The Rewards on the Road to the Celestial City (8)
Loved one in Christ Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. Jesus Christ is in the boat, so never allow the fear of the world to swallow your faith. As we wait for our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, fellowship with the Holy Spirit through prayer and spiritual songs.
From my research, I learned
that most people give up and commit suicide because of depression, psychosis,
bipolar disorder, substance abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, social abuse,
verbal abuse, physical abuse, financial hardship (huge debt), and schizophrenia.
Although there are many
causes of suicide, depression is the dominant cause of this evil. Depression is
a weapon of the devil to make you hopeless and visionless in this world. Break
the worry habit through a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit because
the Holy Spirit is our Helper, Father, Prophet, Provider, and all we need in
life (Meditate on Romans 15:13, Acts 9:31, Romans 8:26, John 16:13).
No one can love us like Jesus
Christ, and we all know that Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit (Meditate on 1
John 5:7-8 and John 14:23 or connect with my teachings on the Trinity). The
Holy Spirit is the solution to the storms we face in our lives.
Never neglect the influence of the Holy
Spirit in your life because He is our faithful Helper. Pray often in tongues to build your
spirit. The more we pray in the Spirit (tongues), the higher our spirit and
soul become stronger in the Lord (Meditate on Jude 1:20, 1 Corinthians 14:4).
The more we pray in tongues, the higher our faith in the Lord increases. I recommend you get my book, The Power of Tongues now called The Language of the Spirit World for a more profound revelation on tongues.
When your spirit and soul
are strong, depression can never dominate you. Failure to build a consistent
fellowship with the Holy Spirit will weaken your spirit and soul. When your
spirit and soul become weak, you will become a victim in the enemy’s kingdom.
Evil spirits and enemies
can dominate you when you allow the desires of the flesh to master you (See
Galatians 5:19-21). One of the best ways to kill the desires of the flesh is
prayer and fasting. I know sometimes fasting and prayer becomes burdensome.
God’s grace is available
to take us through as we submit our will to the will of the Heavenly Father.
Sometimes, God allows the devil and his minions to attack us when we take His
glory (Meditate on 2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Humility is a great asset in God’s
kingdom, and it is our responsibility to humble ourselves.
God knows the motives of our hearts. We can never hide our intentions before the Heavenly Father because He knows the deep things of our heart (Meditate on Jeremiah 17:10, Psalm 7:9). As we wait for the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, put on the whole armour of God because there is an evil day awaiting us (Meditate on Ephesians 6:10-17, Matthew 26:41). Some Christians have laid aside their spiritual armour because of ignorance, pride, and carnality.
- Put on the belt of truth because there is an evil day the enemy has set for you.
- Put on the breastplate of righteousness because there is an evil day the enemy has set for you.
- Be consistent in winning and establishing souls in God’s kingdom. Embarking on this glorious assignment will activate the angels of God to protect you in the evil day.
- Guard your heart (will, emotions, desire, and intellect) with the Word (faith) because our heart is one of the entry points of spiritual forces.
- Put on the helmet of salvation by following the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
When these spiritual
garments cover you, you can withstand the evil day. The Lord has revealed to
me in dreams the evil days. The Holy Spirit always reveals the Heavenly Father’s
plans and the enemy’s plans to us so we can position ourselves and walk in the footsteps
of Jesus Christ (Meditate on Job 33:14-18).
God Almighty is a loving Father. He knows our weakness. God (Yahweh) is ever ready to help us when we call on Him prayers.
- Failure to call on the name of Jesus Christ makes us rely on our limited strength, and we know that our strength cannot take us far.
- Failure to call on the name of Jesus Christ authorizes the devil and his cohorts to manipulate you.
- Failure to call on the name of Jesus Christ limits the help of God in our lives.
When Apostle Peter saw
that he was about to drown in the sea, he called on Jesus. Jesus responded to
the call of Peter by saving him (See Matthew 14:25-31).
When Jesus disciples saw
that the boat was about to capsize, they called on Jesus. Jesus rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, Peace, be still (See Mark 4:35-41). There
is no storm in your life; Jesus cannot conquer.
Jesus Christ can solve every
wind (problem, depression, any type of abuse, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, psychosis,
personality disorder, hardship, and any challenge in your life). Are you going
through some form of challenge?
Maybe you have visited
the best doctors, lawyers, and professionals, call on the name of Jesus Christ,
and there will be peace. Perhaps your friends and loved ones have concluded
that there is no hope for your condition or the condition of your neighbors. I
have good news for you, call on the name of Jesus Christ (Meditate on Luke
Don’t accept that bad
report in your body, family, workplace, and jurisdiction. The Word of Jesus
Christ is above the words of the doctor, lawyer, scientist, politician, and
that influential group. Call on the name of Jesus Christ through prayers, and
He will answer.
Jesus Christ said in
the holy scriptures, “Call
unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which
thou knowest not.” (See Jeremiah 33:3).
