Loved one in Christ
Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. God is working
behind the scenes so keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning. Give yourself
wholly to the kingdom work because the blessings in the Celestial city is too marvellous
to behold.
As we wait for the coming
of our Saviour and Lord Christ Jesus, keep your garment clean by walking in
the footsteps of Christ Jesus. Many transactions are taking
place in the spiritual realm so keep watching and praying.
If Christ Jesus is in the
boat, keep calm because no storms can break you. The King of Kings and the Lord
of Lords is with you, so be still and know the power of God. The Lord has been
revealing some mysterious things to me in the spiritual realm in these last
The kingdom of darkness
desires power and authority over the children of light. In the field of
governmental leadership (politics) in various countries, the Holy Spirit has
been revealing strange visions to me.
All Christians must
enforce God's will in prayers and declare God's promises to enable God’s angels
to take responsibility. There is an intense spiritual battle going in the
government of the United States of America (USA).
I see a wrong leader
being enthroned as the leader of the USA in the spiritual realm. God can change
the leader if Spirit-filled Christians take responsibility in the secret place.
As a child of light, you must not be ignorant of the enemy's devices because
the holy scriptures command us to be vigilant (See 1 Peter 5:8-9, Matthew
Some Christian believers
are watching without praying, and the enemy has taken advantage of them. Others
are praying without watching, and the enemy is taking advantage of them. I pray
you walk and live in the Spirit and apply wisdom in these last days because
you are a target in the kingdom of darkness.
As far as we belong to
the kingdom of light, the kingdom of darkness will fight us in the realms of
the spirit. If you want to see some of the spiritual realm activities, find
some time or days to fast and pray.
You will be surprised
that many battles are going on in the spiritual realm. Sometimes I ask myself,
do Christian believers understand spiritual warfare? Many Christian believers
are ignorant of the enemy's devices because of carnality.
The kingdom of darkness
can detect or suspect Christians ignorant of the invisible war in the spiritual
realm. If I should write some of the encounters the Holy Spirit reveals to me
in the spiritual realm, you will take your Christian life seriously.
In the previous article, I explained that it takes Christians
who walk in Christ Jesus's holiness to dismantle the enemy's plans. If you are
a carnal or nominal Christian who goes to church to get attention, you are a
slice of meat in the enemy’s kingdom.
It takes spiritual
fortitude to break the plans of the enemy. You can pray for over three hours
and still not get the result if you are ignorant of the divine principles that
govern God's kingdom, the enemy's kingdom, the human kingdom, the animal kingdom,
and protocols governing spiritual warfare. Some Christians fight foolish
fights because they lack the principles of spiritual warfare.
As I am growing in the
Lord, I realize that God protects us according to the knowledge we have in Him.
God also deals with us based on our level of understanding we have about Him. I
will start writing on how God works with His children, how God deals with
humankind, and protocols in the court of heaven very soon.
I need your prayers and
support because there are some battles I cannot fight alone. I need other
brethren to help me conquer center territories in the realms of the spirit.
Some ministers of God I trusted are very dangerous in the spiritual realm.
Be careful of who you chose as a spiritual father, mentor, and leader because there are repercussions. Some spiritual fathers are genuine. You need discernment to understand the activities of the spiritual realm.
If you allow the desires of
the flesh (See Galatians 5:19-21), the pleasure and pride of this world, and
the lust of the eyes to dominate you, the kingdom of darkness will always take
advantage of you and dominate you.
I have realized the
kingdom of darkness monitors us strictly in the spiritual realm. The kingdom of
darkness has human agents who monitor us in the earth realm. When we make a
little mistake, these evil spiritual forces open the door for the kingdom of
darkness to attack. Do your best to carry the presence of the Holy Spirit in
your life and jurisdiction because the presence of God fights evil spirits that
try to hinder you from knowing the ways of Christ Jesus.
The Invisible Powers of Spirit-Filled Worship and Praises in Spiritual Warfare
In this article, I will
share with you some strategies I use to combat the evil spiritual forces. You
can use these divine principles in spiritual warfare and use it to activate the
Holy Spirit's presence in your life.
Invest in Spiritual songs
Spiritual songs are one
of the greatest weapons in the spiritual realm. The spiritual host of
wickedness in high places, principalities, powers, and rulers of this world's
darkness operates with the atmosphere you create. From my experience, I have
realized that Satan and his cohorts use the state of our soul, spirit, body,
and atmosphere in our environment to attack.
One evening, I decided to
rest because I was tired of some of my online projects I was working on my
laptop. Most often, I play spiritual songs, the audio version of the holy
sculptures, or an anointed Christian message stored on my pen drive on my sound
system in my room.
Because I was so tired, I
forgot to switch on my sound system that evening. As soon as I laid my head on
my pillow and bed to rest, I could feel a strong spiritual attack in my dream.
When I waked up from my bed, I realized the kingdom of darkness has heavily
astral projected deadly weapons at me in the spiritual realm.
I prayed for a short time
and tuned in my sound system. After I tune on my sound system with some
anointed music by Don Meon, I could feel a sense of inner peace within my soul
and spirit. I felt the Holy Spirit taking control of my environment. I slept
with peace in that atmosphere.
Child of God, if you
don’t invest in spiritual songs, you will be weak in the spiritual realm. If
you are weak in the spiritual realm, the kingdom of darkness will always attack
you. I recommend you read this powerful book by Nancy Koech, titled “Snatched from Satan’s Claws” for more mysteries and
wisdom keys on how to break the stronghold of the enemy.
I also recommend Iyke Nathan Uzorma books, Daniel Olukoya books, and many other spiritual warfare books the Holy Spirit leads you to buy and read. Spiritual songs have the power to boost our spirit and rekindle our soul to the consciousness of the Holy Spirit. The holy scriptures record.
