Hebrews 11:6 BUT WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
The ways and the thoughts of God differ totally from our ways because His wisdom is unsearchable. We cannot understand God by our intellectual knowledge and wisdom, neither can we understand God by our experience. There is only one trusted asset we can use as Christians to walk with God. He has given us His Word to follow and His Word is inspired by the Holy Spirit (See 2 Timothy 3:16).
If you want to walk with God, meditate on the Word (Holy Bible). The more you meditate on the Word, the higher you understand God because the Word contains His thoughts. The Word is the producer of faith (See Romans 10:17). The Word created the world (See Genesis chapter one). When God spoke, His Word created. The Word created the world out of nothing because every visible thing came out from the Word. A manufacturer created the electronic device you are using to read my article. Without the manufacturer, you would not have been able to read my article.
The same principle applies to the Word. Without the Word, nothing came forth (Meditate Hebrews 11:3). Everything came out from the Word. The fishes, trees, animals, birds, water came out from the Word, so without the Word, we cannot walk with God. We need the Word in our spirit to enable us to walk successfully with God. The consciousness of the Word must be active in our spirit and soul.
Create a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit by meditating on the Word and through spiritual songs. Your mind must be focused on spiritual blessings. Love God with all your heart by embarking on the great commission. The word of God says, without faith, we cannot please God. God is saying that without trust in His Word we cannot walk with Him, without Christ Jesus in our heart, we cannot walk with God because He is the mediator between us and God.
Abraham believed God, and God counted it unto him as righteousness. Enoch loved God with all his heart and God counted it unto him as righteousness. I believe Enoch had weakness , but he did not allow his weakness to distract his fellowship with the Lord. Weakness differs from sin. Don’t mistake sin for weakness (See 1 John 3:4). Sin is transgressing against the Word. Weakness is anything you cannot control by your human effort, you try your best to control but you cannot control.
Sometimes it can be a character issue because we were all trained from different communities and families. Our temperament plays a vital role in our weakness. We need the Holy Spirit at this stage to help us as we pray in tongues (Meditate on Romans 8:26). As humans, we may have a minor character problem which might not be pleasing to others. Apostle Paul had a weakness, but he did not allow his weakness to distract his walk with God (Meditate on 2 Corinthians 12:1-9, Romans chapter seven). Don’t allow your weakness to distract your walk with God. Love God no matter the weakness.
Noah was a man of faith, he had a weakness in alcohol but he did not allow that to distract him from loving God; he walked with God by faith. David had weakness controlling himself but he did not allow that distract his walk with God, he walked with God by faith. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you more with His virtues. Soak yourself into spirit-filled worship music. Lock yourself in your room and worship God from your heart and the Holy Spirit will perfect every imperfection in you (See Psalm 138:8; 119:62).
Rahab was a harlot, but she did not allow that to distract her. She believed in God and God counted it unto her for righteousness. This does not mean you should also follow their weakness, the Holy Spirit lives in us and He has given us the spirit of holiness to enable us to walk with God. Study the book of Hebrews chapter eleven, the life of Jesus Christ and the life of the martyrs mentioned in the book of Hebrews. You will grow in faith as you study their lives in the Word. Grow in faith by hearing more of the Word. Let your mind be full of the Word, practice the Word and the devil will never defeat you in your Christian life.
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