How to dominate the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard

Loved one in Christ Jesus,
I believe you are growing in the strength of the Lord. I want to briefly share
with you how to overcome the enemy's system, especially the spirit of death,
hell, and graveyard.
Before I share with you
how you can dominate or overcome the weapons and devices of these three wicked
spirits (death, hell, and graveyard), I will expose some of the causes and
symptoms of death. The devil (includes the spirit of hell, death, and
graveyard) can never attack us until they have legal ground.
It is our responsibility as Christian believers to know the causes and signs of death. Knowing the causes and symptoms of death will prevent us from dying prematurely. I know some Christian believers who had been killed by the devil and his cohorts. Some people died before their time because they lacked the wisdom keys in this article.
Remember, death is in
three dimensions.
1. We have spiritual death.
2. We have physical death
3. Eternal death.
I have explained these levels of death in my book, The Book of Secret Wisdom. I will briefly describe them here. Spiritual death is when a man’s spirit is cut off from the Holy Spirit. Physical death is when the spirit and soul of a man permanently depart from the body. Eternal death is the final state of the unbeliever.
Some main causes of death

1. Willful and consistent sin, iniquity,
transgression, and trespasses can lead to spiritual, physical, and
eternal death. (Meditate on Romans 6:23)
2. Violating the laws of God
and the devil opens the portal for the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. (Meditate
on Romans 6:23)
3. Living under no
protection can empower the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. If
you are not born again (that is, you have not repented and confessed Jesus Christ as
your Saviour and Lord of your life). You give Satan and his minions (demons,
witches, prostitutes, womanizers, vicious occults groups, Satanists…) to
project the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack.
4. Equally yoking with
unbelievers can open the gate for the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. (Meditate on 2
Corinthians 6:14-18).
5. Living with accursed
materials of the devil can open the portal for the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack.
(Meditate on Acts 19:18-19).
6. A life of no prayer and Word Meditation can
empower the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. (Meditate on Matthew 26:41, 1 Peter
7. A life of no covering
can empower the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. If you are an unbeliever or you live
in deep sin, and no one is interceding for you, it opens the portal for the
spirit of hell, death, and graveyard to attack. (Meditate on 1 Peter 5:8-9, John 10:10).
8. Living in hatred,
malice, and pride can empower the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard to attack. (Meditate on
Romans 6:23).
Some signs the spirit of death, hell, and the graveyard is targeting you.

