The Word can never lie because God cannot lie. Whatever the Word says is always true because God knows the end from the beginning. There are lessons from this scripture I want to share with you.
Jesus Christ wants his children to stay awake and pray because the enemy will never rest until it destroys an innocent soul. Jesus said if we are not alert in our spiritual life, the devil will take advantage over us. The devil knows the best hour to strike.
The devil knows that man has a free will; therefore, it makes him vulnerable to his attacks. The devil used temptation on the first creation, and they fell from the position God gave them. Adam and Eve were not watchful and prayerful. This gave the devil the upper hand to tempt them.
Temptations can present itself in different forms. It can be through your close friends. Temptation can present itself through our physical enemies. Our own lustful desires can trigger temptations. Temptations can present itself when we are not watchful and prayerful as the Lord told us in the scripture.
Remember, God will never tempt us with evil. God only brings trials to test our heart mainly for our exaltation and for His own glorification.
God tried Abraham to verify what was within his heart. Abraham could have rejected sacrificing his son Isaac. Abraham knew that God could raise the dead to life. The angel of the LORD said to Abraham “NOW I KNOW THAT THOU FEAR GOD” God wanted to see what was in the heart of Abraham. Abraham won the victory, and he became the father of faith.
It takes faith to obey God. God will never try us above our spiritual, soulish and physical strength. There will always be a way of escape because He is righteous in all His dealings. As we stay awake and pray against all the plots of the enemy, we easily overcome all the deadly traps set by the enemy. As we stay awake and worship God, our spirit dominates the cravings of the flesh. As we become alert and make supplications unto the Lord, the Spirit of God directs our life.
Remember the enemy always sow tares of marriage divorce, accidents, natural disasters, premature death, sickness and any kind of evil that exalts the devil and his cohorts in the night. Get my book entitled “Visions of the Night” for a deeper understanding and revelations about the night. There are four watches of the day and four watches of the night. Connect yourself with these watches and pray strategically with the alertness of the Holy Spirit, and you will surely live a successful life.
Get this message THE MIDNIGHT HOUR.
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