- Never give up or commit suicide because you are going through a series of abuse (emotional, physical, verbal, financial, social, psychological, spiritual, and sexual abuse). Call on the name of Jesus Christ in prayers, and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because there is no hope, call on the name of Jesus Christ, and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because someone prophesied that you would die by suicide, call on the name of Jesus Christ, and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because you are going through some hardship, call on the name of Jesus Christ, and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because your community and loved ones have betrayed you; call on the name of Jesus Christ and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because you don’t have money to feed yourself and family; call on the name of Jesus Christ and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because of the debt, call on the name of Jesus Christ, and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because no one wants to identify himself with you; call on the name of Jesus Christ and He will answer.
- Never give up or commit suicide because you are fed up with life, call on the name of Jesus Christ, and He will answer.
Jesus Christ died for us
and rose on the third day to enable us to enjoy everlasting blessings in the Celestial
City. The Celestial City is a place of eternal happiness. In that glorious kingdom,
there is no darkness, evil, corruption, sickness, pain, and hatred because
Jesus Christ is the life of that kingdom.
It is a place of eternal love
and happiness. You cannot afford to miss this glorious kingdom. One reason we see injustice and wickedness on this earth is because of the devil and sin. The
disobedience of Adam and Eve opened the portal for the devil and the spirit of sin
to dominate the earth. The death and resurrection of the second Adam (Jesus
Christ) has restored our dominion mandate (Meditate on Genesis 1:26-28).
Jesus Christ will forever
restore us when He returns to reign on this earth (new earth) as the King and LORD.
Those who died in Christ Jesus will join Him in the Celestial City. Never
neglect the virtue of hope because hope is one essential virtue to overcome the challenges of life. Know these truths.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will become hopeless in this world.
- Without the virtue of hope, you can fall into the trap of your enemies.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will submit to the desires of the flesh.
- Without the virtue of hope, you can give up and take your life (suicide).
- Without the virtue of hope, your life will be full of challenges.
- Without the virtue of hope, life on earth will become hell.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will be visionless.
- Without the virtue of hope, you can perish.
- Without the virtue of hope, anyone can influence you with their words.
- Without the virtue of hope, anybody can attack you.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will never pursue God’s assignment for your life.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will be empty and lost like a sheep without a shepherd.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will be tempted to die by suicide.
- Without the virtue of hope, you kill the energy of your soul.
- Without the virtue of hope, you break the line that connects your spirit and soul.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will be the most miserable person on earth.
- Without the virtue of hope, no one will desire to help you.
- Without the virtue of hope, you destroy your generation.
- Without the virtue of hope, the spirit of hell, death, and grave will always send you a friend request.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will never contribute to the world of the living.
- Without the virtue of hope, you shorten the lives of those connected to you.
- Without the virtue of hope, you will limit God’s help in your life.
- Without the virtue of hope, you give the devil and his minions the spiritual license to mentor you.
- Without the virtue of hope, you can deviate from your divine assignment.
I remember on the day of my ordination with some pastoral students,
I encountered a woman. I discerned in the spirit she needed encouragement.
She needed the antidote of hope to rekindle her spirit and soul. I made the
mistake of not encouraging her in the faith because I did not recognize her
need at that particular time.
Later, I realized that
the Lord allowed me to encounter the woman because she needed a word of
encouragement. The woman needed a prophetic word. A lot of people need the
medicine of hope to enable them to advance in life.
People are full of
discouragement, fear, and confusion. Anytime you encounter someone, my advice
to you as a servant of God is first to give hope to the person. You
may never know the impact of your word toward the person. Speak words of life
to others because our soul needs these words to move on in life.
Hope is a powerful virtue
of the soul. We need the virtue of hope to advance in life. Anytime you
activate the virtue of hope, you supply power to your soul to pursue the
assignment God designed for you. Know these truths.
- Activating the virtue of hope resurrects the gifts and potentials in you.
- Hope builds you for the harvest God has prepared for you.
- Hope makes people build trust in you.
- Hope rebuilds your faith in creativity.
- Building hope in others creates a soul tie.
- Building hope in others can create an eternal relationship.
- Building hope in others purifies your soul from negative thoughts.
- Hope lengthens your faith in God.
- The virtue of hope activates the seed of love in your heart.
- Hope enlightens your environment.
- Hope brings joy and peace into your environment.
- Hope makes you press forward despite the limitations.
- Hope prolongs the seed of perseverance in the season of hardship.
- Hope delivers you from the discouragement of your enemies.
- Hope kills the virtue of depression and confusion.
- Hope silences all the arrows of the devil and minions in your life.
- The virtue of hope catapults you to the realm of the supernatural.
- Hope charges your atmosphere and creates an aura of power in your jurisdiction.
- Hope vitalizes the element of God to defend you.
- Hope shatters the weapons of the enemy in your soul.
Let this mind be in you
always. I have an eternal home. In this house (Celestial City), we will see
Christ Jesus, the holy angels, and the saints who died in the Lord. Trust Jesus
Christ and His Word because Jesus can never lie.
Jesus Christ is ever ready to hold your
hands. Build yourself on the living Word (promises recorded in the holy
scriptures) because that is the source and foundation of our hope. Any hope outside the Word
of God is unworthy to be trusted.
We cannot wholly rely on humankind's words because it may not stand the storm of life. Build all your hope on the Word of God (Holy scriptures) because they are true. All things will pass away, but the living Word shall never depart. Meditate on this holy scripture.
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not
pass away.
Luke 21:33 KJV
Let’s sing together.
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