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Christianity is a walk of the Spirit because the leader if the Holy Spirit, without the Holy Spirit, the Christian cannot live a suucessful christian life. the believer depend on the christian to walk in the path of the Holly Spirit for direction and understanding. find out the key concepts for Christianity and how to under real and true christianity.

2 Corinthians 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Many people are using the titles of Christians to misrepresent the image of Christ Jesus. The question is, who is a Christian. How do we identify a Christian? Is Christianity a religion or a mere profession? How do we become Christians? What are the requirements and standards of Christianity?

The first thing that should come into your mind when you hear of Christianity is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the brain behind Christianity. We derived Christianity from the name of Christ because we are followers of Christ. The believers in Antioch in the time of the Apostles were the first to be called Christians because of these reasons (See Acts 11:26).

  • They followed the footsteps of Jesus Christ. 
  • Their behaviour was compatible with the behaviour of Jesus Christ. 
  • Their image (resemblance) and likeness (manner) were connected to the image and likeness of Jesus Christ. 
  • Their lifestyle was not the same as the unbelievers because they followed the pattern laid by Jesus Christ. 
  • They obeyed the instructions laid by Jesus Christ. 
  • They connected their spirit, soul and body to the Spirit of God. 
  • The unbelievers saw the ways and acts of Jesus Christ in the believers. 
  • They followed the teachings laid by the Apostles. 
  • They embraced and walked with the Word of God.

Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity because he came to unite us with the Heavenly Father. The name Christ means the anointed one which means every Christian is supernaturally anointed as soon the Holy Spirit enters him. This is the first level of the anointing. You must strive to move to the next level of the anointing. The name Jesus means the Messiah (Saviour) which means every Christian is a Saviour.
Every Christian is an Anointed Saviour. We are the deliverers of the world.

 The unbelievers live in total darkness and confusion. They need us because we have the Holy Spirit living in us. We are the light (leaders and visionaries) and salt (relevant and highly recommended to make things happen). Without salt, we don’t get the taste of the food. The salt adds taste to our food because it is the ingredient to boost the richness of the food. Without light, there is no vision, the sun gives us light in the day and the moon gives us light in the night. As technology advances, we have electric bulbs, lamps and light to enable us to see in the night. The Christian is the light to the unbeliever because the devil controls their darkened mind (See 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Without the Christian life on earth will be full of disaster. We are the light of this world because, without us, corruption will infiltrate the entire earth (See Matthew 5:13-16). A Christian is a leader because his mind is connected to the mind of God. He possesses the wisdom of God because Jesus Christ lives in Him in the person of the Holy Spirit (See 1 John 3:9). The Christian has the thoughts of God. He is connected to the plans of God through the Word and the Holy Spirit. The word of God states in the book of second Corinthians chapter five verses seventeen that if any man is in Christ Jesus, He is a new Creature. This means that God is not a respecter of persons.

It doesn’t matter your tribe, culture, family background, educational level, whether literate or an illiterate. What matters is, if you repent and accepts Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, you become a new creature. Your past life becomes a history, God erases them from His records. All your sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ (See Isaiah 1:18, 1 John 1:9). The Heavenly Father cleans you of all your past mistakes and evil and craft you into a new vessel. If you were an idol worshipper, thief, prostitute, womanizer, drunkard, drug pusher, murderer, Satanist, occultist, anything you can mention, God washes you with the blood of Jesus Christ and accepts you as His own.

When God turns you into a new creature, you become a member of the body (Christ Jesus Kingdom). You become a member of the Heavenly church, spiritual church and physical church. Your Spirit receives a new identification. God sanctifies your spirit with the blood of Jesus Christ to enable you to connect with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes in to live in your spirit and makes your heart His abode, this is the spiritual church. Your Spirit gets access to the Heavenly Kingdom where the holy angels, the saints and the Trinity lives (See Psalm 100:4). You also become a member of the physical church on earth. This a community of light. There are leaders (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers) who will guide you in the Word (See Ephesians 4:11-13).

You are to renounce and repent from all your bad ways and follow the principles of the Word (Holy Bible). Renew your mind with the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you because He is now your teacher, helper, guide, strength, and hope (See John 16:7-15). Without the Holy Spirit, your Christian life will not be successful. Submit your will to the Word because it is no more you but the Word that lives in you (See Philippians 2:12-13, 1 Corinthians 10:23).

You cannot do whatever you enjoy doing. When you were an unbeliever you were not subject to anybody. The flesh could control you, the unbelievers could control you, evil spirits could influence you because you were not a Christian but as soon as you become a child of God, you are to humble yourself and submit yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit as you obey the Word of God. The Word becomes your criteria for your obedience.

You develop your personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit through spiritual songs (worship and praises), meditation on God’s Word, fellowship with the brethren, encouraging one another in the faith, attending church services, and joining the workforce in the Church. Meditate on this scripture

Ephesians 4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
Ephesians 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Ephesians 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Divine Key: Develop a consistent fellowship with the Holy Spirit through the Word and spiritual songs as you join the workforce in the Church.

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