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1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

     There is a revelation behind this scripture that every child of God must know. The word of God states that God perceives our courage. God discerns our heart. God is focused on our faith. It is good to pray, but you must search out for what God needs and wants. God is interested in our faith. You can pray with good vocabulary, but God is concerned about the deeper thoughts of your heart. You cannot deceive God by your vocabulary. God knows the intents and the thoughts of your heart.

     We must always pray from our heart because God looks at our heart. Anytime you pray, focus all your emotions, desires, mind and faith unto the Lord in prayers, God responds. If you are crying to the Lord in prayers, make sure your crying is rooted in faith. Praying only with the mind will not make a great effect in the realms of the spirit because faith emanates from the heart whiles hope emanates from the mind. If you pray only with your mind, your prayer will be hijacked in the realms of hope (See 1 Thessalonian 5:8). It is when you add faith to your prayers then will you add substance to your prayers. Praying with all your heart is like adding petrol to fire, it rekindles the fire.

     When you pray from your heart, you don’t consider who is looking at you. When you pray from your heart, your environment does not intimidate you. When you pray from your heart, the flesh submits. When you pray from your heart, the angels of God responds quickly and faster. When Paul and Silas prayed from their heart, there was divine intervention. When Joshua prayed from his heart God, the sun stood still. When Hannah prayed from his heart, God gave her a Prophet. When Hezekiah prayed from his heart, God changed his mind towards him by adding more years to his age.

      Find a solitary place and begin to pray from your heart. Make all your supplications to the Lord from your heart. Worship and Praise God from your heart. Jesus Christ prayed from his heart until his sweat became like a clot of blood. Jesus Christ knew the power of crying; therefore, He cried and prayed to His Fatherly Father from Heart. David prayed to God from Heart, and God turned the conspiracy of his enemies into foolishness. The Israelites cried unto the Lord when they were in the land of Egypt. The Lord heard their cry and remembered His Covenant He made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob(Israel). Remember God intently looks at our heart when we pray.


(Further Bible Studies Acts 16:25-34, Joshua 10:10-15, 2 Kings 20:1-7, Luke 22:39-44, 1 Samuel 1:12-18).

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