Luke 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, THE HARVEST TRULY IS GREAT, BUT THE LABOURERS ARE FEW: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
The rate at which sin is abounding is indescribably mind-blowing. People love the pleasures of sin more than the things of God. Most youths see you as abnormal if you are not enjoying the pleasures of sin. Mostly when I go for evangelism and follow up, some people seem not to bother at all. All they know is sex, movies, parties, sports and other worldly things.
Most of the youth are not interested in the things of God because they see no essence in joining the church. You become an enemy to them because you preach the gospel to them. They distance themselves from you because they believe something is wrong with you. Most of the time I ask myself, does this people know that we are travelers on this planet? (See 1 Peter 2:11, Hebrews 11:13). If these people know that they are here for a purpose, I believe they will serve the Lord and His Church.
Sinners are increasing because the laborers are few. We need people who will dedicate their lives to serve the Lord and the Church. We need most of the youth because they are strong physically. We cannot leave the work only to the Apostles, Prophets. Pastors, Evangelist, and the Teachers of the Word because the sinners are greater in number than righteous.
We need intercessors and preachers in the Kingdom of God because Satan is using the media, money, and deception to destroy innocent men and women. It is time we rise as one people in the Kingdom and stop the unnecessary comparison because Satan and his minions are using lust (fornication and adultery) to drown the youth and the old. What do we see today? Most ladies put on seductive dresses to lure men into sexual immorality, and most leaders in the Church are quiet. Even within the churches, some ministers of God encourage these seductive dresses. The devil is a wise serpent who works secretly to destroy the plans of God for our lives.
We need to rise up and challenge the works of the enemy. We have to do the work of the evangelist because a great number of people are lost in the wilderness. It is time we rise as one family and stop the satanic forces because a kingdom divided among itself cannot stand. If the church is fighting another church, how can we unite? We need more workers in the vineyard because sinners are destroying the works of God.
We have to uproot the false leaders in the church and plant godly and prayerful leaders full of the Holy Spirit because, without them, the kingdom of God will not rise. God uses us as His mouthpiece to speak to the unbelievers. We have to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit because, without the direction of the Holy Spirit, we cannot successfully work in the Kingdom of God. When we are full of the Holy Spirit, we will know the strategy of God and the devil.
- Souls are perishing in the darkness, are you part of the workers?
- Are you ready to sacrifice your time for the Kingdom business?
- Can you preach?
- Can you intercede?
- Are you anointed to write books?
- Are you anointed to sing?
- Are you ready to labour in the house of God?
- Ae you ready to stand persecutions?
- Are you ready for Jesus Christ?
The time is now to rise and as we embark on the great commission because it is our mandate as Christians to labour for the Lord in divine love. Glory to God!
Divine Key: Commune with the Holy Spirit through the Word and through Spiritual songs and embark on the work!
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