1 Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1 Timothy 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1 Timothy 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
Prayer is one of the greatest weapons of every Christian. Refusal to pray allows the minions of the devil to take dominion. When a Christian refuse to connect with God through prayers, he cut himself from the help of the celestial beings. Plants will not germinate until it receives water and sunlight. The soil on which we planted the seed is another factor for the growth of the seed.
The Christian is the seed. Prayers, fasting, worship, praises, and the Word supplies the ingredient for the seed to germinate. God cannot interfere in the affairs of man because He has given us our free will to choose. The best way to contact God is through prayer because prayer opens the portal for humanity to meet with divinity. A prayer is a place of war and victory. Without prayer, we give Satan and his minions the legal right and the license to manipulate us.
A Christian who does not pray will backslide within a period. A friend of mine showed me a picture of his deceased brother. In his conversation, he said, anytime I see the picture of my brother, I become sad. As my friend spoke, the Holy Spirit said unto me, his dead brother was not a prayerful believer. The witches of his family killed his brother.
Child of God, we need to pray because prayer plays a vital role in our lives, our communities, and in the leadership. Apostle wrote to his ministerial servant Timothy that prayer and supplications must be made unto all men, those in authority, Kings, and governmental bodies.
There must be a reason for this letter because, without intercessory prayers, our leaders will not function effectively. These are some reasons all Christians must intercede for those in authority, Kings, and governmental bodies.
- We must pray for the authorities because their kingdom rests upon the shoulders of Christians.
- We must pray for the authorities because our prayer will control their decisions.
- We must pray for the authorities to enable us to live in peace.
- We must pray for the authorities because it will empower the Spirit of God to rule the system.
- We must pray for the authorities because demonic forces can control them.
- We must pray for the authorities because it is our mandate as Christians.
- We must pray for the authorities because they need our prayers.
- We must pray for the authorities because it is the will of God.
- We must pray for the authorities because Satan and his minions want death, war, and disunity.
- We must pray for the authorities because prayer can change any evil plans and their human errors.
- We must pray for the authorities because God is searching for a Christian to stand in the gap.
- We must pray for the authorities because some people are using demonic forces in their offices.
- We must pray for the authorities because we are their only hope.
- We must pray for the authorities because God cannot help them without our prayers.
Divine Key: Pray using the Word and pray with the Spirit.
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