John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
John 1:3 All things were made by him ; and without him
was not any thing made that was made .
John 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light
Connecting with God
requires courage, power, and authority. There are many resistances in this
world, and it is our responsibility as Christians to detect every barrier that
prevents us from connecting with God.
You must understand this principle. Either you belong to the Kingdom of
God (light) or the kingdom of Satan (darkness).
The Kingdom of darkness
will fight you if you belong to the Kingdom of light. God mandates us as Christians to fight this invisible war. Jesus Christ has won the battle
for us in the spiritual realm, and it is our responsibility as Christians to
exercise divine authority using the name of Christ Jesus in spiritual warfare.
Failure to exercise this spiritual authority gives Satan and his minions the
upper hand to manipulate you.
The battle started in Heaven.
Lucifer (God changed his name to Satan after his rebellion) and his minions
rebelled against God in the beginning. Lucifer wanted to take the position of
God (See Ezekiel 28:11-19). Lucifer might have a reason for his
rebellion because nothing happens until something is triggered .
The Celestial beings were
not perfectly created in the image and likeness of God, but Adam and Eve were
perfectly created in the image and likeness of God. God in His own wisdom
commanded the celestial beings to submit to Adam because He delegated His
authority to Adam to manage some of His affairs (See Genesis 1:26-28).
When Lucifer heard that
God had made Adam the ruler of the earth, he became jealous. Lucifer allowed
his beauty and position in heaven to control him. Lucifer did not understand
why he should serve Adam and Eve. Lucifer rebelled because he was not
willing to obey the plans of God.
In his (Lucifer)
pride to take the position of God, Archangel Michael and his angels fought
and drove Lucifer out of Heaven. When God saw that Satan and his minions have
been driven from Heaven to earth, God commanded us to be vigilant (See
Revelation 12:7-12).
From that point, Satan
and his minions became an archenemy to God and his creation. Satan has not been
totally been stripped of his power because God has set a time for him to be judged .
The devil and minions work tirelessly to prevent us from connecting with God. They
oppose the plans of God for our lives.
For us to dominate this
earth, we must exercise the divine power and authority God has invested in us
by using the name of Christ Jesus. There are uncountable divine weapons we can
use against the enemy. If you don’t exercise divine authority, Satan will use your ignorance to block you from accessing God.
The enemy can use the
element (earth, water, air, and fire) of God, the media, human
beings (carnal and religious Christians) and unbelievers to fight
you. Some people will
make you angry, sad, confused, and depressed. Some will intentionally frustrate
you to make you lose focus in life. It is your responsibility as a Christian to
discern the devices of the enemy and break them using the recommended spiritual
Get this book by Prophet Daniel
K. Olukoya “101 Weapons of Spiritual Warfare.” This book contains
deadly spiritual missiles and atomic bombs that break every stronghold of the
enemy. You can also get my book titled “The Prophetic Sword” for
more explosive divine missiles, and bombs to break the stronghold and the wickedness of the enemy.
Apostle John declares in
verse five of John chapter one that “the LIGHT SHINETH IN DARKNESS; AND THE DARKNESS
means it takes greater light to quench heavy darkness. The light in the context
of this scripture is Christ Jesus. No power can subdue the power of our Lord
and Master Jesus Christ.
The enemy will always
resist our godly plans. He will use his best weapons to disconnect us from God.
Sometimes the enemy uses your ignorance (fear, words of people, money, lack of God's Word, and temporal things) to fight you. Ignorance is a great
asset in the kingdom of darkness and a great liability in the kingdom of light.
To connect with God, the light in you must be brighter than the darkness
surrounding you. The greater the light, the lower the darkness becomes. The more Word you have in you, the greater your light shines in the spiritual realm. Greater
darkness (opposition) demands greater light (anointing, power, and presence of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God).
If you allow darkness (sorrow,
confusion, fear, sin, anger, unforgiveness , jealousy, and pride) to
dominate you, your connection with God will stagnate and remain in the state of
jeopardy. The enemy will always project arrows of discontentment, insecurity,
inferiority, and other invisible deadly imaginations into your heart, and when these
arrows hit you, your soul disconnects with the thoughts of God. When the arrows of the enemy hit your spirit, it disconnects your spirit from the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit. From then, the devil imprison you in the chains of the flesh (total carnality, see Galatians 5:19-21). Get my book titled "How to Walk and Live in the Spirit" for a more profound revelation
- Break every darkness by declaring the Word to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by feeding on the Word to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by living in the Holiness of Christ Jesus to enable you with God.
- Break every darkness by using the name of Jesus Christ in prayers to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by praising God from your heart and with your tongue to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by worshipping God from your heart and with your tongue to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by standing on the promises of God with all your heart.
- Break every darkness by setting yourself apart for Christ Jesus to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness by preaching and teaching the Word.
- Break every darkness through the books and music of anointed ministers of God.
- Break every darkness by faith in the Word and the prophetic declarations of the anointed ministers of God.
- Break every darkness by walking and living in the love of Christ Jesus to enable you to connect with God.
- Break every darkness on your knees to enable you to connect with God.
Divine Key: The Power is
in your tongue.
Get my book "The Fourteen Divine Principles of Connecting with the Seed of God" for a more profound revelation.
Get my book "The Fourteen Divine Principles of Connecting with the Seed of God
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