Psalm 25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
In the marketplace, competitors have a secret knowledge the other competitor does not have. The secret of an organization allows the organization to dominate the market. Other competitors cannot decipher the progress of its competitors because his opponent knows a secret that allows them to dominate the market.
When I say secret, what do I mean?
- A secret is a pearl of an unknown wisdom possessed by the one person.
A secret can as a thought planted in the mind of an individual.be defined - A secret makes one invulnerable to the enemy.
- A secret is a sacred thought, wisdom, knowledge, vision, passion, and an understanding a person possess without the knowledge of another.
- A secret is an unspoken word hidden in the hearts of men.
- A secret is a weapon an enemy uses against a neighbour when he wants to destroy.
- A secret is a hidden power that enables the possessor to take advantage of others.
- A secret is an unspoken word in the
many people have died with secrets which could have changed the world. ,world of the dead - A secret is a sacred treasure in the heart of an individual, people become vulnerable when others hear of their secret.
- People commit suicide when others hear of their secret.
- People become hopeless when others hear of their secret.
- People become successful when others hear of a secret (best secret).
This is the secret I want to share with you. The Word states that God hides his intimacy with those who reverence Him. This means that if you want God to treasure you with His secret wisdom and deepest thoughts, hate sin and love righteousness. God hides secrets from the wicked because they cannot handle His treasures. God has hidden his secrets to His trusted disciples because they can handle the truth. God reveals His innermost secrets to those who fear Him. There are three types of fear.
- The fear of God (reverence for God’s word).
- The fear of man (snare and bondage).
- The fear of satanic forces (brings torment and hopelessness).
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom because the word of God is the ultimate source of wisdom (See Proverbs 1:7, 9:10). The wisdom and experience of men have a limit. It is only the word of God that cannot be changed . The word of God has no limit. When you obey the Word, you think and reason like God because the Word is the wisdom of God (See 1 Corinthians 1:24). The more you treasure the Word in your heart, your mind transforms and allows your consciousness to connect with the thoughts of the Holy Spirit.
The fear of man captivates you into an invisible prison and limits you not to rise (See Proverbs 29:25). The fear of man blinds your vision and goals because you want to please men all the time. If you please, men, all the time, you cannot please God. This will limit you from receiving the secrets of God. There must be a limit in trying to please men. The fear of man will imprison you into their limited thoughts. The word of God says our thoughts (intentions, plans and counsels) are not His thoughts and our ways (method of analyzing life) are not His ways (See Isaiah 55:8-9).
Anytime you use your experience to understand God, you limit God in operating in your life because you subdue the reasonings of God under your limited mind. God can only work with the knowledge you gained about Him. You must encounter God to enable you know more about Him. This is what the Word says.
Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is ABLE TO DO EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY above all that WE ASK OR THINK, according to the power that worketh in us,
God can do exceeding abundantly above what we think and imagines in our heart. God knows our thoughts and imaginations and He wills to answer what we have decided in the unseen realm. The time is now to treasure the word of God in your heart because the word of God is the seed in your heart. Anytime the word enters your heart, it produces fruit within your spirit. Sow the seed (Word) into your heart (Meditate on the parable of the sower and the seed in the book of Matthew 13:1-17).
Divine Key: Let the Word be your first choice in everything you do.
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