...thou art holy, O thou that
inhabitest the praises of Israel.
Psalm 22:3 KJV
David was going through
some trauma and spiritual attack. David knew the Holy Spirit dwells in an
atmosphere of praises sang by holy vessels. If the Holy Spirit can reside in
the saints' praises, evil spirits can also dwell in an environment dominated by
ungodly secular music.
Remember, the evil spirit
tormenting Saul left when David took his harp and played. David created an
atmosphere for the Holy Spirit, so the evil making Saul’s life hopeless departed,
making Saul refreshed. This means anointed spiritual songs can drive evil
spirits from our presence (Meditate on 1 Samuel 16:23).
In the Celestial City,
some special angels (cherubs) adore the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
These angels know the power of praises and worship. God becomes joyful when we
worship and praise Him from our heart (with an understanding). When God becomes
joyful, our spirit becomes strong.
When we worship and praise God with
an understanding heart, we provoke the presence of the Holy Spirit to dominate
our jurisdiction. Worshipping and praising from our heart brings God’s angels
into our environment. When the angels of God dominate our environment, they
oppose any powers that oppose the power of God in our life (Meditate on Psalm
There are times; you have
to dedicate your time to praise and honour God in your secret place. One
married woman said to me, her secret to God’s blessings in her life is that she
devotes most of her time praising and worshipping God when praying. As I
interacted with her, I could discern from her face and heart that she told me
her secret to her spiritual blessings (peace and contentment).
Praising and honouring
God, from our heart releases God’s archangels to fight for us. Maybe you have
been praying and fasting for a breakthrough or deliverance. Can I suggest to
you that it is time you apply the weapon of praises and worship?
David said, “But thou art holy, O thou that
inhabitest the praises of Israel.” The
Holy One (Holy Spirit) relates to our spirit and soul when we honour the
Heavenly Father and the Son (Christ Jesus) through praises and worship. Israel,
in the context of the holy scriptures, is a symbol of Christian believers.
Every believer in Christ Jesus is a spiritual Israelite.
The moment you begin to
worship and adore the holiness of God with an understanding heart, you provoke
the jealousy of the Holy Spirit to fight those that desire your downfall. It is
a spiritual law you must not ignore. Sometimes when I am praying, I enter a
realm when I’m unable to pray; I feel like worshipping and praising God from my
heart. Download and read this book for a more profound revelation.
Some demons never submit
until you give praise and honour to God from your heart. Some demons trembles
when we glorify and worship the name of our living God (Christ Jesus). Have you
ever thought about Apostle Paul and Silas's victory in the book of Acts,
chapter sixteen verses twenty-five to twenty-six?
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and
the prisoners heard them.
And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of
the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every
one's bands were loosed.
Acts 16:25-26 KJV
Child of God, it is time
to worship and praise the name of the living God (Jesus the Christ). Maybe I
should remind you of Judah's priest (Jehoshaphat) with his people against the
Moabites, Ammonites, and other enemies. God crushed Judah's enemies because
Jehoshaphat obeyed the prophetic order (singers worshipping the beauty of God’s
holiness in the season of the battle).
Imagine your country or
association is about to face some enemies that carry the modern weapons
(missiles, tanks, bombs, snippers, air force, and with the best armies), and
you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling you to enter the realm of worship
and praise.
You may ignore the voice
of the Holy Spirit because you know it is illogical to fight these armies
(symbols of evil spirits) with worship and praises. After all, they are
carrying better weapons (fear, confusion, witchcraft, sorcery, charms, spells,
death, and other strange weapons). Sometimes spiritual rules don’t make sense
to the natural man or woman because it sounds foolish. It takes faith to
worship and praise God.
Some people might think
you are weak when you worship God in the church, house, or workplace. Others
might think you are a fool when you praise God in your surroundings. Ignore
their perception about your faith in the Lord and begin to worship and praise
God with an understanding heart.
Maybe I should share one
of my testimonies with you to help boost your faith. When I was in the University
of Professional Studies, Accra final year, my group members failed to add my
name to our final project work. This means I would have to wait for the level
300 students to get to level 400 and start a new project.
On the day of our project
work's defense, early in the morning, I praised God from my heart in my rented
room and thank God for adding my name and signature to our final project work
by faith. I dressed up, went to my group members, and told them we have to see the
coordinator in charge of our project work.
When we went to see the
coordinator in charge of our project work, I told her of my issue; she told me
to write my name and sign the final project work. That was how God helped me
escape the trap of the wicked one. I believe the praises and worship I gave to
God from my heart created the favour.
Some university students
had to wait for another year and start a new project work because their names
were not added to the final project work. I believe the praises I gave to God
from my heart changed the coordinator's heart, who allowed me to write my name
and sign on the final project work.
Child of God, there is
power in worship and praises. If you don’t believe in the power of worship and
praises, you lose in some aspect of your spiritual life. It takes Spirit-led
worship and praises to activate the power, presence, mercy, and anointing of
the Holy Spirit.
If you want God to
dismantle the kingdom of darkness chains that hold you, your family, leaders,
and those who need your prayer, find some time to worship and praise God from
your heart in your secret place. If you want the Holy Spirit to fill you more
of His gifts and grow more of His fruits in you, find time to worship and
praise God from your heart.
It may not make sense to
a natural man or woman, but in the Spirit, you are breaking the walls of
Jericho. In the spirit, God will give you a staff or a rod, and this staff or
rod is a sign of spiritual authority. In the spirit, you will receive a unique
key that will uplift you to the ranks of mystery holders.
Divine Principles in Spiritual Warfare (1)...
Divine Principles of Spiritual Warfare (3)...
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