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Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

    Christians often doubt the Word of God because they analyze the Word without the help of the Holy Spirit. If the believer can believe with all his heart that the Word of God is the ultimate weapon ever to exist, he will never undermine the Word's potency. When Jesus Christ spoke the Word to the elements of the world, it responded. Jesus Spoke to the wind and the storms on the sea, and it calmed down. Jesus Christ cursed the fig tree because it did not bear fruit. Within twenty-four hours, the tree died from its root.

    If we can trust the Word of God with all our hearts and declare it daily in our lives. The creative powers within the Word will respond. If you carefully study the book of Genesis chapter one, the Word creates anytime God spoke. The Word carries power in the tongue of the believer because Jesus Christ lives in us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

    The Word of God is full of power. Nothing can stop the Word of God. No forces of darkness can stand the power of the Word. Jesus Christ always responded to the devil by the Word of God, so the best way to silence the enemy is to speak out the Word. The devil and his minions fear and tremble when the Word is spoken out of faith.

    The Word of God can create and restore whatever the devil has destroyed. The creation of God responds when the Word is spoken. The Word of God can destroy all the agenda of the wicked one. The Word of God has the internal powers to generate your faith because the Word is the supplier and manufacturer of faith (See Romans 10:17). The Word of God can renew the mind. When you feed your mind with the Word of God, you reason like Jesus Christ (See Romans 12:2).

    When you feed and meditate on the Word, the voice of the Holy Spirit becomes easy for you to discern because the Word and the Spirit always agree. Our body needs physical food and water to survive. The same principle applies to our spirit and our soul. The Word of God is the food for your spirit. When you feed on the Word, you proliferate in the realms of the Spirit. When you feed on the Word of God, your soul transforms. Your mind transforms (See 1 Peter 2:2).

    The Word of God breaks and scatters the stronghold of the enemy. The Word of God can restructure your bad character if you reverentially feed and practice it. The Word of God is the source of authority to the whole world. The Word has the right to reprove us and direct our life. Make the Word your closest companion; you will never be defeated.


(Further Bible Studies Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, John 6:63, Matthew 8:23-27, Genesis 1:1-31).

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