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 holiness, purity, sanctification unto the Lord and the benefits of sexual purity, why we must keep our body and mid pure. the advantages, merits and revelations behind holiness, sanctification,  and sexual purity. the reasons all men, women and Christians should keep their body from fornication, adultery, lesbianism, gay, prostitution and bad immoral acts.1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:

We live in a world where people sacrifice their strength and creativity for pleasure. God has given every man a special purpose and assignment in life. It is left to us to search for God’s vision for our lives and connect with the purpose of God. God is a loving Father, and He desires that we live in peace and harmony but the devil projects evil arrows to distract us from connecting with the purpose of God.

The enemy projects arrow of failure, fear, hopelessness, disunity, jealousy, lust and pride to stop us from connecting with the purpose of God. There is a secret I want to share with you. This secret can only work if you apply them in your life. Sexual purity is one of the secret keys to creativity and power.

Why is Apostle Paul commanding us to abstain from fornication? There must be a secret why Apostle Paul is commanding us to abstain from fornication. The youth and old these days see you as an abnormal person if you are not fornicating. This is a deception of the enemy because sexual sin creatives an ungodly soul tie.

Abstaining from masturbation, prostitution, sexual immorality, lesbianism, gay practice and other sexual sin makes you sexually pure. The power that lies in sexual purity is strong and unmeasurable because you lose a dozen of energy when you have sex. God allows sexual intercourse between married couples, but outside marriage makes it evil in the sight of God. Below are few revelations behind sexual purity.

  • Sexual purity strengthens you in the spiritual realm.
  • It makes you sound and active.
  • Psychologically, you become attractive to others.
  • Sexual purity makes the anointing of God upon your life more powerful.
  • Sexual purity empowers your mind for creativity.
  • Sexual purity makes you bold and courageous.
  • Sexual purity allows you to do great things for the Lord.
  • Sexual purity makes the holy angels surround you.
  • Sexual purity sharpens the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon your life.
  • Sexual purity adds fire to your prayers.
I hope these few revelations will challenge you to keep yourself pure. I am writing to you from experience and they are biblical. It is time you use your sexual energy to do something important. By the grace of God, I have kept myself pure from childhood and the Lord is helping me to do great things in the Kingdom.

Keep the body and the brain pure by feeding on the Word of God. Read books that can transform your life. Watch videos that can increase your wisdom and knowledge. Make friends with wise people and use your sexual energy to do great things for the Lord because Jesus Christ is coming soon.

Get my book entitled “The Mysteries of Sexual Purity” for a deeper revelation and truth. 

Divine Key: Create a personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit through the Word and spiritual songs.

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