One of the basic
teachings every Christian must recognize and understand is the teaching of the
human spirit, soul, and body because ignorance of these teachings will allow
the devil and false teachers to deceive.
In these teachings, I
will explain what the human soul is, its purpose, and its role in our
daily lives and Christian life. Get my book entitled “How
to Walk and Live in the Spirit.” for more profound
revelations and teachings on these subjects.
Foremost, the real
you is the spirit living in you because God is a Spirit (See
John 4:24). You have a soul, and the soul lives in the body. From the
word of God, we understand that when God breathed into man's lifeless body, the
soul resurrected and became active.
The soul of man was
trapped in the realm of death without the spirit of man. When the Holy
Spirit created the spirit of man as He breathed into man's lifeless body, the
soul resurrected from the realm of the dead. For example, a car without fuel or
gas will not start.
As soon as the vehicle
receives petrol, the car will respond. When the Holy Spirit entered man's
lifeless body, He created man's spirit (Meditate on Zechariah 12:1). When
the spirit of man was created, the eternal life within the Holy Spirit
through the human spirit supplied life to the lifeless soul of man.
The soul of man made
human beings different from other creatures. The soul of man, made
man responsible for his decisions because he became like God on the grounds of
free will. The soul of man was innocent because he did not know what evil
meant. Adam and Eve knew of the Holy Spirit.
Their thoughts were
always in agreement with the thoughts of God until the devil deceived them.
When Satan deceived Adam and Eve, their soul became corrupted. The personality
of Satan dominated their soul, making them independent of the
Holy Spirit.
The soul of man
disconnected itself from the spirit of man. The disconnection between the soul
and the spirit of man created a barrier between our spirit and the Holy Spirit.
This made the soul rely on the body for direction.
The lust of the flesh
reigned in man's thoughts because of their willful disobedience. As their flesh
dominated the soul, it created the law of sin within the soul and flesh of man.
So men became wicked in the time of Noah because the bridge between
the Holy Spirit and the human soul was destroyed by sin.
The spirit of man could
not influence the soul anymore, making the man corrupt and wicked. The
wickedness of the soul (envy, pride, lust, greed, oppression,
depression, unforgiveness, injustice, murder, lawlessness) gave
Satan and his minions the legal right to dominate and manipulate a man.
This is one reason Cain
killed Abel. His corrupted soul gave room for evil spirits to enter Cain to
murder his brother Abel. A man not born again cannot be trusted in
all his ways because his soul is wicked and corrupted.
So, we see and hear
of murder cases, war and disaster and different evil. The root cause is their
corrupted soul and the influence of evil spirits. Meditate on this scripture “Matthew 15:19
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications,
thefts, false witness, blasphemies:”
Our soul comprises our
rationalism, intellectual capacities, will, emotions, reactions and
desires. A soul dominated by the Holy Spirit through the human spirit is
sanctified and trustworthy.
1. Our
soul helps us to understand the Holy Spirit better than the other creation.
2. Our
soul enables us to connect to other creatures such as animals.
3. Our
soul helps us to understand the emotions of others better.
4. Our
soul makes us conscious of wrongdoings if the Holy Spirit influences it. When
Adam and Eve heard the footsteps of God, they hid from the presence
of God because their soul alerted them of their wickedness (See
Genesis 3:8).
5. Our
soul makes us conscious of our environment.
6. Our
soul helps us perfectly to think if the Holy Spirit influences
7. Our
soul makes us liable for the decisions we make in life.
8. Our
soul makes us understand the creation of God better than the other creation.
9. Our
soul makes us understand the suffering and the justice of God.
10. Our soul makes
us understand God's nature and attributes better than the other creation.
11. Our soul makes
us understand that we can change. Even animals change.
12. Our soul helps
us learn from God's creation, making us wiser.
13. Our soul helps
us understand and study the word of God better if connected to
the Holy Spirit.
(Further Bible Studies: 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 4:12-13, Psalm 119:28)
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