out of divine wisdom. You cannot eat anywhere and expect the Holy Spirit to activate His wisdom in your life.

Do you know that some foods are bewitched? I pray that the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to see how people prepare their food. Before I buy food, I scout the place spiritually and physically because I don’t want contamination.

The hands that prepare the food you eat have spiritual implications on your life. Before the Holy Spirit gave me this revelation, someone told me not to eat from any place just like that because of the anointing.

As I’m growing in the Lord, the Holy Spirit keeps sharing vital secrets with me regarding food and associations. Check out my article on the spiritual implications of food for more profound revelation.

Have you ever thought about how Daniel received divine wisdom? Daniel could operate in divine wisdom because he did not defile himself with bewitched foods. Daniel had divine wisdom to interpret dreams and visions because he did not eat certain foods.

Daniel lived a fasting and prayer life. Daniel did not eat food sacrificed to gods. Some people have evil eyes, evil hands, and evil spirits living in them. Anytime they prepare food, they put spells on those foods. If you are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, these foods can limit you spiritually and physically.

  • Have you ever thought about why John the Baptist ate certain food?
  • Do you know that Christ Jesus' food was prophesied in the old covenant? Christ Jesus did not eat anyhow because of the anointing.
  • Samson was not supposed to drink wine and eat certain foods because of the anointing.
  • Most prophets and priests in the Old Testament did not eat certain foods because of the anointing.
  • God commanded the Israelites not to eat certain foods because those foods were considered unclean.

Some people may argue that we are in the new covenant; therefore, we can eat anything. Some people will also argue that it is not what enters us that defiles but what comes out of us. It is true that we are in the new covenant and that Christ Jesus has blessed our foods.

However, you must note that evil spirits are real. Evil people are real. Evil people with evil spirits can contaminate food spiritually and physically. This is one reason you must pray over every food before eating.

I have vomited food in my dream several times because those foods contaminated my spirit and soul. The Holy Spirit has delivered me several times in the spiritual realm. The Holy Spirit has shown me places I shouldn’t buy food because the people preparing that food are not clean spiritually and physically.

I am sharing some of my spiritual experiences with you. Secondly, most of these experiences are biblical. Every anointed vessel of Christ Jesus doesn’t eat from anywhere just like that because they know the spiritual implications.

If you want to activate the anointing of divine wisdom, live a consistent fasting and prayer lifestyle. Abstain from certain foods, and you will see the wisdom of the Holy Spirit overflowing in your life.


3. Honor an anointed vessel that carries divine wisdom

One important spiritual key to attracting the anointing of divine wisdom is to serve or reverence an anointed vessel that carries the oil of wisdom. Wisdom is a spirit. It can be transferred by impartation.

The Holy Spirit knows the conditions of our hearts. The Holy Spirit can discern whether you honor a minister of God that carries divine wisdom. Some ministers only carry the power gifts of the Holy Spirit.

You cannot expect divine wisdom from ministers of God who only carry the power gifts because they don’t have the wisdom anointing. If you truly want the wisdom anointing, search for a vessel that carries it and connect with the vessel.

If you can sow a seed to the anointed vessel, do it from your heart. Serve the vessel from your heart; the Holy Spirit will invest the anointing in you. The anointed vessel may lay his hands on you spiritually or physically to receive the anointing on his life.

If your heart is right in the sight of God, you will see the anointing operating in your life. For more profound revelations, download and read my free books.

Secrets of the Anointing

How to Activate the Anointing of Gladness

All Things Work Together for Them That Loves God

How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth


4. Connect with the materials of the anointed vessel (s) that carries divine wisdom

By God’s grace, I have seen several anointed ministers of God in different parts of the world laying hands on me in the spiritual realm. A famous anointed minister from Ghana anointed me in the spiritual realm with olive oil.

I felt like he was pouring hot oil on my head as I bowed, receiving the anointing in the spiritual realm. If you want the anointing of divine wisdom, connect with the teachings, books, and sermons of the vessel that carries divine wisdom.

Whatever I am sharing with you in this article works in my life. The more you listen to the teachings and sermons of the anointed minister, you will encounter the vessel in the spiritual realm.

I cannot number the ministers of God I have encountered in the spiritual realm. If you genuinely desire the anointing of wisdom, grab all the materials of the anointed vessel with divine wisdom. Feed on the materials, and you will see a transference of anointing (wisdom).


5. Refrain from negative words and people

If you want to attract the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, disengage from people who speak evil of an anointed minister, especially those who speak evil of a godly minister. The anointing resting on that vessel will run away from you when you speak evil about him.

I have learned not to speak evil about called and chosen ministers of God because I don’t want to lose certain anointings. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me genuine and false ministers of God. I have not exposed the false ones.

Some false ones tried attacking me in the spiritual realm but failed. Although the Holy Spirit encourages us to expose ungodly ministers (wolves in sheep's clothing), apply wisdom because you might falsely accuse a true minister of God.

Satan can give false visions, so apply wisdom. The devil can portray a genuine minister of God as false and a false minister as true; therefore, you must be Spirit-filled and Spirit-led. If you don’t use the Word of God and inner witness to analyze dreams, prophecies, visions, and rumors, you can miss the blessing.

One reason people cannot attract the anointing is because of familiarity. If you constantly speak evil of genuine and anointed vessels of God, the Holy Spirit will cut you from the anointing (wisdom).

Equally yoking with people who insult, falsely accuse and defame called, chosen, and godly anointed vessels create limitations in the spiritual realm. It is a spiritual law you cannot break. If you refrain from speaking evil of genuine ministers of God, the Holy Spirit will anoint you with divine wisdom.

If you disconnect from unrepentant people who oppose godly ministers and the true churches, the anointing will start working in your life. God knows how to deal with ministers of God that break his Word.

Don’t take the responsibility of the Holy Spirit. If you discover a false minister of God, disengage from the vessel quietly. Suppose the Holy Spirit confirms that the vessel is using demonic powers.

In that case, you can expose the person because the Holy Scriptures command us to expose such vessels. However, you must be sure that you have an inner witness to affirm your claims. Secondly, you must have holy scriptures supporting your judgment.

Aside from that, learn to keep your mouth from speaking evil because anointed vessels are also human beings with limitations. Any vessel walking on earth was created in the image and likeness of God so learn to keep your mouth from speaking evil. Follow these master keys, and the Holy Spirit's wisdom will overflow in your life.

To be continued…

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