How to Pursue a Purposeful life 5 (Becoming hopeful in this dark world).
Love one in Christ Jesus,
I hope you are learning from the previous lessons. In this episode, I will
briefly share with you three wisdom keys on how to pursue a purposeful life.
The system of the world is not all that conducive for creativity, growth and productivity. If
you don’t apply wisdom, you will be in the prison of self destruction. The problem is not your parents, boss, and the government.
The government,
family, and friends have a role to play in our lives. It is not their responsibility
to make you become the person God you. God has invested great treasures in you. If you solely depend on the economy,
family and friends, and your boss, you may not go far in life. You become your
own liability if you cannot train and upgrade your mind. It is only animals
who solely rely on people and food for survival. Some animals even apply wisdom
when the season changes. I believe you are not an animal because you have the
mind to think and decide.
God wants the best. He
has called and chosen me to help you on your journey of life. I am just a vessel of God. You can also be a vessel in the hands of God
if you open heart unto Him. Without counselling, knowledge, wisdom, and prayers,
you may not fulfil God’s purpose for your life. Read the previous lessons if you have not read them. It is my prayer the
Holy Spirit speaks to you.
Below are some
wisdom keys to help you pursue a purposeful life. These wisdom keys will help
you become hopeful in life because, without hope, you cannot move on in life.
Have a traveller’s mindset.
Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and
was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful
who had promised.
Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many
as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having
seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them,
and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
Word of God makes us understand that we are travellers on this earth. This
means this earth is not our permanent home. We are strangers here. Most often,
people treat strangers hastily. Knowing that you are a
stranger on this earth will help you make better decisions. We shall not live
forever on this planet because this planet is full of injustice and wickedness.
Know these truths.
- Innocent people are in prisons for the sin they never committed.
- People have died by the hands of the wicked.
- They have buried people alive all because of ignorance and wickedness.
- People have lost their business and properties because of jealousy and wickedness.
- People are in a state of hopelessness because they placed all their trust in human beings.
- People are jobless because of wicked bosses and enemies.
- People are dying in hospitals and clinics because there is no helper.
- Pregnant women have lost their lives and their babies because of evil nurses and doctors.
- Patients in hospitals have lost their lives because of wicked nurses.
- People are begging on the street because their family and loved one's have rejected them.
of God, if you place all your trust in human beings, you are doomed and
cursed (See Jeremiah 17:5).
Put all your trust in God because He is unlimited in resources. He can make a
way where there seems to be no way. He fed Elijah with ravens. He fed over one thousand
people with five loaves of bread and two fishes by blessing and multiplying them.
A day is coming when all the worries and the troubles we see on this earth will
be no more because we are on transit. There is a powerful kingdom Jesus Christ
is preparing for us.
- Some people may mock us because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will hate us because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will reject us because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will never like us despite our love towards them because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will speak evil of us because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will fight us for no reason because we don't belong to this world.
- Some people will never agree with our decisions because we don’t belong to this world.
are strangers on this earth and it is our responsibility to live in the fear
of God. Get my book “The Mysteries of Fear” for a more profound revelation. Our home is Heaven.
God will destroy Satan, his minions and the wicked on the final day. He will
make all things new for us at His appointed time. I know some people will make
fun of our faith that Jesus Christ will never come because He has kept long.
have uncountable shreds of evidence in the scriptures showing that we are in
the last days and soon our Lord and Master Jesus Christ is coming. Jesus Christ
gave us some signs (See Matthew
24:3-31). Apostle Paul gave us some prophecies (See 1 Timothy 3:1-5).
my book “Keep Quiet and Let Me Follow Jesus Christ” for a more profound
revelation. Be hopeful and keep the promises of God in your heart because God
is not a man that He should lie neither is He the son of man that He should
change His divine plans (See Numbers
23:19, Jeremiah 29:11).
Allow nobody to destroy your faith in Christ Jesus. Be strong in the Lord by putting
on the whole armour of God. Endure the persecution. Build a consistent prayer
life. Fight your enemies on your knees because the victory belongs to Jesus
Cats and dogs are good friends. (Picture of my Cats)

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for
thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created .
Revelation 4:11 KJV
created all things for His pleasure. This means that the trees, oceans, animals and
other creatures of God can give us pleasure. In my father’s house, I have some
dogs and cats I play with. Sometimes, my cats sleep on the same bed with me. My
cat loves to play around when I’m in the house. They are a source of happiness to
me because God created them for our pleasure.
God created is good. It was Adam and Eve who allowed the devil to corrupt the
creation of God. Animals became corrupts when sin entered the race of men. This
is one reason we see wickedness in the animal kingdom. By the grace of God, we
have domestic animals who are friendly. We can train and befriend them because
they can make us happy.
can also make them happy. If you mistreat your domestic animals, they become
violent and fearful of you. Treat animals with love and care because God
created them for our pleasure. Animals are not only for consumption. They have
a greater role to play in our lives.
I have realized that
anytime I come home, almost all the animals come close to me. You may have a
different interpretation of this but I believe they come to me because of
the love I show towards them. I feed them so anytime they see me; they talk to
themselves, our friend is in! Build some love for animals because animals will
not slander you, they will never be jealous of you. They are your friends. Take
good care of them and become happy.
Watch documentary videos.

For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by
Jesus Christ.
John 1:17 KJV
are under the grace dispensation. Don’t allow any religious Christian with a
legalistic spirit bind you to the ceremonial and sacrificial law. I am not promoting lawlessness because grace empowers us to love the Word of
God (See Titus 2:11-12). Get my book “How to Walk and Live in the Spirit” for a more profound revelation on grace.
documentary videos such as wildlife, history of the Bible and the characters in
the Bible. The videos will help you know more about animals and give you wisdom on the
Word of God. There are Christian movies and teachings online that can help you
grow your faith. Download and watch them. Sometimes I love to watch animated
videos. One of my favourite animated videos is Shrek. It makes me laugh.
I also enjoy few computer games.
I’m playing computer games, I mute the sound of the game and turn on Christian
messages. Whiles, I’m playing the game, I listen to the Christian messages. I have trained
myself in this manner so I don’t waste time. I value time because time lost
cannot be regained . Don’t over-spiritualize everything. There is a time for
everything. Enjoy some rest when you are tired. Jesus ate with sinners and the
religious people accused Him. Jesus Christ had His leisure and working time.
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