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/ / The Rewards on the Road to the Celestial City (1)

The Rewards on the Road to the Celestial City (1)

Amazing Realities Of The Heavenly Kingdom Of Jesus Christ | MARANATHA  TRUMPETER

Loved one in Christ Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. We thank God for such a blissful day like this. Child of God, never give up on God and His Word because all His promises recorded in His Word is always true (Meditate on Matthew 24:35).

Some people believe in trees, stones, objects, and strange gods that cannot respond, but we serve the living God who is above every power and authority. Jesus Christ has power over forces, kingdom, and leadership in this world and the spiritual world (Meditate on Philippians 2:10-11).

Be conscious of your rewards in Jesus Christ because we have a great heritage in Heaven and the new earth. We are travelers and pilgrims passing by, so don’t allow the fear, corruption, and injustice in this world to destroy your faith. Jesus Christ is above all (Meditate Hebrews 11:13, 1 Peter 2:11).

Jesus Christ lives within you in the person of the Holy Spirit, so don’t undermine yourself (See 1 John 4:4). You are a unique vessel in the kingdom of God (Meditate on 1 Peter 2:9-10, Revelation 1:6). People may not see the value in you because the spirit of this world has blinded them (Meditate 2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

You are a great treasure in God’s sight. God has encamped His angels around you, so don’t give up! If the Heavenly Father sacrificed Jesus Christ to enable us to reconcile with Him, then you are a tremendous priceless treasure in the celestial kingdom (Meditate on John 3:16-17, Psalm 34:7).


Prophetic Word to my cherished followers

Do you know that there are special angels assigned to protect you from every attack of the invisible powers? Maybe you have not activated your spiritual senses (eyes, ears, nose, and emotions) to connect to the Holy Spirit. Be active in the realms of the spirit.

I see an honorable vessel that always reads my articles and materials. God is saying you are not conscious of your kingdom's rights. This ignorance has given the wicked spirits to dominate you, but I see God delivering you. I see a new smile on your face as the Lord lifts you above your circumstance.

I see God raising you to the ranks of eagles in the spiritual realm. I see a great number of people looking up to you. The Lord is projecting His light on you in your generation.

There is a minister of God who has been following me in the spiritual realm; God is saying be bold and courageous and proclaim the gospel with faith and without partiality because your cup is not full to enter full-time ministry. Keep up with the good works. God has not forgotten your good works and labour of love.

God is working on your ministry and character. He will never forget your generation because of your sacrifice and love for His kingdom. Sometimes you feel like giving up on the ministry, but I see God turning the tables for your favour. I see God opening a new door for you in the spiritual realm. You will encounter great ministers of God who will open the door for you to enter the full-time ministry.

There is a lady who has been following me. You admire me a lot because I can see you.  You are about to encounter a faithful man that is going to change the curse of your bloodline to a new level of blessings. Join the workforce in the church, and through this channel, the man will locate you.

There is another follower; you always read my articles and materials; God is saying your cup is ready to be served. Your family has been going through a lot of hardships, but I see the Lord sending people to help you. I see your family having favour in the eyes of men. Your community is about to bless you with special gifts.

There is another honurable vessel reading my article; you doubt whether God has called, chosen, and anointed me. God is saying, follow me by faith Don’t allow your conscience and the words of others to disconnect you from this grace. Sow a seed into the ministry.

You are about to enter into a new level of anointing. Greater doors are ahead of you, but there is no one to help you take the bottle of oil. I see the angels of God pouring the oil of gladness on you because you have an assignment. Your assignment is to bring people into the light and direct them to the kingdom of God.

I see a group of people monitoring me. God is saying I should tell you to stop wasting your precious time and concentrate on your business.

There is another great minister of God who admires me. Initially, I didn’t want to give you a prophetic word, but I feel in my spirit, I should give you this prophecy. God is giving you the staff of the shepherd. You will operate in David’s anointing.

I also see God handling a new rod to you in the spiritual realm. I see a flock of sheep’s around you. Some of the sheep are sad, confused, and ready to follow your orders. You have ignored the prophetic gifts in the church.

God wants you to activate the prophetic gifts because there are prophets in your church who need the atmosphere of the prophet to rekindle their calling, anointing, and gifts. Lay hands on those who strongly believe they are called into the prophetic office. Do it from your heart, and you will see the power of God.

You have the gifts of healing and working of miracles, but you doubt. I see the Holy Spirit activating those spiritual and ministerial gifts in the ministry God has given you. God will use you to open the prophetic gate for the souls under the ministry. God has entrusted the keys of some vessels in your hands. These doors will open the doors for them to enter the ministry.

Sometimes you doubt the prophetic gifts in you, but God is saying be bold and courageous when you enter the prophetic arena. You are limiting the prophets in your ministry. God wants you to release them for the harvest. Humility must be your hallmark!

There is another vessel in India who desires the anointing on my life. Pay the price of personal sanctification, and the Holy Spirit will activate the anointing on your life. There is another vessel in one of the African countries, the countries I see are Zambia, Kenya, Ghana... The Holy Spirit desires to fellowship with you, but you are grieving Him. Repent! You are too precious to play with that anointing! Precious souls are waiting for your ministration!

I see a ministry that is contemplating whether to invite me or not. Be decisive!


The Light in the Glorious Kingdom

Alright, let’s get to today’s lessons. Following Jesus Christ is not always about suffering; there are things God is preparing for us in His kingdom. We must be conscious of our heavenly rewards because it helps us serve God and the church with assurance. Let’s read from the living Word.

Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.

And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake,

Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.

Luke 18:28-30 KJV

A ruler asked Jesus Christ how he could inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus replied he should sacrifice all that he had and follow Him. When this prince heard the words of Jesus Christ, he was sorrowful because he was extremely wealthy.

When Apostle Peter heard the reply Jesus gave to the rich man, he questioned Jesus about the benefits of their sacrifice because it looked like no one could enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Analyze carefully; Apostle Peter said they (disciples) had left their children, wives, friends, and family because of the gospel. Can you imagine the sacrifice of the apostles? They left all to follow Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ replied that if we sacrifice our comfort for the kingdom work, we shall receive manifold glories in His kingdom. God is preparing great treasures for us (sacrificial Christians). Child of God, don’t give up because Jesus Christ is preparing a mansion for you.

Soon, God will destroy this corrupt world and build a new earth. Our rewards are priceless, so don’t give up. No one can break in to steal those treasures because, in this kingdom, there is no darkness (misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness).

We shall be reign with the saints in this kingdom. Some of the angels will serve us. It is a glorious and everlasting kingdom. Life on earth is too short (Meditate on Job 14:1-2). In this eternal kingdom, we shall rejoice forever.

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

John 14:1-4 KJV

All the buildings and roads in this glorious kingdom are made with precious stones (gold, diamond, topaz, the sardius, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle). Are you conscious of this kingdom? Sit for at least five minutes and ruminate about this kingdom. That is your eternal resting place, child of God!

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