The voice of the Lord is
not strange and challenging to understand if you are born again; God speaks in
different ways and mediums, depending on your spiritual level, and there are
different Christians in our modern world today.
Some are baby Christians (newly converted), whiles others are spirit-filled and
spirit gifted; others are carnal and soul-driven Christians. Before God can
speak to you, you have first to understand the nature of the sheep and the
leadership of the shepherd because a goat cannot be led successfully
by a shepherd, and a shepherd cannot lead a snake; it is only a sheep that has
the meek spirit to submit to the shepherd for guidance and protection.
The ultimate and perfect
shepherd is the Holy Spirit, who speaks through God's word. He also speaks
through your leaders (pastors, parents, guardians, and godly friends) to direct
your life. If you can discern the voice of the spirit speaking through these
people mentioned above, if you can confirm with the word of God, then
you are assured that God is speaking to you directly through them
because any time God speaks to you, there is a sense of inner peace and joy
within your heart.
Your heart must be
circumcised through spiritual songs; your mind must be
renewed through meditation on the word to enable you to hear correctly,
your spiritual senses must be trained and sharpened through fasting
and prayers, and you must break and destroy any voice that contradicts and
hinder you from hearing the voice of God, the movies you watch, the music you
listen to, the books you read, the friends you fellowship with, can hinder
you from hearing the voice of God perfectly.
Associate with godly
friends most of the time and create an atmosphere of love, joy, and peace by
playing worship, praises, and anointed videos of called and chosen
men and women of God, especially your personal shepherd(angel of the church),
as you follow these basic steps, you will hear the voice of God.
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