1. In your dreams, if you find yourself in a
funeral, it is a sign that the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard has
targeted you (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
2. In your dream, you will always see yourself talking and walking with dead people(Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
3. In your dream, you will find people wearing funeral clothes all around you (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
4. In your dream, you find that some people are carrying a corpse to a burial (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
5. In your dream, you find yourself in a mortuary (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
6. In your dream, you will see yourself trapped in a pit (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
7. In your dream, if you always see yourself sleeping, it means the spirit of death has targeted you (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
8. In your dream, if you always find yourself in a dark environment, you are in great danger (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
9. In your dream, you see yourself being attacked by either human beings or animals (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
10. In your dream, you find yourself chained in a graveyard (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
11. In your dream, you find yourself involved in an accident (Meditate on Job 38:14-18).
12. Physically, you see crows always cawing and rattling at you or following you (Meditate on 2 Timothy 1:7).
13. Anytime you are about
to sleep, you always experience fear (Meditate on 2 Timothy 1:7).
How to overcome the spirit of death, hell, and grave. (Includes the devil and his agents)
1. The first key to
deliverance is Repentance. Repentance means you acknowledge that you are a
sinner and you need forgiveness. You decide to change from the evil habit.
I remember I was
delivering a lady possessed with the spirit of lust. This possessed young lady was
into the business of prostitution. As I was delivering this possessed lady in
the church premises with some ministers of God, the demon in the lady said; she
can kill one of the ministers helping me deliver her.
I discerned in the spirit
that the minister, the possessed lady pointed to, was entangled in the pool of
fornication. Hence, the demon had the legal ground to attack the minister of
God, helping me deliver the possessed lady.
There was another lady I
was delivering in a school hostel in koforidua. It did not occur that the Lord will use me
to deliver her because I was doing the shepherding work. As I was delivering
her in her hostel (room), the evil spirits in her said I was wasting my time because
she has been to several anointed ministers of God but to no avail.
This means the demons had
a legal ground to possess the lady. Until the lady repents of her sins, the
demons will still enter her and attack her even if God uses me to deliver her.
(Meditate on Luke 11:24-26).
That is how the spirit of death, hell, and graveyard attacks. Until you repent from the habit that opens the portal for them, you give them a spiritual license to attack. Repentance is the first key to overcome the spirit of death!
2. The second vital key to overcoming the spirit
of death is to acknowledge that you are a sinner. You need salvation, and it is
only Jesus Christ that can deliver you from the devil (includes the spirit of
death, hell, and graveyard). Meditate on John 8:36.
Jesus Christ has power over every power on the earth and in the spiritual realm. Living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ covers you if you walk and live in the Spirit (Meditate Philippians 2:1-11, Colossians 1:16).
3. The third key to
overcoming the spirit of death is to do self-deliverance or seek deliverance
from a chosen, anointed, and called minister (s) of God.
4. The fourth key to
overcoming the spirit of death, hell, and the graveyard is to destroy any
accursed material that opens the portal for these wicked demons to access your
life (Meditate on Acts 19:18-19).
5. The fifth key to
overcoming the spirit of death is to disconnect from unrepentant wicked sinners
that lead you to the path of darkness (Meditate on 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
6. The sixth key to
overcoming the spirit of death to fast and pray. Fasting and prayers release
the mercies of God. Fasting with prayers can break all the weapons of the enemy
(Meditate on Isaiah 58:6).
7. The seventh key to
overcoming the spirit of death is to build a consistent prayer life. If you
build a prayer life, it builds your spirit and helps you to overcome the traps
of the enemy (Meditate on Matthew 26:41, 1 Thessalonians 5:17).
8. The eighth key to
overcoming the spirit of death is to feed and renew your soul with the Word
(Holy Bible). Until your soul is renewed, you are still a victim of the enemy.
When your soul is full of God’s Word, you have won the battle of the mind (Meditate
on 2 Corinthians 10:4-6).
9. Pray, decree, and
enforce the promises of God concerning the spirit of death. When you enforce
the promises of God through your tongue, you activate the angels of God to
fight for you (Meditate on Jeremiah 33:3).
10. Live in the holiness
of Jesus Christ. Living in the holiness of Jesus Christ automatically activates
the angels of God to protect you from impending danger (Meditate on Psalm 34:7).
11. Build a strong
atmosphere in your jurisdiction (room, office, and place of residence). The
more you play anointed Christian songs in your environment, you charge that
place with the presence of God (Meditate on 1 Samuel 16:23, Acts 16:25-27). Get my book, How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth.
12. Pray often in tongues
(Meditate on 1 Corinthians 14:4, Romans 8:26-27).
13. Before you sleep,
soak yourself and loved ones in the blood of Jesus Christ by declaration
(Meditate on Revelation 12:11).
Some few Prayer topics (divine missiles) against the spirit of death, hell, grave, and evil spirits.
these prayers because they are biblical and prophetic. God must hasten to
perform His Word.
- I shall not die but live to declare the works of Lord (Meditate on Psalm 118:17).
- No weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus name (Meditate on Isaiah 54:17).
- Let God arise and let all enemies be scattered (Meditate on Psalm 68:1-3).
- Let the counsels of all enemies concerning my life and loved ones be turned unto foolishness (Meditate on 2 Samuel 15:31).
- No arrow that flies by day and night shall touch me in Jesus name (Meditate on Psalm 91).
- Oh Lord, deliver me from the chains of hell, death, and grave as I have called upon your name (Meditate on Romans 10:13)
- Let the blood of Jesus Christ plead for my mercy (Meditate on Revelation 12:11).
- Let the blood of Jesus Christ silence all the evidence of the wicked one concerning my life (Meditate on Revelation 12:11).
- Gather yourselves all ye people and ye shall be broken in pieces, speak your word, and it shall not stand, for God is with my loved ones and me (Meditate on Isaiah 8:9-10).
- Oh Lord, let the earth, sea, air, fire, stars, moon, sun oppose the devil and all his agents in my life in Jesus name (Meditate Job 38:12-15, Jeremiah 22:29-30).
- Oh Lord, contend with those that contend with me and oppose them oppose me in Jesus name (Meditate on Isaiah 49:24-26).
- Oh Lord, let them that desire my death go for me in Jesus name. (Meditate on Isaiah 49:24-26).
Recommend articles.
1. How to conquer the spirit of death.
2. Divine Revelations (discerning the activities of God and evil spirits).
Recommended books
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