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Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

John 14:1-3 KJV

We thank God Almighty for His unconditional love and mercies. As we all know, with God, all things are possible (See Matthew 19:26). Never doubt in the miracles and provisions of God because He is the giver of all things. Without Jesus Christ, all the living (includes the invisible things) will cease to exist. We receive life, strength, knowledge, wisdom and power from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the joy of the entire world because in Him our hope and faith are built. We can do nothing without the power of God. It is through His mercies we are living. Many are the plans and the works of the enemy, but it is the counsel of the Lord that will stand. Jesus Christ is alive, and He is coming back soon.

As we wait for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to take us to His kingdom, we must not forget His teaching because it is through the teachings of Jesus Christ that we build ourselves in the faith. When Jesus Christ walked on earth as a Man, some of His disciples asked Him about their future because they were discouraged, confused and troubled.

Jesus' disciples left their family, job, friends and comfort zone to follow Him. They wanted to know their rewards because they sacrificed their comfort to follow Him. Child of God, a time will come when you will be confused, discouraged and tired. You are not the only person passing through this emotional stress and spiritual battle. It happened to the disciples of Jesus Christ. They asked Jesus Christ because what awaits them because it looked as if they were wasting their time.

Maybe you have served the church for many years, but there is no reward. God has kept quiet all this while because He has a big plan for you. Maybe you have fasted and prayed. You have sacrificed in the church, community and workplace because of the love you have for Jesus Christ. Don’t give up! Because Jesus is preparing an eternal place for you.

It may look like you are a failure in the sight of men. Your family and friends may not understand you because they are limited in wisdom. God is preparing you for the greater harvest. When you plant a seed in the soil. The seed has to die before it germinates.
  • There are some seeds, it takes one day for it to germinate.
  • There are some seeds it takes one week before it germinates.
  • There are some seeds, it takes one month before it germinates.
  • There are some seeds, it takes one year before it germinates.
  • There are some seeds it takes several years before it germinates.

Don’t give up because God is preparing you for the right season. I remember I was on my way to pray when the Holy Spirit drew my attention to a school building near the prayer field. The school had few classrooms, and it could only take children. Looking at the school, it has not built the capacity to handle young adults, not even mentioning Junior High School students, Senior High School and University students.

The Holy Spirit said to me, until the owner of the school builds enough structures, parents will never bring their children to the school. That is how God builds us spiritually. Until we get to a certain stage in our spiritual life, we can never build certain things in our life. You are a work in progress. God has not finished working on you so don’t give up. 

I remember a young man approached me and told me he wanted the anointing to prophesy and perform great mighty works in the kingdom of God. This young man was desirous of God's anointing, but he was not ready to pay the price. I could discern in the spirit that he was not matured enough to handle the anointing. 

Physically he was matured but spiritually he was weak. There was another great man who contacted me through WhatsApp. He was from  Namibia. He told me he wants to follow me as a mentor. He ordered most of my books and told me some dreams he had on the ministry. As he shared with me his dreams and the love he has for the ministry, the Holy Spirit told me he needed a lot of training. 

The Holy Spirit explained to me his dreams, and through that channel I helped him. There are many people in the kingdom who needs nurturing, and it is our responsibility to humble ourselves and learn from Jesus Christ and spiritual leaders.

Jesus Christ is building an eternal kingdom for us in Heaven. It is a spiritual kingdom. Only people who are born again can enter this kingdom. Aside from the physical kingdom (church building) and internal kingdom (our heart), there is a greater kingdom Jesus Christ is building.

In the spiritual kingdom (Heaven), there is no darkness, sickness, hunger, corruption, and evil. It is a place of an everlasting joy, peace and love. It is the abode of the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDS. Holy angels and the saints (Abraham, Isaac, Daniel, Moses, Elijah, the saints recorded in the Holy Bible and the saints who have died in the Lord) live in this Kingdom.

Jesus Christ is preparing this kingdom for His children. When life becomes a burden, don’t give up, don’t commit suicide, never allow the enemy to destroy your faith because Jesus is preparing a mansion for you in His kingdom. Jesus Christ is the King of this kingdom, and we are the citizens.
Some holy angels will serve us in this kingdom. All you have to do is to humble yourself like a child, repent and confess Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord of your life. After that, get a Holy Bible (King James Version recommended).
  • Feed on it.
  • Reverence it.
  • Live by the principles and teachings.
  • Practice the principles and teachings.
  • Confess the promises.
  • Decree the promises.
  • Declare the promises.
  • Communicate the promises written in it to the Heavenly Father through prayers.

Teach and preach the Word to others because it has the power to change our life (Meditate on Hebrews 4:12). The Holy Bible contains the kingdom principles so without the Word (Holy Bible), you cannot understand the mind of the King (Jesus Christ). Get my series of books.
These books will help you stand stronger in the Lord. There are more profound revelations embedded in these books. If you cannot afford to buy the books, contact me for a free copy.

Build a prayer life on your own because, without prayer, your spirit will be weak. When you feed on the Word, you build the internal kingdom (heart). This helps you to spread the gospel to the physical kingdom (the church and other living saints on earth). Remember, the kingdom has enemies and these enemies seek to destroy us. Get my series of books.

These books will help you understand the kingdom enemies, how they work to destroy our lives so you will not be a victim (a backslidden Christian or an unbeliever). 
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Jesus Christ the Savior of the World

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was fou...

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