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/ / How to Become a Complete Believer in Jesus Christ 7 (Perfecting holiness)

How to Become a Complete Believer in Jesus Christ 7 (Perfecting holiness)

Contaminates: Remove and Perfect Holiness | Vicki Hurley

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23-25 KJV

We thank God for His wisdom in our life. The Lord has been gracious unto us. Is a great joy writing to you loved ones in Christ Jesus. This is episode seven of the holiness teachings. If you have not read my previous teachings, kindly read them for a better understanding. If you start from this episode, you may not get the full understanding.

Start with the foundational teachings to enable you to get the full concepts and dynamics of holiness. Holiness is the nature of God Almighty (See Revelation 4:8-11). If you want to know God, worship Him from your heart because our heart can see Him clearly than our eyes.

Studying God from the Bible may help you understand His concept. We know the majesty, ways, and sovereignty of God through Spirit-filled worship. Get my book “How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth” for a more profound revelation. Apostle Paul writes to a sect of Jewish Christians in the book of Hebrews that we must stand firm in the faith and ignite one another unto love and good works.

This means our faith must produce good works. Faith without works or actions is useless. Take action if you have faith. Your faith becomes active when you put it into practice. For example, you can say that I am a great person. If you don’t take action, you will remain the same.

Faith demands action. Any faith that does not trigger you to move forward is hope. We need the Spirit of faith to walk in holiness. It is the seed of faith in our hearts that empowers us to please God despite our weakness. If you don’t have a heart and mindset of faith, you will struggle to walk in holiness.

You will always question every decision you make if you don’t act in faith. You will wonder, do I please God with all my mistakes and the criticism I receive from neighbours and enemies? Holiness demands the Spirit of faith to make it complete. Get my book, "How to Unlock the Gates of Faith" for a more profound revelation.

Apostle Paul further states in verse twenty-five of Hebrews chapter ten that we must not abandon the church. Forsaking church meetings has a significant impact on our spiritual growth. The so-called virus (corona) has led many churches to close.

We have to meet in small groups and encourage ourselves in the Lord because it helps us to stay active in the Lord. Fellowshipping together builds faith in our hearts. When we develop our faith through fellowship, the Spirit of holiness builds His virtues in our lives.

The devil knows the impact of fellowship in the body of Christ, so he will use every strategy to separate us. Remember, when two or more Christians meet in the name of our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, the church has met (See Matthew 18:20).

The Holy Spirit lives in us, so when we meet, the Spirit of holiness rules. Encouraging ourselves in the Lord is one of the greatest weapons we can use to build the Spirit of holiness in our life. Lack of fellowship makes us inactive to the Spirit of God. When the church fails to develop a strategy to counter the plans of the enemy, we become his prey.

Apostle Paul is not a fool to tell us not to forsake church meetings. We know the impact of the CONVID-19 and how it spreads. We must apply wisdom when fellowshipping with one another.  Like the scriptures record, we must not forsake the gathering of the saints. We must build an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

When we unite as one family in the Spirit, it makes us active to the voice of the Holy Spirit. When we join in the Spirit through prayer, we become responsive to the Holy Spirit. Separating yourself from the church spiritually can jeopardize your Christian life. When your spiritual life becomes weak, you reject the voice of the Holy Spirit. When this happens, you break your fellowship with the Spirit of holiness.

We are social beings. We need one another. Christianity is a family. The blood of Jesus Christ has made us one (See Romans 12:4-5). Let us build spiritual fellowship in this season of lockdown because separation will limit us from the family. When you separate yourself from the Church spiritually, the enemy will destroy you.

It is time you say no to pride, separation, willful sin, and carnality. Build a consistent fellowship with the brethren in the Spirit through fasting, prayers, the Word (Holy Bible) and Spiritual songs. Technology has made it possible to connect to your spiritual leader. 

Connect with the sermons of your spiritual leader through the television and radio. Download the sermons of your spiritual leader on youtube, Facebook, podcast, and other social media channels.

If your spiritual leader has written books, get his books, and read them to help booster your spiritual growth. Soon, the virus called corona will disappear. The lockdown will be no more. We will meet in our physical temple and fellowship with one another soon.

In summary, connect with the Holy Spirit through prayers, anointed Spirit-filled songs, hymnals, fasting, and prayers in your chambers, and connect with the materials of your spiritual leader. Connect with the brethren spiritually. Meet in small groups but apply wisdom. When you follow these wisdom keys, you will not backslide. You will become a complete believer in Jesus Christ.

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To be Continued…

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