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/ / / The Hidden Truth About Coronavirus (New World Order)

The Hidden Truth About Coronavirus (New World Order)

Coronavirus: What it does to the body - BBC News
There are a lot of conspiracies on the internet and media centers on the coronavirus. People are becoming fearful because of this pandemic. Scriptural, there are prophecies relating to this pandemic. In Dean Koontz's book, “The Eyes of Darkness,” he spoke about the coronavirus and what it will do to the world.

In Silvia Browne book, “End of the World,” she predicted a pandemic that will emerge in the year 2020. I read her biography and scanned through some of her books. It looked as if she was a psychic. I cannot recommend her books to Christians.

In Pat Robertson's book, “The New World Order,” he wrote that there is a conspiracy to eliminate the Christian faith and wipe over 2 billion citizens in the third world (primarily Africa).
Christians and Africans must rise in fasting and prayers!

Scott Z. Burns wrote a movie called “Contagion.” Steven Soderbergh directed this movie. In the film, it shows a virus that spreads around the world. Analyzing the video, I saw the pandemic called coronavirus.

In Georgia Guidestone, R.C Christian stated in his ten commandments that the world should maintain humanity under five hundred million. What! 500,000,000! Can you imagine! Out of 7.8 billion people, he is saying we should maintain 500,000,000. This means this vicious group wants to depopulate humanity. The Illuminate is behind this conspiracy. This monument was built in 1980 in Georgia (near Elberton).

In the movie by Scott Z. Burns, “Contagion,” the medical professionals manufactured vaccines to help control the pandemic. This movie came out in 2011. In the video, one professional stated that they will test these vaccines on the monkeys. Who are the monkeys? Think twice, Africans!

Why is the United Nations, and other influential personalities pressuring Donald Trump to accept the vaccine? Meanwhile, Donald Trump has discovered chloroquine, which is useful to help control this pandemic. We must understand that there is a hidden agenda behind this pandemic.

China is now coming with a 5G wireless connection. We believe that this connection can penetrate through buildings. From research, we believe that the radiation from this connection can fight the cells in the human body, which will lead to cancer and other infectious diseases.

Scientists and other secret organizations want to control human beings like robots through the vaccines and 5G wireless connection. Soon, machines and technology will take over the world if Christians fail to fast and pray. Our prayers may help those in authority, but we cannot break the decreed prophecy recorded in the Holy Bible.

The Word (Holy Bible) records that in the last days, we will face difficulty, knowledge will increase. Unbelievers will challenge the wisdom of God. People transplant sexual organs. The Vatican is combining religions. Chrislam, sex toys, vibrators, incubators, birth control pills, immorality, aliens, abominable human rights and grave sin has emerged (See some prophecies recorded in 2, Timothy 3:1-5, Matthew, 24).

We believe that China and other secret cults will use this wireless connection to spread diseases. They will use it to monitor and control human beings through the vaccines. There are a lot of aliens in a hidden place, they want to unleash these aliens to the world, and for them to accomplish this task, they have to depopulate the world. They are enforcing the anti-Christ laws (Georgia Guidestones).

The book of revelation in the Holy Bible exposes the end-time events. How the angels of God will work out in the end time. When Jesus Christ opened the fourth seal, Death and Hell had the power over the fourth part of the earth. They killed with sword, hunger, and killed beasts. We are in the last days. We must prepare for Jesus Christ. Read and pray to strengthen your spirit. This is the introduction.
Stay blessed, and don’t forget to share. More truth is coming.
Read also: How to Deal with Every Epidemic (Coronavirus)

Watch this Informative Video by Joseph Okechwuku

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Helpful Sites, videos and books on the coronavirus and vaccines

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