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Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

God cannot impose His plans on a man without his permission because He has given us our free will. Our will power makes us liable for the decisions we make. God is not obligated to interfere in the affairs of mankind because He has delegated His power to us (See Luke 10:19, Genesis 1:26-30).

When God planned to destroy the land and the sinful people of Sodom and Gomorrah, He could not because Abraham was a bridge between Him and mankind (See Genesis 18:17). God cooperates with our will because we can decide. We are not robots who obey the instructions of the Creator.

God respects our desire, and He desires to fellowship with us because He created us for His pleasure. There are some things we cannot do because we are limited in the flesh. This is when we need the interference of God. God is above His creation; Therefore, nothing can limit Him.

Some problems in our lives need divine intervention because our wisdom, strength, wealth and knowledge cannot solve them. God has to intervene because we are weak in the flesh. Apostle Paul made a profound statement that Jesus Christ ever lives to make intercession for us.

This means that Jesus Christ is alive. Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose on the third day for our justification. After the resurrection, He ascended to His Heavenly Father. A born-again Christian is under the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the mediator between the Heavenly Father and us.

Jesus Christ intercedes for us because He won the victory. It is our responsibility to remain in Christ because outside Him eliminates us from His covering. Some invisible enemies seek to destroy us at all costs (See Ephesians 6:12). Jesus Christ fights the battle for us if we abide in Him.

The question is, how do we abide in Jesus Christ? We remain in Him by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us abide in Jesus Christ. He helps us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Humbling yourself under the mighty hands of the Lord releases grace to your spirit (See James 4:6). When grace is released in our spirit, Jesus Christ intercedes for us.

Divine Key: Humble yourself in the Lord.

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