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Related image2 Peter 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
2 Peter 1:6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;

2 Peter 1:7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
2 Peter 1:8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The thoughts and the reasoning of a seven-year-old boy differ from a thirty-year-old man if both of them lives in the consciousness of God. A seven-year-old boy analyzes life from a different perspective while a thirty old man analyzes life from a different perspective. Each of them has a sense of judgment and love.

There is no way you will see a thirty-year-old man behaving like a seven old boy because at this stage his mind has developed. There are things a seven old boy will do that the thirty-year-old man will not do. For example, a man above thirty thinks about his career, family, business, how to prosper in life and many important things. The seven-year-old boy will think about the food he will eat, the cloth he will wear, the games and movies he will wear and many childish needs because at this stage his senses have not developed to think about his career, his family, his purpose and many important issues.

The same principle applies in the Kingdom of God. A Christian is supposed to mature. Refusing to grow in your Christian life makes you a liability in the kingdom of God. Every Christian must grow because it is the desire of God that His children show maturity. Before a Christian can grow, there are biblical principles every believer must follow. These keys and principles are unbreakable because it is approved by the Holy Spirit. These are the keys to spiritual maturity.

  • The key of Diligence (care, speed, eagerness, earnestness, forwardness)
  • The key of Faith (absolute belief in the Word, assurance, persuasion, credence, conviction, reliance upon Christ for salvation).
  • The key of Virtue (morally upright and manliness).
  • The key of Knowledge (studying the Word of God, gaining relevant information).
  • The key of Temperance (self-control, ability to control your passion, calmness).
  • The key of Patience (the ability to endure, hopeful).
  • The key of Godliness (holiness, devoted to the service of God, ability to submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit).
  • The key of Brotherly Kindness (showing love in the midst of the church, blessing others with your gift, talent, divine wisdom and knowledge, financial support, emotional support, motivating and inspiring others).
  • The key of Divine love (embarking on the great commission, expanding the kingdom of God through evangelism, intercession and follow up, sacrificing your comfort for the salvation of others).

The question is, how do you activate these keys. Get my book entitled “How to Grow in the Realms of the Spirit” for a deeper revelation and teachings. The word of God further states that if these keys are working in your Christian life, you will always be fruitful. It is a process every Christian must pass through within the grace dispensation. Let us continue with the scriptures.

2 Peter 1:9 But HE THAT LACKETH THESE THINGS IS BLIND, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.

If you lack these keys in your Christian life, darkness builds within your spiritual and physical senses. The enemy will get the upper hand to manipulate your Christian life if you don’t activate these keys in your spiritual walk with the Holy Spirit.

MASTER KEY: Ask the Heavenly Father to fill and baptize you with the Holy Spirit as you meditate and practice the Word of God.

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