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/ / The Adventures on the Road to the Celestial City (6)

The Adventures on the Road to the Celestial City (6)

Loved one in Christ Jesus, I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. This is lesson six on my teachings, the adventures on the road to the celestial city. Kindly read the foundational teachings for a more profound revelation. Getting access to heaven is not an easy journey.

There are some things Christian believers must pass through before they get to the eternal kingdom. In the letters of Apostle Peter, he emphasized in the holy scriptures that suffering is part of the Christian journey.

the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

1 Peter 5:10 KJV

We (Christians) must pass through the gate of pain because it is a season. Most of the unbelievers will fight us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. The spiritual host of wickedness, rulers of the powers of the air, principalities, and all the agents of darkness will fight us in the spiritual realm because we belong to the kingdom of light (Meditate on Ephesians 6:10-18).

Any Christian who cannot go through the gate of suffering can never lead the saints to the promised land. Before God uses us in His kingdom, He allows us to pass through some pains because the pain will perfect our imperfection.

It is like gold. The gold must pass through the fire for refinement. Every Christian has a cultural background. The way they trained you differs from mine. Your temperament, personality, and belief system may vary from my system because our parents trained us differently.

Your neighborhood, church doctrine, friends, enemies, and the educational system influenced you. These influences shaped your character, attitude, personality, and faith. If you reject the gate of suffering, you exclude yourself from the kingdom leaders.

God wants to use you to transform the lives of others. He believes you can stand the pain. God knows you are the right person for the harvest. The reason many people cannot respond to the call of God is that they cannot pay the price of suffering. God has called everybody, but few are willing to pay the price (Meditate on Matthew 22:14).

God will never pour His anointing on you without you paying the price. Suffering is part of the cost. Some afflictions stretch and shape our faith, love, hope, joy, patience, and temperance. The saints are too precious to experiment with.

You cannot mess with God’s vessels. He wants to train you so you will know how to handle them with care. If you check the lives of the first-century apostles and the God generals, all of them went through a series of suffering.

God will never allow us to pass through the gate of suffering without giving us the grace to endure. He said to Apostle Paul, His grace is sufficient for him (See 2 Corinthians 12:7-10). God is not wicked to allow us to pass through the pain we cannot endure because of His grace, mercies, and holiness.

Jesus Christ has given us the Holy Spirit. He is our Helper, Teacher, Provider, Prophet, and Friend. The Holy Spirit knows our weakness, and He is there to help us if we fellowship with Him. Living the Christian life without the help of the Holy Spirit makes your Christian journey burdensome.

The Holy Spirit is the foundation of our spiritual life. Your strength will fail you if you fail to build a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The unbelievers will project the arrows of fear, confusion, conflict, and corruption to limit our faith. It is part of the suffering we must endure.

Most of the unbelievers and some “believers” will slander, insult, humiliate and persecute us. It is part of the suffering we must endure in these last days (Meditate on 2 Timothy 3:1-5). If you are not ready to stand the season of pain, you may backslide and become a prisoner in the devil's camp. Know these truths.

  • Some sufferings will come through financial hardship, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through rejection, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through sexual abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, psychological abuse, and physical abuse, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through evil wishes from enemies and jealous people, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through discomfort in the body, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through the loss of a job, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through some besting sin (desires of the flesh), don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through condemnation from your loved ones and enemies, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through your co-workers, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through the confusion, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through the fear (Get my book, The Mysteries of Fear, for a more profound revelation).
  • Some sufferings will come through an inferiority complex (Get my book, How to Break the spirit of inferiority for a more profound revelation).
  • Some sufferings will come through intimidation, don’t give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through hunger, don't give up!
  • Some sufferings will come through the devil and his minions, don’t give up! (Get my series of books for a more profound revelation)

Child of God, don’t be discouraged because suffering is for a season. If you pass through the season, God will crown you with an eternal crown. There are some things in life we cannot explain. We must live and walk with the Spirit of faith.

Constance figuring out the plans of God for your life can lead to depression, confusion, and destruction. God has given you many signals to discern His will. You can discern the will of God through the inner seeds of the Holy Spirit. Download and read my free book, How to Hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, or get my series of books for a more profound revelation.

When you pass the test of suffering, you will know how to handle the soul's God is about to give you. It is only inexperience and unbelievers who do not show sympathy. Pass the test of suffering. Master the pain and become a winner because some souls are waiting for you to unlock the gates of God's kingdom to enable them to receive salvation.

We don’t belong to this world because we pilgrims and strangers. The unbelievers will not love and like us until we follow their path. The unbelievers will never like us because they hated our Savior and Lord Jesus. We must show the unbelievers the way because we are the light and salt of this world. Without us (Christians), God loses the sinners.

Jesus Christ is coming soon. He is speaking to us through the holy scriptures. Jesus Christ has an eternal reward for us. He will settle and establish us when we pass through the gates of pain. Glory to God!

#why is there so much pain and suffering?

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